
上传日期:2017-08-14 16:29:34
上 传 者夢 汎
说明:  调查问卷小实例,调查问卷实例,调查问卷小例
(Questionnaire, questionnaire, small sample)

survey\.hgtags (62, 2013-11-23)
survey\Source_Survey_2.1_Final\NSurvey_WebAdmin.sln (4674, 2013-11-23)
survey\Source_Survey_2.1_Final\NSurvey_WebAdmin.v11.suo (344576, 2013-11-23)
survey\Source_Survey_2.1_Final\Reflector\Nsurvey_BE\app.config (669, 2013-11-23)
survey\Source_Survey_2.1_Final\Reflector\Nsurvey_BE\AssemblyInfo.cs (840, 2013-11-23)
survey\Source_Survey_2.1_Final\Reflector\Nsurvey_BE\bin\Votations.NSurvey.BE.dll (823296, 2013-11-23)
survey\Source_Survey_2.1_Final\Reflector\Nsurvey_BE\bin\Votations.NSurvey.BE.dll.config (669, 2013-11-23)
survey\Source_Survey_2.1_Final\Reflector\Nsurvey_BE\bin\Votations.NSurvey.BE.xml (41749, 2013-11-23)
survey\Source_Survey_2.1_Final\Reflector\Nsurvey_BE\obj\Release\DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferences.cache (1104, 2013-11-23)
survey\Source_Survey_2.1_Final\Reflector\Nsurvey_BE\obj\Release\DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache (15271, 2013-11-23)
survey\Source_Survey_2.1_Final\Reflector\Nsurvey_BE\obj\Release\Votations.NSurvey.BE.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt (2021, 2013-11-23)
survey\Source_Survey_2.1_Final\Reflector\Nsurvey_BE\obj\Release\Votations.NSurvey.BE.csprojResolveAssemblyReference.cache (1747, 2013-11-23)
survey\Source_Survey_2.1_Final\Reflector\Nsurvey_BE\obj\Release\Votations.NSurvey.BE.dll (823296, 2013-11-23)
survey\Source_Survey_2.1_Final\Reflector\Nsurvey_BE\Properties\Settings.Designer.cs (2295, 2013-11-23)
survey\Source_Survey_2.1_Final\Reflector\Nsurvey_BE\Properties\Settings.settings (1707, 2013-11-23)
survey\Source_Survey_2.1_Final\Reflector\Nsurvey_BE\Settings.cs (1269, 2013-11-23)
survey\Source_Survey_2.1_Final\Reflector\Nsurvey_BE\Votations.NSurvey.BE.csproj (23723, 2013-11-23)
survey\Source_Survey_2.1_Final\Reflector\Nsurvey_BE\Votations.NSurvey.BE.csproj.user (227, 2013-11-23)
survey\Source_Survey_2.1_Final\Reflector\Nsurvey_BE\Votations.NSurvey.Data\AnswerConnectionData.cs (14927, 2013-11-23)
survey\Source_Survey_2.1_Final\Reflector\Nsurvey_BE\Votations.NSurvey.Data\AnswerConnectionData.xsc (3, 2013-11-23)
survey\Source_Survey_2.1_Final\Reflector\Nsurvey_BE\Votations.NSurvey.Data\AnswerConnectionData.xsd (1328, 2013-11-23)
survey\Source_Survey_2.1_Final\Reflector\Nsurvey_BE\Votations.NSurvey.Data\AnswerConnectionData.xsx (410, 2013-11-23)
survey\Source_Survey_2.1_Final\Reflector\Nsurvey_BE\Votations.NSurvey.Data\AnswerData.Designer.cs (114150, 2013-11-23)
survey\Source_Survey_2.1_Final\Reflector\Nsurvey_BE\Votations.NSurvey.Data\AnswerData.xsc (361, 2013-11-23)
survey\Source_Survey_2.1_Final\Reflector\Nsurvey_BE\Votations.NSurvey.Data\AnswerData.xsd (13661, 2013-11-23)
survey\Source_Survey_2.1_Final\Reflector\Nsurvey_BE\Votations.NSurvey.Data\AnswerData.xss (851, 2013-11-23)
survey\Source_Survey_2.1_Final\Reflector\Nsurvey_BE\Votations.NSurvey.Data\AnswerTypeData.cs (33361, 2013-11-23)
survey\Source_Survey_2.1_Final\Reflector\Nsurvey_BE\Votations.NSurvey.Data\AnswerTypeData.xsd (2799, 2013-11-23)
survey\Source_Survey_2.1_Final\Reflector\Nsurvey_BE\Votations.NSurvey.Data\AnswerTypeData.xsx (404, 2013-11-23)
survey\Source_Survey_2.1_Final\Reflector\Nsurvey_BE\Votations.NSurvey.Data\BranchingRuleData.cs (30794, 2013-11-23)
survey\Source_Survey_2.1_Final\Reflector\Nsurvey_BE\Votations.NSurvey.Data\BranchingRuleData.Designer.cs (59702, 2013-11-23)
survey\Source_Survey_2.1_Final\Reflector\Nsurvey_BE\Votations.NSurvey.Data\BranchingRuleData.xsc (3, 2013-11-23)
survey\Source_Survey_2.1_Final\Reflector\Nsurvey_BE\Votations.NSurvey.Data\BranchingRuleData.xsd (2296, 2013-11-23)
survey\Source_Survey_2.1_Final\Reflector\Nsurvey_BE\Votations.NSurvey.Data\BranchingRuleData.xss (3, 2013-11-23)
survey\Source_Survey_2.1_Final\Reflector\Nsurvey_BE\Votations.NSurvey.Data\BranchingRuleData.xsx (408, 2013-11-23)
survey\Source_Survey_2.1_Final\Reflector\Nsurvey_BE\Votations.NSurvey.Data\CSVExportData.cs (45541, 2013-11-23)
survey\Source_Survey_2.1_Final\Reflector\Nsurvey_BE\Votations.NSurvey.Data\CSVExportData.Designer.cs (152396, 2013-11-23)
survey\Source_Survey_2.1_Final\Reflector\Nsurvey_BE\Votations.NSurvey.Data\CSVExportData.xsc (361, 2013-11-23)
survey\Source_Survey_2.1_Final\Reflector\Nsurvey_BE\Votations.NSurvey.Data\CSVExportData.xsd (15619, 2013-11-23)
survey\Source_Survey_2.1_Final\Reflector\Nsurvey_BE\Votations.NSurvey.Data\CSVExportData.xss (1272, 2013-11-23)
... ...

________________________________________________________________________________________________ Survey Project v. 2.1.1 - The open source web survey and form engine ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Available release packages for the Survey Project v. 2.1.1 solution: - Install : - Upgrade : see advise below - Source : v. 2.1.1 available soon at - MS WebApp gallery : Survey Project 2.0 available ________________________________________________________________________________________________ New Features & fixes: - New: Slider AnswerType added (Issue nr. 10088) - New: AnswerField Helpfiles added - New: Improved Errorhandling added (Issue nr. 10084) * Global error warningspage * HTTP error warningpage * Error logging to textfile * Error mail messaging - New: Improved security for login page - New: User password encryption changed to (salted) SHA256 - New: User password rules changed (min./ max lenght, variation) - New: Survey password changed to SHA256 encryption - New: Survey password rules changed (min./ max lenght, variation) - New: Empty field checks and warning messages (Issue nr. 10079) - New: Max. lenght set on entry fields (Issue nr. 10080) - New: RegEx validators and warningmessage set on entry fields - New: Print preview & print option added to reports: a. voter reports; b. graphical reports - Fix #10099: Question export: multilanguage texts are not exported - Fix #10100: Question export: groups and sub-groups are not exported - Fix #10101: Survey Export: Groups and sub-groups are not exported - Fix #10092: Insert Question: order corrupted after insert - Fix #10071: System error when creating a new library and using a different UI language than - Fix #10070: Sorting of languages in language selection boxes is wrong - Fix #9081: Generated link to survey in Controlcode.aspx is wrong in case of https scheme - Fix #10087: SubmitSurvey button has wrong label text in multilanguage surveys - Fix: buttons for Language selection at the beginning of a Multilanguage survey and for the Survey Password must also have the css class .buttonStyle like all other buttons in the surveyform. - Fix: when export single question, multilanguage text is not exported. - Fix: copy multilanguage question with alias and help text: alias and help text are only copied in the main language and not in the other languages - Fix: import voters: The language Code was not imported for the Voters. - New: Three new actions at the top of the "Edit Question" page: a) up action : if pressed, the "Edit Question" screen of the question before is shown b) down action : if pressed, the "Edit Question" screen of the question after is shown c): Clone: if pressed, the question is cloned and the "Edit question" screen of the cloned question is shown d) Insert question: if pressed, the "New question" screen is shown. - Fix: when an answer option is on two lines, the indentation of the answers does not look good (the second line starts under the radio button, but it should be in line with the beginning of the text of the first line) - Fix: when a question is on two lines and the survey has activated question numbering, the indentation does not look good (the second line starts under the number, but it should be in line with the beginning of the text of the first line). - Fix: Header and Footer should be multilingual For information and questions visit the Survey Project community site at ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Instructions "Survey Project 2.1.1 Install package" - NEW INSTALLATION 1. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Clientside: - Browsertypes IE9 or >; Firefox 8 >; Chrome 15.* or > Serverside: - .NET Framework 4.* or higher must be installed - IIS webserver (6.* or higer) - SMTP mailserver account - MsSqlserver 2008 R2 or 2012 database - supported Operating Systems are Windows7, Vista, XP, Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008 - you must have administrator privileges on your computer Free downloads available at 2. FILES - download zipped install package to your computer - unzip files to (new) file directory (e.g. C:/Survey/..) 3. IIS Option 1. - create a new Virtual Directory in IIS [e.g. called 'SurveyProject'] which points to the directory where the Survey files are unzipped - make sure you have default.aspx specified as a Default Document for your Virtual Directory - set Asp.NET to version 4.* (or higher) and "Pipeline mode: Integrated" Option 2. - Create a WebApplication in IIS and follow the steps of option 1. - Add the Webapplication to the proper Applicationpool using .NET 4.* and Integrated Pipeline Mode 4. DATABASE "Existing DB installation" - start MS SQL Server (using Enterprise Manager or your tool of choice )** - create a new empty database - open sql file 'SurveyProject_2.1_Final_ExistingDBInstall.sql' from the '_DatabaseSql' website directory in a query window - change USE [yourdatabasename] command to the name of your database - run the SQL query - check to see if the database was created correctly *Note: you cannot upgrade any existing SP databases with the 2.1.1 scripts 5. SECURITY If using Windows 2000 or XP - IIS5 - the {Server}/ASPNET user account must have Read, Write and Change Control of the root application directory (this allows the application to create files/folders ) If using Windows 2003 - IIS6 - the {Server}/NetworkService user account must have Read, Write and Change Control of the root application directory (this allows the application to create files/folders ) 6. DB CONNECTION - open the web.config file in notepad or a texteditor - Check the database connection string in the web.config file. Default is: - As an alternative try: 7. SMTP MAILSETTINGS - open the web.config file in notepad or a texteditor - check smpt settings. Default is: 8. CULTURE/UICULTURE - The language setting of your webbrowser will determine the XML languagefiles used to translate webpage texts. - This effect is caused by one of the settings in the web.config file: culture/ uiculture. - If set to "auto" (default) Survey will pick up culture/ language of preferred browser settings. - To explicitely pick a culture/ language, replace auto with "en-US" or "nl-NL" for example. 9. START SURVEY - browse to http://[nameofyourwebserver]/[NameOfSurveySite] or your hosting URL in your web browser - the application will start running ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Instructions "Survey 2.1.1 Install package" - UPGRADE EXISTING INSTALLATION WARNING: SP 2.1.1 final does not support upgrading. - Because of several security changes to the 2.1.1. version we advise to fully replace the database and webfiles with the latest version; - Surveys, questions and answers created in 2.0 can be exported to XML and imported into the 2.1.1 version. - Manual corrections to the XML files may be necessary; - Instruction on how to import 1.* surveys can be found in the file: SP20_ImportSurveys.txt - SP User password security has been changed to (salted) SHA256 encryption and password rules have been added; ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Survey's sources are released free of charge. However, you must READ and FULLY understand the license agreement before you download and use the software. You can support the project (hosting, dev. tools) and/or donate. Go to or visit the Community site at ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Survey Source Code Sources are published separately at the Survey Project Codeplex site: Source Code. If you fix bugs or add new features that can be useful to the Survey community do not hesitate to contact us to integrate them in the public release. Also if you use Survey's engine or tool in a project we would be happy to hear from your testimonials on our forums at or in private. For the latest news check >> For the latest downloads check >> ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Survey Form Samples - Sample Survey forms can be found in the _SurveySamples directory - Import the xml files through the New Survey menu options ________________________________________________________________________________________________


