
上传日期:2017-08-15 08:55:53
上 传 者2789401
说明:  CC1310基于TI-RTOS的433M收发例程,开发环境IAR!
(CC1310 TI-RTOS based 433M transceiver routines, development environment IAR!)

Original-433M (0, 2016-03-28)
Original-433M\rfpacketrx (0, 2016-03-28)
Original-433M\rfpacketrx\Backup of rfpacketrx.ewd (82849, 2016-02-16)
Original-433M\rfpacketrx\Backup of rfpacketrx.ewp (56088, 2016-02-19)
Original-433M\rfpacketrx\Board.h (2622, 2015-12-17)
Original-433M\rfpacketrx\CC1310DK_7XD.c (13214, 2015-12-17)
Original-433M\rfpacketrx\CC1310DK_7XD.h (7432, 2015-12-17)
Original-433M\rfpacketrx\Debug (0, 2016-02-15)
Original-433M\rfpacketrx\Debug\Exe (0, 2016-03-28)
Original-433M\rfpacketrx\Debug\Exe\rfpacketrx.hex (60918, 2016-03-28)
Original-433M\rfpacketrx\Debug\Exe\rfpacketrx.out (329680, 2016-03-28)
Original-433M\rfpacketrx\Debug\Exe\rfpacketrx.sim (22577, 2016-03-28)
Original-433M\rfpacketrx\Debug\List (0, 2016-03-28)
Original-433M\rfpacketrx\Debug\Obj (0, 2016-03-28)
Original-433M\rfpacketrx\Debug\Obj\CC1310DK_7XD.o (29899, 2016-03-28)
Original-433M\rfpacketrx\Debug\Obj\CC1310DK_7XD.pbi (1986925, 2016-03-28)
Original-433M\rfpacketrx\Debug\Obj\CC1310DK_7XD.pbi.cout (10913, 2016-03-28)
Original-433M\rfpacketrx\Debug\Obj\EasyLink.o (91269, 2016-03-28)
Original-433M\rfpacketrx\Debug\Obj\EasyLink.pbi (995478, 2016-03-28)
Original-433M\rfpacketrx\Debug\Obj\EasyLink.pbi.cout (10918, 2016-03-28)
Original-433M\rfpacketrx\Debug\Obj\RFQueue.o (10106, 2016-03-28)
Original-433M\rfpacketrx\Debug\Obj\RFQueue.pbi (83096, 2016-03-28)
Original-433M\rfpacketrx\Debug\Obj\RFQueue.pbi.cout (10908, 2016-03-28)
Original-433M\rfpacketrx\Debug\Obj\ccfg.o (4789, 2016-03-28)
Original-433M\rfpacketrx\Debug\Obj\ccfg.pbi (131099, 2016-03-28)
Original-433M\rfpacketrx\Debug\Obj\ccfg.pbi.cout (10905, 2016-03-28)
Original-433M\rfpacketrx\Debug\Obj\rfEasyLinkRx.o (28585, 2016-03-28)
Original-433M\rfpacketrx\Debug\Obj\rfEasyLinkRx.pbi (1466693, 2016-03-28)
Original-433M\rfpacketrx\Debug\Obj\rfEasyLinkRx.pbi.cout (10922, 2016-03-28)
Original-433M\rfpacketrx\Debug\Obj\rfPacketRx.o (32061, 2016-02-19)
Original-433M\rfpacketrx\Debug\Obj\rfPacketRx.pbi.cout (10928, 2016-02-19)
Original-433M\rfpacketrx\Debug\Obj\rfpacketrx.pbd (2179208, 2016-03-28)
Original-433M\rfpacketrx\Debug\Obj\rfpacketrx.pbd.browse (2179208, 2016-03-28)
Original-433M\rfpacketrx\Debug\Obj\smartrf_settings.o (22371, 2016-03-28)
Original-433M\rfpacketrx\Debug\Obj\smartrf_settings.pbi (848307, 2016-03-28)
Original-433M\rfpacketrx\Debug\Obj\smartrf_settings.pbi.cout (10934, 2016-03-28)
Original-433M\rfpacketrx\Debug\Obj\smartrf_settings_predefined.o (30771, 2016-03-28)
Original-433M\rfpacketrx\Debug\Obj\smartrf_settings_predefined.pbi (851237, 2016-03-28)
Original-433M\rfpacketrx\Debug\Obj\smartrf_settings_predefined.pbi.cout (10937, 2016-03-28)
Original-433M\rfpacketrx\RFQueue.c (4821, 2015-12-17)
... ...

Example Summary --------------- The Packet RX example illustrates how to do simple packet RX using the TI-RTOS RF driver. This example is meant to be used with the Packet TX example or SmartRF Studio. For every packet received, Board_LED2 is toggled. The frequency and other RF settings can be modified using SmartRF Studio. Peripherals Exercised --------------------- Board_LED2 Toggled when data is received over the RF interface. Resources & Jumper Settings --------------------------- Please refer to the development board's specific "Settings and Resources" section in the Getting Started Guide. For convenience, a short summary is also shown below. | Development board | Notes | | ================= | ====================================================== | | CC1310DK | | | ----------------- | ------------------------------------------------------ | Example Usage ------------- Run the example. On another board, run the EasyLink TX example. Board_LED2 is toggled when data with CRC OK is received. Application Design Details -------------------------- This examples consists of a single task and the exported SmartRF Studio radio settings. The default frequency is 868.0 MHz. In order to change frequency, modify the smartrf_settings file. This can be done using the code export feature in Smart RF Studio, or directly in the file. The default frequency is 868.0 MHz, in order to change RF settings please modify the smartrf_settings.c file. This can be done either by exporting from Smart RF Studio or directly in the file. When the task is executed it: 1. Configures the radio for Proprietary mode 2. Gets access to the radio via the RF drivers RF_open 3. Sets up the radio using CMD_PROP_RADIO_DIV_SETUP command 4. Defines a data queue to handle received data 5. Sets the frequency using CMD_FS command 6. Sends the CMD_PROP_RX command to start receiving data 7. Once data with CRC OK is received we toggle the Board_LED2 and re-enter RX with the CMD_PROP_RX command


