
上传日期:2017-04-23 10:50:26
上 传 者小谢大人
说明:  java SSH框架 项目源码 点餐系统 系统后台采用的是成熟的SSH框架来搭建服务,前端仍然是用jsp来拼接页面,所以页面还是在后台生成的。由于本人是后台开发,所以为了美化界面采用bootstrap的css框架,在js框架方面只是使用了jQuery,并没有使用其他js框架。数据库方面使用的MySQL,对于用户访问量大的几个表采用了Redis做为缓存,提高响应速度。 部署方法 1、源码下载后,用eclipse编译服务端源码。 2、在服务器上安装部署nginx和tomcat,配置nginx把所有请求转发到tmcat,同时安装部署好mysql和redis。 3、在tomcat/webapps下建立项目目录ibooking,然后把编译生成的目录和文件拷贝到ibooking下。 4、把根目录下的数据库备份文件ibooking_mysql_db.sql导入mysql。 5、通过浏览器也可以访问系统的Web部分,使用顾客和管理员角色相关功能

.classpath (4771, 2015-09-07)
.cvsignore (4, 2015-09-07)
.project (425, 2015-09-07)
.tomcatplugin (358, 2015-09-07)
WEB-INF (0, 2015-09-07)
WEB-INF\.cvsignore (7, 2015-09-07)
WEB-INF\jsp (0, 2015-09-07)
WEB-INF\jsp\error.jsp (271, 2015-09-07)
WEB-INF\jsp\header.jsp (695, 2015-09-07)
WEB-INF\jsp\index.jsp (3078, 2015-09-07)
WEB-INF\jsp\login.jsp (2178, 2015-09-07)
WEB-INF\jsp\manager (0, 2015-09-07)
WEB-INF\jsp\manager\man_menu.jsp (6493, 2015-09-07)
WEB-INF\jsp\manager\man_menu_content.jsp (4838, 2015-09-07)
WEB-INF\jsp\manager\man_menu_type.jsp (4836, 2015-09-07)
WEB-INF\jsp\manager\man_menu_type_content.jsp (2476, 2015-09-07)
WEB-INF\jsp\manager\man_option.jsp (5365, 2015-09-07)
WEB-INF\jsp\manager\man_option_content.jsp (2907, 2015-09-07)
WEB-INF\jsp\manager\man_order.jsp (1164, 2015-09-07)
WEB-INF\jsp\manager\man_order_content.jsp (2162, 2015-09-07)
WEB-INF\jsp\manager\man_orderdetail.jsp (6723, 2015-09-07)
WEB-INF\jsp\manager\man_orderdetail_content.jsp (4035, 2015-09-07)
WEB-INF\jsp\manager\man_pic.jsp (1139, 2015-09-07)
WEB-INF\jsp\manager\man_pic_content.jsp (1180, 2015-09-07)
WEB-INF\jsp\manager\man_user.jsp (7080, 2015-09-07)
WEB-INF\jsp\manager\man_user_content.jsp (4815, 2015-09-07)
WEB-INF\jsp\navbar.jsp (2807, 2015-09-07)
WEB-INF\jsp\orderdetail.jsp (1362, 2015-09-07)
WEB-INF\jsp\orderlist.jsp (1155, 2015-09-07)
WEB-INF\jsp\orderlist_content.jsp (1376, 2015-09-07)
WEB-INF\jsp\pagination.jsp (584, 2015-09-07)
WEB-INF\jsp\perinfo.jsp (3295, 2015-09-07)
WEB-INF\jsp\reg.jsp (2662, 2015-09-07)
WEB-INF\jsp\shopping.jsp (2823, 2015-09-07)
WEB-INF\jsp\shopping_content.jsp (2924, 2015-09-07)
WEB-INF\lib (0, 2015-09-07)
WEB-INF\lib\antlr-2.7.6.jar (443432, 2015-09-07)
WEB-INF\lib\aopalliance-1.0.jar (4467, 2015-09-07)
... ...

Introduce ===== This project is a O2O system for take-away. it contain two roles, customer and administrator.
It use the bootstrap as CSS framework. and use the jquery as JS library.
It use the ssh framework to build the backend service, and make web page by JSP.
It use the mysql to store the table, and use the jedis as cache to speed up the web site.
Directory ===== WEB-INF - backend java files
bin - shell script
res - configuration and resource files
Run ===== You can access the root directory of this system in web browser, it will show the main page of this system.
Usage ==== 1. after upload the sources, compile the project by eclipse.
2. install and deploy the nignx and tomcat in your server, config the nginx to transfer all requests to the tomcat, meanwhile install and deploy the mysql and redis.
3. create a directory "ibooking" in the tomcat/webapps, then copy all files into "ibooking" directory.
4. import the database backup files ibooking_mysql_db.sql into mysql at root directory.
5. you can access the web service by browser, play a customer or administrator role.
Design ===== Please refer to my blog(Chinese):


