
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2017-04-27 09:31:01
上 传 者i_young
说明:  基于opencv和opengl的三维重建的代码,适合学习和借鉴。
(Code-based three-dimensional reconstruction of opengl and opencv for learning and reference.)

opencv_sfm_viewer_1_0\CMakeLists.txt (1105, 2011-09-28)
opencv_sfm_viewer_1_0\coordinate_frames.bmp (912502, 2011-10-04)
opencv_sfm_viewer_1_0\dense_sfm_casa_cervantes.txt (7107026, 2011-08-27)
opencv_sfm_viewer_1_0\main.cpp (3162, 2011-10-03)
opencv_sfm_viewer_1_0\main.h (1222, 2011-10-03)
opencv_sfm_viewer_1_0\opencv_sfm_viewer.cpp (16781, 2011-10-03)
opencv_sfm_viewer_1_0\opencv_sfm_viewer.h (4586, 2011-10-03)
opencv_sfm_viewer_1_0\sparse_scene_sfm.txt (53184, 2011-09-13)
opencv_sfm_viewer_1_0\output (0, 2011-09-29)
opencv_sfm_viewer_1_0 (0, 2011-11-23)

OPENCV_SFM_VIEWER_1_0 *************************************************************************************************************************** *************************************************************************************************************************** This program is a simple 3D Structure from Motion (SfM) viewer for OpenCV The program allows to display sparse 3D reconstructions or dense ones allowing to save images or video files while moving the camera view By means of the keyboard you can change between different image views and zooms *************************************************************************************************************************** *************************************************************************************************************************** Library Dependencies Installation --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The program only requires that OpenCV is correctly installed with the Qt and OpenGL options active To check that Qt and Qt_OpenGL are available, after cmake ., type ccmake . in the OpenCV installation folder. Then set to ON the options with QT and with QT_OPENGL Then compile and install OpenCV libraries: make sudo make intall Under UNIX systems you should need to install at least the following packages: cmake, ccmake, freeglut3-dev and libqt4-opengl-dev or posterior versions The OpenCV version should be at least 2.2.0 to work properly *************************************************************************************************************************** *************************************************************************************************************************** Compiling the program --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the program folder please type: cmake . make The CMakeLists.txt file only has dependencies with respect to OpenCV and OpenGL libraries. You should edit this file in case your libraries are not installed in common default paths *************************************************************************************************************************** *************************************************************************************************************************** Running the program -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The program accepts command line arguments. By default, there are two different running options ./opencv_sfm_viewer dense_scene_sfm.txt opencv_sfm_viewer is the name of the program and dense_scene_sfm.txt is a .txt file that contains the information about the 3D reconstruction (camera poses and 3D points) to be displayed If you want to save an especific image viewpoint, press the key 's' and automatically the image will be saved in the output folder ./opencv_sfm_viewer dense_scene_sfm.txt video_output.avi By adding a third input argument, all the visualization will be grabbed to a video file named video_output.avi *************************************************************************************************************************** *************************************************************************************************************************** Format of the 3D SfM file --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The format about the 3D SfM file to be visualized consists of several text rows that contain the information of the 3D points and camera poses from the reconstruction For example, for the 3D points: POINT3 734.777 -2933.03 5471.6 0.337255 0.337255 0.337255 POINT3 is a tag, the next three values are the location of the point with respect to a world coordinate frame (xyz), and the last three values are the rgb color of the point By defaults the units of the 3D points are expressed in mm. Then in the program, this units are converted to m For example, for the 3D camera poses: POSE3 201.792 0.412413 1617.32 0.579996 -0.00303059 -0.814613 0.0350088 0.999162 0.0212087 0.813866 -0.0408196 0.579616 POSE3 is a tag, the first three values correspond to the camera pose location in world coordinate frame The next 9 values correspond to the values of the rotation matrix RWC (from camera to world coordinate frame) RWC = [r11 r12 r13; r21 r22 r23; r31 r32 r33] *************************************************************************************************************************** *************************************************************************************************************************** Keyboard Options --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the visualization window, you can change the camera viewpoint by means of pressing the following keys: 'q' --> Quit and finish the program 's' --> Save the current image view in the output folder 'w' --> Zoom +Z 'x' --> Zoom -Z 'a' --> Zoom +X 'd' --> Zoom -X 'r' --> Zoom +Y 'f' --> Zoom -Y 'z' --> Incremental +yaw angle 'c' --> Incremental -yaw angle 'v' --> Incremental +pitch angle 'b' --> Incremental -pitch angle *************************************************************************************************************************** *************************************************************************************************************************** Coordinate Frames --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Figure coordinate_frames.bmp displays the assumed coordinate frames for the 3D SfM reconstruction and the OpenGL visualization *************************************************************************************************************************** *************************************************************************************************************************** More Info --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Figure coordinate_frames.bmp displays the assumed coordinate frames for the 3D SfM reconstruction and the OpenGL visualization Name: opencv_sfm_viewer_1_0 Authors: Pablo F. Alcantarilla, Kai Ni Date: 23 / 11 / 2011 Contact:


