zip autoit 

上传日期:2017-10-02 05:08:43
上 传 者DHG
说明:  many examples for autoit

HotKey (0, 2016-08-27)
HotKey\HotKey.au3 (25412, 2016-08-27)
HotKey\bin (0, 2016-08-27)
HotKey\bin\HotKey.exe (931328, 2016-08-27)
HotKey\hotkey_t.au3 (876, 2016-08-27)
ProcessGetHWnd.au3 (2383, 2016-08-27)
TnG Shoutbox (0, 2016-08-27)
TnG Shoutbox\shoutbox.au3 (352, 2016-08-27)
WindowInfo (0, 2016-08-27)
WindowInfo\WindowInfo.au3 (2816, 2016-08-27)
WindowInfo\WindowInfo.exe (854016, 2016-08-27)
WindowInfo\favicon-ws.ico (1150, 2016-08-27)
backup (0, 2016-08-27)
backup\Backup.ico (161862, 2016-08-27)
backup\backup.au3 (3077, 2016-08-27)
backup\bin (0, 2016-08-27)
backup\bin\backup.exe (1015296, 2016-08-27)
include (0, 2016-08-27)
include\bin (0, 2016-08-27)
include\bin\input.exe (861696, 2016-08-27)
include\input.au3 (548, 2016-08-27)
md5.au3 (10827, 2016-08-27)
pomf (0, 2016-08-27)
pomf\2.ico (99678, 2016-08-27)
pomf\3.ico (99678, 2016-08-27)
pomf\4.ico (99678, 2016-08-27)
pomf\5.ico (99678, 2016-08-27)
pomf\6.ico (99678, 2016-08-27)
pomf\WinHttp.au3 (121155, 2016-08-27)
pomf\WinHttpConstants.au3 (21111, 2016-08-27)
pomf\bin (0, 2016-08-27)
pomf\bin\pomf.exe (1649152, 2016-08-27)
pomf\login.au3 (717, 2016-08-27)
pomf\pomf.au3 (13174, 2016-08-27)
pomf\pomf.ico (99678, 2016-08-27)
remote (0, 2016-08-27)
remote\HIDMacros.exe (1358336, 2016-08-27)
remote\MailSlot.au3 (13580, 2016-08-27)
... ...

# Autoit ------------------------ ### Collection of my AutoIT scripts ##### Backup Adds "Create a Backup" to the Explorer-Contextmenu ##### HotKey The HotKey.au3 by Yashied A HotKey_t.au3 that compiles to HotKey.exe which shows you a button prompt ##### include Shows you the parameters a program was called with (you need to replace the program you want to extract the parameters from with this one) ##### Pomf Stable pomf client Press PRINT/PRINTSCREEN to save an image/upload an image to pomf upload realised via WinHTTP POMF IS DOWN. Rest in Peace. ##### WindowInfo Shows the visible text of a Window for easy copy/paste Useful to get the Kanji of Error-Messages ##### some loose UDF's / au3's md5.au3 - AutoIT md5 function ProcessGetHWnd.au3 - Returns the HWND(s) owned by the specified process (PID only !). vkConstants.au3 - Virtual Key Codes and Description ------------------------ ##### Information about AutoIT:


