
上传日期:2017-07-12 21:20:24
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说明:  对结构图像编辑的随机匹配算法,很经典的一个算法。
(PatchMatch A Randomized Correspondence Algorithm for Structural Image Editing)

patchmatch-2.1 (0, 2011-08-26)
patchmatch-2.1\a.png (226175, 2009-11-12)
patchmatch-2.1\allegro_emu.cpp (1475, 2010-11-06)
patchmatch-2.1\allegro_emu.h (973, 2010-11-06)
patchmatch-2.1\b.png (238604, 2009-11-12)
patchmatch-2.1\build_mac.m (782, 2011-08-26)
patchmatch-2.1\ (1354, 2010-11-06)
patchmatch-2.1\build_windows.bat (824, 2011-08-26)
patchmatch-2.1\c.png (442729, 2010-11-06)
patchmatch-2.1\console_test_descriptor_mex.m (3051, 2010-11-06)
patchmatch-2.1\console_test_knn.m (929, 2010-11-06)
patchmatch-2.1\console_test_mex.m (2817, 2010-11-06)
patchmatch-2.1\console_test_rot_scale.m (411, 2010-11-06)
patchmatch-2.1\knn.cpp (225119, 2010-11-06)
patchmatch-2.1\knn.h (4448, 2010-11-06)
patchmatch-2.1\mex.sln (1345, 2010-11-06)
patchmatch-2.1\mexutil.cpp (6942, 2010-11-06)
patchmatch-2.1\mexutil.h (2086, 2010-11-06)
patchmatch-2.1\nn.cpp (192767, 2010-11-06)
patchmatch-2.1\nn.h (8879, 2010-11-05)
patchmatch-2.1\nnmex.cpp (14912, 2010-11-06)
patchmatch-2.1\nnmex.m (4257, 2010-11-06)
patchmatch-2.1\nnmex.mexmaci64 (8567968, 2011-08-26)
patchmatch-2.1\patch.cpp (27386, 2009-06-23)
patchmatch-2.1\patch.h (8214, 2010-11-06)
patchmatch-2.1\pm_minimal.cpp (9317, 2010-11-06)
patchmatch-2.1\simnn.cpp (29370, 2010-11-05)
patchmatch-2.1\simnn.h (2016, 2010-11-06)
patchmatch-2.1\simpatch.h (4351, 2010-11-06)
patchmatch-2.1\test_descriptor_mex.m (3021, 2010-11-06)
patchmatch-2.1\test_knn.m (1009, 2010-11-06)
patchmatch-2.1\test_mex.m (2781, 2010-11-06)
patchmatch-2.1\test_rot_scale.m (394, 2010-11-06)
patchmatch-2.1\vecnn.cpp (6555, 2010-11-06)
patchmatch-2.1\vecnn.h (73831, 2010-11-06)
patchmatch-2.1\vecpatch.h (5123, 2010-11-06)
patchmatch-2.1\votemex.cpp (2793, 2010-11-06)
patchmatch-2.1\votemex.m (2137, 2010-11-06)
patchmatch-2.1\votemex.mexmaci64 (5928792, 2011-08-26)
... ...

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PatchMatch -- Core matching algorithm only MATLAB Mex Version 2.0 (2010-11-05) By Connelly Barnes Copyright 2008-2010 Adobe Systems Inc and Connelly Barnes Licensed by Adobe for noncommercial research use only. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Background -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This code implements a fast randomized matching algorithm described in two publications as part of my Ph.D. thesis at Princeton. The algorithm solves the following problem: For each patch (a small fixed size rectangular region, e.g. 7x7) in image A, find the nearest patch in image B, where "nearest" is defined as say the L2 distance between corresponding RGB tuples. Our algorithm converges quickly to an approximate solution. In our original publication we find only 1 nearest neighbor, for patches that translate only. In our later work (Generalized PatchMatch) we extend to k-Nearest Neighbors (k-NN), and allow patches to rotate+scale, and match arbitrary descriptors (tuples of an arbitrary dimension rather than just RGB, e.g. one can match densely computed SIFT descriptors). For more information on the problem we are solving and our solution see: - PatchMatch: A Randomized Correspondence Algorithm for Structural Image Editing SIGGRAPH 2009, Connelly Barnes, Eli Shechtman, Adam Finkelstein, Dan B Goldman - The Generalized PatchMatch Correspondence Algorithm ECCV 2010, Connelly Barnes, Eli Shechtman, Dan B Goldman, Adam Finkelstein Please cite these paper(s) if you use this code in an academic publication. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contents -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - For a portable, unoptimized, but very easy to understand PatchMatch code (200 lines, only 100 in the core algorithm), see: pm_minimal.cpp. This can be built without any dependencies, and runs only requiring that ImageMagick be installed on your Windows/Mac/Unix machine. - For an optimized and more powerful PatchMatch, build the MATLAB interface: Build: Use build_windows.bat / build_mac.m / for your system (Known to work on Windows XP, Vista, Mac OS X, and Linux, after varying amounts of fighting with the compiler). (Disable optimizations if you're just trying to get it to build, this will help speed up your build process). (OpenMP is used, but not required -- set USE_OPENMP in nn.h to 0 if your compiler does not support OpenMP) Usage: do 'help nnmex' or 'help votemex' in MATLAB, or run test_mex.m, test_rot_scale.m, test_descriptor_mex.m, or test_knn.m. For efficiency, use the 'cputiled' algorithm and set the cores argument to the number of processor cores on your system. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version History -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Wish list: - Window constraints for kNN matching, or minimal distance between the kNN matches, to keep matches from being in nearby spatial locations. - Examples: Object detection - C commandline interface (not requiring MATLAB) - Further optimizations (SSE, precomputed random search samples) * Version 2.1 (2011-08-25) Connelly Barnes - Included Mac OS binaries, fixed Windows build batch file and Mac build script * Version 2.0 (2010-11-05) Connelly Barnes - Added features from "The Generalized PatchMatch Correspondence Algorithm" - Exposed k-Nearest Neighbor matching, matching across rotations+scales, and enrichment (a feature which accelerates convergence of kNN) - Fixed multicore tiled algorithm to not have contention issues. - Exposed min and max scale and rotation as parameters for rotation+scale matching. - Minimal 200 line implementation of PatchMatch, with no build dependencies, provided in pm_minimal.cpp. * Version 1.1 (2010-06-30) Xiaobai Chen - New solution file "mex.sln" with two projects "nnmex" and "votemex" (important to set /openmp, otherwise must disable those omp_* calls) - nnmex with bmask (changed the interface of nnmex) - "clip_value" function to replace range examination code in mexutil.cpp and mexutil.h - Added specialized templates for larger patches (up to 32) - Need to guarantee patch size is less than the image size (no guarantee in the C++ code) - New descriptor mode to support patches - Re-implemented functions start with "XC", places with minor changes are not always marked - Updated nnmex.m and votemex.m * Version 1.0 (2009-10-23) Connelly Barnes Initial Release


