
上传日期:2017-08-10 11:51:43
上 传 者唐蒜铺子
说明:  基于人脸识别功能有兴趣的人可以作为参考 代码需要自己再调
(you can use it to your own code or use it to proprite)

LoopyBP.m (2483, 2014-11-10)
createGraph.m (2060, 2014-11-10)
createTrainingData.m (805, 2014-11-10)
createTrainingData_color.m (1350, 2014-11-10)
genCandidate.m (2913, 2014-11-10)
genCandidate_color.m (2724, 2014-11-10)
infer.m (1889, 2014-11-10)
label.m (1047, 2014-11-10)
p2s.m (3381, 2014-11-10)
synSketch.m (760, 2014-11-10)
utils (0, 2014-11-10)
utils\UGM (0, 2014-11-10)
utils\UGM\.DS_Store (12292, 2014-11-10)
utils\UGM\KPM (0, 2014-11-10)
utils\UGM\KPM\max_mult.c (1286, 2014-11-10)
utils\UGM\KPM\max_mult.mexa64 (8387, 2014-11-10)
utils\UGM\KPM\max_mult.mexglx (8788, 2014-11-10)
utils\UGM\KPM\max_mult.mexmac (9612, 2014-11-10)
utils\UGM\KPM\max_mult.mexmaci64 (8968, 2014-11-10)
utils\UGM\KPM\max_mult.mexw32 (6656, 2014-11-10)
utils\UGM\KPM\max_mult.mexw64 (8704, 2014-11-10)
utils\UGM\KPM\max_multM.m (172, 2014-11-10)
utils\UGM\KPM\mysetdiff.m (479, 2014-11-10)
utils\UGM\KPM\setdiag.m (344, 2014-11-10)
utils\UGM\KPM\suptitle.m (2486, 2014-11-10)
utils\UGM\compiled (0, 2014-11-10)
utils\UGM\compiled\UGM_CRF_NLLC.mexa64 (12512, 2014-11-10)
utils\UGM\compiled\UGM_CRF_NLLC.mexmaci64 (8920, 2014-11-10)
utils\UGM\compiled\UGM_CRF_NLLC.mexw32 (7168, 2014-11-10)
utils\UGM\compiled\UGM_CRF_NLLC.mexw64 (10752, 2014-11-10)
utils\UGM\compiled\UGM_CRF_PseudoNLLC.mexa64 (12647, 2014-11-10)
utils\UGM\compiled\UGM_CRF_PseudoNLLC.mexmaci64 (13176, 2014-11-10)
utils\UGM\compiled\UGM_CRF_PseudoNLLC.mexw32 (8192, 2014-11-10)
utils\UGM\compiled\UGM_CRF_PseudoNLLC.mexw64 (11264, 2014-11-10)
utils\UGM\compiled\UGM_CRF_makePotentialsC.mexa64 (12686, 2014-11-10)
utils\UGM\compiled\UGM_CRF_makePotentialsC.mexmaci64 (9144, 2014-11-10)
utils\UGM\compiled\UGM_CRF_makePotentialsC.mexw32 (7168, 2014-11-10)
... ...

This code is the matlab implementation of the following paper: X Wang, X Tang, "Face photo-sketch synthesis and recognition", T-PAMI 2009 How to Use the Code ================================================== 1. To run the code, you need to first download the face sketch database in http://mmlab.ie.cuhk.edu.hk/archive/facesketch.html. In the dataset, for each face, there is a sketch drawn by an artist based on a photo with pre-computed landmark information. 2. After you collect the dataset, change the parameters in the beginning according to your folder structure. 3. Simple run p2s.m script and it will perform the photo2sketch synhtesis for all the images in the dataset. ================================================== It should be noted, that the code is a generalization of the MRF framework. The code can be slightly modified to any algorithm that uses the 2-D MRF framework as optimization. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact xjsjtu88@gmail.com


