上传日期:2017-08-08 21:53:48
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  TUBITAK113E249,发现新闻文章中的故事链-TUBITAK项目编号113E249,
(TUBITAK113E249,Discovering Story Chains in News Articles- TUBITAK Project no.113E249 ,)

FleissKappa.java (2645, 2017-08-09)
LICENSE (1103, 2017-08-09)
SozcuNewsCollection2014.rar (1875173, 2017-08-09)
annotation_program.rar (920749, 2017-08-09)
annotations.rar (62861, 2017-08-09)
output_news_chains.rar (35779, 2017-08-09)
social_network_files.rar (830567, 2017-08-09)
statistical_tests.pdf (223521, 2017-08-09)
stopwordlist.rar (1046, 2017-08-09)

# TUBITAK113E249 Discovering Story Chains in News Articles- TUBITAK Project no.113E249 ***** # If you would like to use any material in this repository, please cite this paper: Toraman, C., Can, F. (2017). Discovering Story Chains: A Framework Based on Zigzagged Search and News Actors. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (accepted). DOI: 10.1002/asi.23885 **** # News Collection - SozcuNewsCollection2014.rar contains the news collection that we conduct our experiments. # Descriptions of Repository Files: - annotations.rar Excel files for the individual annotation labels of two user studies. - annotation_program.rar Executable file that is used by annotators to label chains. - FleissKappa.java Source code for calculating Fleiss' Kappa in our annotation results. - output_news_chains.rar Output story chains of our algorithm versions and baselines (parameters are written for each algorithm separately). - social_network_files.rar The social network files. All vertices (news actors) are listed, following with a matrix of edge weights (relations among news actors). - statistical_tests.pdf A pdf file that explains what tools we use for applying statistical tests, and shows the detailed results for the Conover test and Cohen's d-test. - stopwordlist.rar The stopword list.


