
上传日期:2017-07-12 14:37:40
上 传 者tmbeyond
说明:  STM32平台 蓝牙控制 多个舵机 资料
(STM32 platform Bluetooth controls multiple servo data)

ADC_VoltageSampling (0, 2016-11-01)
ADC_VoltageSampling\EWARM (0, 2016-11-01)
ADC_VoltageSampling\EWARM\ADC_VoltageSampling.ewd (70945, 2016-11-01)
ADC_VoltageSampling\EWARM\ADC_VoltageSampling.ewp (53464, 2016-11-01)
ADC_VoltageSampling\EWARM\ADC_VoltageSampling.eww (163, 2016-11-01)
ADC_VoltageSampling\EWARM\startup_stm32f10x_hd_vl.s (15655, 2016-11-01)
ADC_VoltageSampling\EWARM\stm32f103xC-RAM.icf (1311, 2016-11-01)
ADC_VoltageSampling\EWARM\stm32f103xC-ROM.icf (1311, 2016-11-01)
ADC_VoltageSampling\Inc (0, 2016-11-01)
ADC_VoltageSampling\Inc\SpiderNANOConfig.h (8357, 2016-11-01)
ADC_VoltageSampling\Inc\main.h (1068, 2016-11-01)
ADC_VoltageSampling\Inc\stm32f10x_conf.h (3213, 2016-11-01)
ADC_VoltageSampling\Inc\stm32f1xx_it.h (3149, 2016-11-01)
ADC_VoltageSampling\Inc\system_stm32f10x.h (2023, 2016-11-01)
ADC_VoltageSampling\MDK-ARM (0, 2016-11-01)
ADC_VoltageSampling\MDK-ARM\ADC_VoltageSampling.uvoptx (23918, 2016-11-01)
ADC_VoltageSampling\MDK-ARM\ADC_VoltageSampling.uvprojx (39921, 2016-11-01)
ADC_VoltageSampling\MDK-ARM\JLinkSettings.ini (654, 2016-11-01)
ADC_VoltageSampling\MDK-ARM\RAM.ini (249, 2016-11-01)
ADC_VoltageSampling\MDK-ARM\startup_stm32f10x_hd.s (15145, 2016-11-01)
ADC_VoltageSampling\Src (0, 2016-11-01)
ADC_VoltageSampling\Src\main.c (3110, 2016-11-01)
ADC_VoltageSampling\Src\stm32f1xx_it.c (5031, 2016-11-01)
BSP (0, 2016-11-01)
BSP\Inc (0, 2016-11-01)
BSP\Inc\bt2.h (4067, 2016-11-01)
BSP\Inc\bt4.h (4024, 2016-11-01)
BSP\Inc\flash.h (3264, 2016-11-01)
BSP\Inc\nrf24l01.h (8994, 2016-11-01)
BSP\Inc\power.h (3933, 2016-11-01)
BSP\Inc\servo.h (8484, 2016-11-01)
BSP\Inc\spi.h (1179, 2016-11-01)
BSP\Inc\spiderx_bsp.h (5326, 2016-11-01)
BSP\Inc\stm32f10x.h (625625, 2016-11-01)
BSP\Src (0, 2016-11-01)
BSP\Src\bt2.c (15891, 2016-11-01)
BSP\Src\bt4.c (19549, 2016-11-01)
... ...

/** @page SpiderXCube包含SpiderX硬件平台的组件开发例程,例如通信模块蓝牙4.0/2.0, 2.4G NRF24L01,硬件过流保护,软件电压采样检测,TIMER PWM舵机驱动,片上FLASH读 写例程,FreeRTOS多进程协调通信例程等。通过这个Cube快速构建SpiderX六足机器人。 @verbatim ******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2016 RobotBros.cn ************************* * @author RobotBros Team * @version V0.1.0 * @date 12-Mar-2016 ****************************************************************************** * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of RobotBros.cn nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * ****************************************************************************** @endverbatim @par SpiderXCube目录结构: 1. ADC_VoltageSampling ADC电压采样,实现过压断电保护,低压警告,欠压断电保护,防止烧毁舵机 2. EXTI_OverCurrent 电流保护外部中断例程。硬件过流保护模块实现电流阈值检测,过流中断,并切断舵机电源 3. FLASH_SaveData 片上FLASH读写例程。 4. FreeRTOS_Signal FreeRTOS实现线程之间的唤醒与等待睡眠 5. Middlewares 本例程用到的第三方库 7. TIM_ServoControl 定时器PWM驱动舵机例程 8 USART_DMA_Bluetooth2_0 DMA模式下的HC-06蓝牙2.0模块的数据读写例程 9. USART_DMA_Bluetooth4_0 DMA模式下的BT-05蓝牙4.0模块的通信读写例程 10. USART_IT_Bluetooth2_0 中断方式的HC-06蓝牙2.0模块的数据读写例程 11. USART_IT_Bluetooth4_0 中断方式的BT-05蓝牙4.0模块的通信例程 12. SpiderXCube-Bluetooth-iOS iOS APP蓝牙通信例程 (只适用于带蓝牙4.0的iPhone,iPad,即iphone4s及后续版本) 13. STM32F10x_FWLib STM32F10x官方驱动库 14. CMSIS ARM CMSIS官方库 15. BSP SpiderX-NANO硬件依赖定义 16. SimpleControlBLE 一个完整的蓝牙4.0控制舵机转动例程,并实现了过流过压保护 17. SimpleControlNRF 一个完整的无线2.4G控制舵机转动例程,并实现了过流过压保护 18. Joystick-ROM 遥控器固件,带LCD显示屏,MPU传感器, 下位机需配合SimpleControlNRF使用。 19. Labview Labview PC控制程序,下位机需配合SimpleControlNRF使用 20. SCH 舵机控制板 + 遥控板原理图,端口定义 21. Datasheets 相关原件datasheets @note 每个例子目录下都有一个README,方便开发者快速的了解该例子完成的功能,还有一些注意事项,请务必阅读。 @par 适用硬件平台: SpiderX-NANO系列 淘宝购买链接:https://robotbros.taobao.com *

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