开发工具:Visual Basic
上传日期:2017-09-27 18:11:43
上 传 者mrchanisl

DPlanet Kids (0, 2017-09-17)
DPlanet Kids\Backups (0, 2007-01-16)
DPlanet Kids\Classes (0, 2017-09-17)
DPlanet Kids\Classes\Form Appearance.cls (15931, 2006-09-14)
DPlanet Kids\Classes\Ini Config.cls (8718, 2006-09-14)
DPlanet Kids\Database.mdb (307200, 2007-01-12)
DPlanet Kids\Description.txt (1024, 2006-09-14)
DPlanet Kids\Empty.mdb (274432, 2007-01-12)
DPlanet Kids\Forms (0, 2017-09-17)
DPlanet Kids\Forms\Backup Manager.frm (11327, 2006-09-11)
DPlanet Kids\Forms\Backup Manager.frx (12, 2006-09-11)
DPlanet Kids\Forms\Card Manager.frm (7951, 2006-09-11)
DPlanet Kids\Forms\Card Manager.frx (12, 2006-09-11)
DPlanet Kids\Forms\Cashier Manager.frm (13708, 2006-09-11)
DPlanet Kids\Forms\Cashier Manager.frx (12, 2006-09-11)
DPlanet Kids\Forms\Change Password.frm (7941, 2006-09-11)
DPlanet Kids\Forms\Change Password.frx (12, 2006-09-11)
DPlanet Kids\Forms\Change Rates.frm (6427, 2006-09-11)
DPlanet Kids\Forms\Change Rates.frx (12, 2006-09-11)
DPlanet Kids\Forms\Client.frm (13819, 2006-09-11)
DPlanet Kids\Forms\Client.frx (12, 2006-09-11)
DPlanet Kids\Forms\Login Form.frm (7014, 2006-09-11)
DPlanet Kids\Forms\Login Form.frx (12, 2006-09-11)
DPlanet Kids\Forms\Login History.frm (6633, 2006-09-11)
DPlanet Kids\Forms\Login History.frx (12, 2006-09-11)
DPlanet Kids\Forms\Main.frm (115698, 2006-09-14)
DPlanet Kids\Forms\Main.frx (8106, 2006-09-14)
DPlanet Kids\Forms\Password.frm (3402, 2006-09-11)
DPlanet Kids\Forms\Password.frx (12, 2006-09-11)
DPlanet Kids\Forms\Program Settings.frm (6484, 2006-09-11)
DPlanet Kids\Forms\Program Settings.frx (12, 2006-09-11)
DPlanet Kids\Forms\Splash.frm (5143, 2006-09-11)
DPlanet Kids\Hand.cur (326, 2005-03-24)
DPlanet Kids\Help.rtf (7492, 2006-09-13)
DPlanet Kids\icon.ico (2238, 2005-07-22)
DPlanet Kids\Images (0, 2017-09-17)
DPlanet Kids\Images\back.img (101148, 2007-01-12)
DPlanet Kids\Images\boy.gif (1332, 2006-09-03)
DPlanet Kids\Images\btn0.img (1919, 2007-01-12)
DPlanet Kids\Images\btn1.img (1185, 2007-01-12)
... ...

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033\deflangfe1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Tahoma;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20\par \i This file contains necessary information on what to expect on the program and how you can effectively use it in many ways.\i0\par \par TIPS:\par \par You can use the defined \ul shortcut keys\ulnone on your convenience and faster service output. \b See help.rtf\b0 for the detailed lists of shortcut keys or by pressing Ctrl+F1 on the program.\par \par You can also show the \b help & support screen\b0 (it shows the help.rtf file within the program) by moving the cursor on the part of the program interface where the current system time in a monitor is shown, it will show a \ul question mark image\ulnone that you can click on to show the help screen.\par \par Read help.rtf \ul for more information\ulnone on using the program. \b FAQ\b0 's are written on the said file.\par \par When you come to a screen that can accept a client's registered number or it's name, either the two input \ul if validated\ulnone will \b automatically\b0 fill the other. For example, if you enter a valid registration number, once you press the ENTER key will automatically place the client's name on the remaining fields and vice versa thus saving you time and effort typing other fields of text.\par \par You can see (system administrator) how many \ul customer transactions\ulnone are made of a day or between specific dates in an easy and graphical way using the \b stats screen\b0 . You can also choose to view only how many transactions a specific client has made by double-clicking the customer entry on the \ul history screen\ulnone .\par \par NOTES:\par \par The program uses the current \ul system date and time\ulnone settings for all the transactions, so it is really required that the system date and time is \b correct/corrected\b0 before the program is being used on any transactions.\par \par \ul Every client\ulnone \b must be registered\b0 in the program before it can be served and \ul make any transactions\ulnone , that is, the client must exists on the lists of registered clients that is shown in the program.\par \par Database backup schedule \ul if not set on manual mode\ulnone will create the \b backup file\b0 the first time the program runs on the expected date.\par \par When logging \b users/cashiers\b0 in and out, the active transactions can be \ul left open\ulnone upon exit and will be \ul safely loaded\ulnone for the next user. The next user will now be the assigned staff for the client.\par \par Customers who check-out immediately in \ul less than a minute only\ulnone considers the transaction \b cancelled\b0 and will not be saved on database \b except\b0 if the customer check's out with a lost/damaged card.\par \par Customers who check's out with a \b lost/damaged card\b0 \ul may be\ulnone charged for a penalty fee specified by the system administrator which will be added to the total fees for that specific transaction.\par \par A lost/damaged card reported will be \ul automatically deactivated\ulnone by the program and \b will not be recognized\b0 as a valid card number, until the system administrator reactivate the card number for use.\par \par If the customer check's out in \ul less than a minute only\ulnone (supposedly a cancelled transaction) \b but\b0 \ul with a lost/damaged card\ulnone , he/she is required only to pay the penalty fee if set by the system administrator.\par \par Although customers with penalties during a transaction are saved on database, they will \ul not be displayed on the history lists\ulnone if they have similar time-in and out time which is supposedly a \b cancelled transaction\b0 . The purpose only is to track the penalty fees paid by the customers which is due to lost or damaged card(s).\par \par For clarification, the \ul history lists only customers with\ulnone \b valid transactions\b0 . Therefore, cancelled services (occurs when a customer checks-out in less than a minute only) will \b not\b0 be on the lists.\par \par SECURITY:\par \par The system \b administrator\b0 is the one who has \ul access to advance settings\ulnone of the program such as managing services rates, database backups, transaction history and reports, add/edit cashier records or recover cashier passwords (if forgotten), manage card numbers for use by the system, and more.\par \par The system administrator \ul controls all the important settings\ulnone for the system and must \b protect\b0 it by limitting the number of persons who knows the \ul master password\ulnone or by changing it on regular basis.\par \par }


