
上传日期:2017-04-11 20:38:08
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  奥兰多校区铁场2014年秋季学生前端工程课程手册
(The Handbook for the Front End Engineering class of the Fall 2014 cohort at The Iron Yard, Orlando Campus)

Assignments (0, 2015-01-02)
Assignments\00--prework.md (1262, 2015-01-02)
Assignments\01--All_about_Github.md (3651, 2015-01-02)
Assignments\02--Welcome_to_Github_Pages.md (1941, 2015-01-02)
Assignments\03--More_about_Jekyll.md (2468, 2015-01-02)
Assignments\04--Shake-it-off.md (3429, 2015-01-02)
Assignments\05--Reading-Javascript.md (2956, 2015-01-02)
Assignments\06--Coding-Dojo.md (2061, 2015-01-02)
Assignments\07--Check-Writing.md (905, 2015-01-02)
Assignments\08-Conway-LITE.md (811, 2015-01-02)
Assignments\09-Conway-Revisited.md (1203, 2015-01-02)
Assignments\11-Whole-Latte-Love.md (2690, 2015-01-02)
Assignments\12-All-the-World-an-Object.md (3195, 2015-01-02)
Assignments\13-The-World-is-not-Enough.md (297, 2015-01-02)
Assignments\14-Die-Another-Day.md (3676, 2015-01-02)
Assignments\15--How-About-A-Nice-Game-of-Chess.md (2562, 2015-01-02)
Assignments\15--moves (907, 2015-01-02)
Assignments\17--Welcome-to-HTML.md (4502, 2015-01-02)
Assignments\18--Make-it-HOT.md (1999, 2015-01-02)
Assignments\19--Build-a-Blog.md (1682, 2015-01-02)
Assignments\20--Wire-it-up.md (1306, 2015-01-02)
Assignments\21--One-more-time.md (727, 2015-01-02)
Assignments\22--Responsive-All-The-Things.md (1829, 2015-01-02)
Assignments\23--More-of-the-Same.md (706, 2015-01-02)
Assignments\24--This-Seems-Easy-Enough.md (1926, 2015-01-02)
Assignments\25--Surf-And-Paddle.md (1092, 2015-01-02)
Assignments\27--Github-Profile-Part-2.md (1533, 2015-01-02)
Assignments\28--Now-with-even-MORE-data.md (2243, 2015-01-02)
Assignments\29--Ready-Set-TODO.md (989, 2015-01-02)
Assignments\30--Remember-the-Milk.md (3233, 2015-01-02)
Assignments\31--Shaping-Up.md (2125, 2015-01-02)
Assignments\32--All-About-AngularJS.md (2304, 2015-01-02)
Assignments\33--Look-at-all-the-Comments.md (2792, 2015-01-02)
Assignments\34--Angularize-me-Capn.md (2910, 2015-01-02)
Assignments\XX--Final-Project.md (5007, 2015-01-02)
Dojos (0, 2015-01-02)
Dojos\2014-09-30.js (1131, 2015-01-02)
... ...

[![Stories in Ready](https://badge.waffle.io/theironyard--orlando/fee--2014--fall.png?label=ready&title=Ready)](https://waffle.io/theironyard--orlando/fee--2014--fall) ## Hello and welcome to the inaugural Front End Engineering Class in Orlando, FL! I hope you're excited about this new possibility, this turning point in your career. I am. I'm really looking forward to meeting each of you in person and getting to know you better over the course of the upcoming 12 weeks. I'm also really excited about teaching and mentoring you all and seeing what awesome things you'll build and what interesting ways you'll approach the assignments and projects in the class. To get started, we'll be using [Github](http://github.com) extensively. You need to [sign up for a free Github account](http://github.com/signup), find [the class project](https://github.com/TheIronYard--Orlando/FEE--2014--FALL) and "star" it so that I know to add you ([more on "starring" and notifications](https://help.github.com/articles/about-stars)). Once you're in, I'll assign you [an issue in the class project](https://github.com/TheIronYard--Orlando/FEE--2014--FALL/issues) ([more about "issues" on Github](https://help.github.com/articles/about-issues)) that contains some todos. As you complete each, check them off, _but don't close the issue!_ We'll do that together on Day 1! If you have questions, add them to the issue as comments so I can answer them on-the-record. Consider this "assignment 0"... In the class project in Github, you'll notice a few different directories. Please take some time to read through the `README.md` files in each. Throughout the course, I'll be adding files to this repository to distribute assignments, notes for each class, and general information about the course. Throughout the course, you'll open, close, and contribute to Issues and Pull Requests, which we'll talk about in class. If you have any questions about any of the content, please open an issue. Thanks, ###### David | http://al-the-x.me * Github: [@al-the-x](https://github.com/al-the-x) * Twitter: [@al_the_x](https://twitter.com/al_the_x)


