上传日期:2017-09-25 19:12:44
上 传 者骑士1234
说明:  基于单片机编程的步进电机控制程序,非常实用的资料,可以参考
(Based on the single-chip programming stepper motor control procedures, very useful information, you can refer to)

BLDCK\BLDC\BLDCDri.c (1520, 2014-10-19)
BLDCK\BLDC\BLDCHardAb.c (10481, 2014-10-19)
BLDCK\BLDC\BLDCPort.c (983, 2014-10-19)
BLDCK\BLDC\BLDCPort.h (1887, 2014-10-19)
BLDCK\cmsis\core_cm3.c (17273, 2011-07-29)
BLDCK\cmsis\core_cm3.h (85714, 2011-07-29)
BLDCK\cmsis_boot\arm\startup_stm32f10x_cl.s (15763, 2011-07-29)
BLDCK\cmsis_boot\arm\startup_stm32f10x_hd.s (15500, 2011-07-29)
BLDCK\cmsis_boot\arm\startup_stm32f10x_hd_vl.s (15767, 2011-07-29)
BLDCK\cmsis_boot\arm\startup_stm32f10x_ld.s (12373, 2011-07-29)
BLDCK\cmsis_boot\arm\startup_stm32f10x_ld_vl.s (13653, 2011-07-29)
BLDCK\cmsis_boot\arm\startup_stm32f10x_md.s (12762, 2011-07-29)
BLDCK\cmsis_boot\arm\startup_stm32f10x_md_vl.s (14070, 2011-07-29)
BLDCK\cmsis_boot\arm\startup_stm32f10x_xl.s (15952, 2011-07-29)
BLDCK\cmsis_boot\startup\startup_stm32f10x_md.c (14184, 2011-07-29)
BLDCK\cmsis_boot\startup\startup_stm32f10x_md.s (12761, 2011-07-30)
BLDCK\cmsis_boot\stm32f10x.h (630019, 2011-08-15)
BLDCK\cmsis_boot\stm32f10x_conf.h (3198, 2014-10-19)
BLDCK\cmsis_boot\system_stm32f10x.c (32880, 2011-07-29)
BLDCK\cmsis_boot\system_stm32f10x.h (2068, 2011-07-29)
BLDCK\CoOS\kernel\coocox.h (1359, 2011-07-29)
BLDCK\CoOS\kernel\CoOS.h (9162, 2011-07-29)
BLDCK\CoOS\kernel\core.c (8101, 2011-07-29)
BLDCK\CoOS\kernel\event.c (16665, 2011-07-29)
BLDCK\CoOS\kernel\flag.c (23982, 2011-07-29)
BLDCK\CoOS\kernel\hook.c (1716, 2014-10-19)
BLDCK\CoOS\kernel\kernelHeap.c (16389, 2011-07-29)
BLDCK\CoOS\kernel\mbox.c (10739, 2011-07-29)
BLDCK\CoOS\kernel\mm.c (9886, 2011-07-29)
BLDCK\CoOS\kernel\mutex.c (12064, 2011-07-29)
BLDCK\CoOS\kernel\OsConfig.h (6801, 2011-08-11)
BLDCK\CoOS\kernel\OsCore.h (687, 2011-07-29)
BLDCK\CoOS\kernel\OsError.h (2079, 2011-07-29)
BLDCK\CoOS\kernel\OsEvent.h (2568, 2011-07-29)
BLDCK\CoOS\kernel\OsFlag.h (2013, 2011-07-29)
BLDCK\CoOS\kernel\OsKernelHeap.h (1151, 2011-07-29)
BLDCK\CoOS\kernel\OsMM.h (938, 2011-07-29)
BLDCK\CoOS\kernel\OsMutex.h (2047, 2011-07-29)
BLDCK\CoOS\kernel\OsQueue.h (1286, 2011-07-29)
... ...

CooCox CoOS's source code package includes the following files: kernel: CooCox CoOS's source code, you can use it without any modification. portable: CooCox CoOS's port for Cortex M. It includes the source code for Cortex M architecture with three edition: MDK, IAR, GCC. You can choose a suitable one for your application. OsConfig: Configuration files for CooCox CoOS. You can tailor CooCox CoOS for your application with it. CooCox CoOS's TERMS AND CONDITIONS.pdf: The terms you should obey when using CooCox CoOS's source code. To develop application based on CooCox CoOS, you should include all the source code files in the kernel folder, and choose an edition in portable folder for the compiler that you are using. You also should amend config.h for tailoring CooCox CoOS, otherwise CooCox CoOS may be too big for your needs. For detailed information,visit


