
上传日期:2017-10-11 10:42:31
上 传 者NPSjehst%24952
说明:  用ASP写的免费论坛,该软件不使用任何控件,可以自动为自己的后端数据库生成DSN,默认支持MS访问,但同时也必须经过MS SQL服务器的检测,

LGPL.txt (26938, 2000-04-03)
0adoconsts.asp (2922, 2000-07-10)
7admin.asp (1502, 2000-07-10)
aaspforums.asp (2508, 2000-07-10)
default.asp (1575, 2000-07-10)
discussionengine.asp (231498, 2000-07-10)
editpost.asp (1493, 2000-07-10)
editpostaction.asp (1570, 2000-07-10)
newpost.asp (1492, 2000-07-10)
newpostaction.asp (1524, 2000-07-10)
search.asp (1523, 2000-07-10)
showmessage.asp (1561, 2000-07-10)
Forum.mdb (104448, 2000-05-22)
blank.gif (86, 1999-04-08)
minus.gif (110, 1999-04-08)
plus.gif (112, 1999-04-08)

======================================================================= ASP Forums version 2.0 beta 1 - 10th July 2000. ======================================================================= ======================================================================= "ASP Forums" - a web-based discussion forum implementation. Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 ASP Forums, http://www.aspforums.com/ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ======================================================================= This is the 2.0 beta 1 release of the ASP Forums software. It is a fully- working, free, componentless discussion forum written for Microsoft's Active Server Pages. CHANGES FROM 1.11 There are lots of changes. Honestly. So much has changed between the last version and this that it would take a very, very long document to even try to describe. Upgrading will therefore be very difficult. This is a beta release, and it probably contains lots of bugs. On top of that, the interfaces have all changes so the information in the HowTos won't work with this version. The sense of the HowTos remains however, so it's not that difficult to work from the HowTo with the new system. I'll update the HowTos as soon as I can, but since it has taken this long to get the 2.0 beta out I can't promise to get to it anytime soon. Summaries of the biggest changes: * Big cleanup of some inconsistencies within the code. The code has been reorganised into a more logical and object-oriented design. It really is much better now, and much more appropriate for developing extensions. If you want to develop extensions to this code, or just want to see how it all works 'under the hood', split the discussionengine.asp file up into its constituent objects - each object is prefixed by a large comment block so it's hard to miss. * Sophisticated caching of database accesses. This is a really neat feature, but it may not be appropriate for your server/system. I've never had a problem with this during testing, but running it on the live server caused some serious script crashes. (It didn't trash the server though - it just caused termination of that page's script.) The problem's mostly due to the database server being on a different machine to the web server, and when the database server gets restarted without restarting the web server, ADO trashes the cached objects. The cache is disabled by default because of this, but you can turn it on by setting: config.CACHE_Enabled = true in your aspforums.asp file. If you do this, let me know how you get on. * New object for all HTML, called ForumHTML. All HTML output should (ideally) go through this object. It's all part of the code reorg. * New WYSIWYG DHTML textarea. This only works in Microsoft's Internet Explorer 4 and 5, but it looks really, really good. * Move to HTML as standard input format. That means the end of those [b] and [i] tags. You can now input raw HTML if you are given a basic textarea. The rich textarea already converts what you type to HTML, so entering HTML there won't work - the rich textarea interprets your "<" and ">" characters to mean you want to display those characters themselves, and thus it HTMLises them to < and > respectively. * New consistent configuration naming convention. All general configuration switches and settings are now prefixed by ADMINSETTING_ or ADMINSWITCH_. This makes it clearer what settings in the config object can be changed safely and which require more thought before editing. As a result, feel free to experiment with any configuration settings that start ADMINSETTING_ or ADMINSWITCH_. * All strings which must be translated for a localised version of the forum are now prefixed with USERTEXT_. This should make it easier for translators to extract the strings they need to translate, and help them produce translated add-in files. * All strings now use double-quotes as the separator. This will have absolutely no impact on you, I just thought I'd mention it. * The DHTML expand/collapse is now the default view. * There have been no database changes, so you shouldn't need to upgrade or migrate data. GENERAL INFORMATION ASP Forums is based around a single 'discussionengine.asp' file. This file contains all the code necessary to run a forum. The pages sent with this software are quite minimalist, and are designed to allow you to tailor the forums to your site. The forum content in those pages is generated by 'tokens' (such as <%FORUM_TITLE_DISC%>) which are embedded in the page. These tokens are really calls to the discussionengine.asp file to insert a particular piece of text in this position on the page. (In the above example, it inserts the name of the forum.) You should never need to directly modify the discussionengine.asp file. Instead it should be configured via the aspforums.asp file. This file is really much more powerful than you'd expect. As well as containing configuration switches for the forum (a full list of which can be found at http://www.aspforums.com/ASPForums/howto/configuring.asp), it allows you to override the default methods of the forum, meaning you can substitute your own functionality. If you don't like the way the forum messages are displayed in the main view, you can write your own function in the aspforums.asp file to do it your way. The discussionengine.asp file is nothing more than a collection of default behaviours for a forum. Details of how to override some common methods can be found at: http://www.aspforums.com/ASPForums/howto/ CO-EXISTING WITH OTHER SOFWARE ASP WebLog 1.x and ASP Directory 1.x WILL NOT WORK WITH THIS VERSION OF ASP FORUMS! I'm working on an upgrade to both products, and all registered owners of both products will receive a free upgrade. FEATURES * Fully threaded discussions, with automatic archiving after a configurable period of time. * A completely tailorable look and feel, so the user interface can be tailored to match your site. * 'Rich text' input, where users can safely embed URLs and images as well as bold and italic text. * Users can edit their own posts (if allowed by the webmaster). * A full database backend for data storage, sorting and searching. * A filter is applied to all discussion text, so you're not responsible for any user's bad language. * The 'discussion engine' does all the hard work. You only need one discussion engine per web server, no matter how many forums you host. * You can just extract the files and go! You don't even need to create a data source (although it's definitely advisable) - a default file DSN is created for you. * Database-vendor independent. As long as your database can handle SQL through ODBC, our forum software can use it. (Note - a bare Access forum database is included in the distribution for easy set-up.) * SQL-based administration - a special administration tool lets you perform any admin task through SQL. INSTALLATION Installation should just be a matter of extracting the files into a suitable sub-directory. Full technical details of how to tailor this product are available on the ASP Forums web site at: http://www.aspforums.com/ASPForums/howto/ PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENTS There are two things that have been said to speed up performance of ASP Forums in particular and ASP database accessing in general. These tips are given here for your own information, without any hope of getting support on them if you try and use them! 1. Use OLEDB instead of ODBC. For example, the commented out line in the default aspforums.asp file mentions the following: config.databaseDSN = 'Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=' + config.DBPath (That should all be on one line.) I'm told that OLEDB's performance is significantly better than that of ODBC for the same throughput. 2. Use <%Response.Buffer%> and <%Response.Flush%> at appropriate points through your pages. This can have a significant impact of how pages are delivered to your clients, so make sure you understand the ramifications of this before you do it. Check out: http://www.learnasp.com/advice/whybuffer.asp for some reasons to use it. EMAIL CAPABILITIES ASP Forums can optionally email the administrator each time a message is posted, as well as optionally emailing users when someone responds to a post of theirs. Both of these features require Microsoft's CDO NTS library be installed on the server. If this library is not present, no errors will be generated. However, no emails can be sent without it. The CDO NTS library is a free download from www.microsoft.com CONFIGURING THE FORUM SOFTWARE Although the forum software should work as soon as you unzip it, you will almost certainly want to configure it to work on your site and also make sure it has your site's look and feel. Full information on this is available at: http://www.aspforums.com/ASPForums/howto/configuring.asp To summarise, however, you can freely edit any of the user-visible pages so long as you do not alter the forum tags. These are the tags between the <% and %> markers. So long as you leave those intact, you can edit the HTML layout of the forum however you choose. If you really do want to edit the tags, a full list of possible 1.0 forum tags is as follows: <% FORUM_LINK_DISC %> Displays a link to the main forum page. <% PARENT_MESSAGE_LINK_DISC %> Displays a link to the parent message, if one exists. <% SEARCH_FORM_DISC %> Displays the full search form. <% SMALL_SEARCH_FORM_DISC %> Displays a small version of the search form. <% NEW_POST_BUTTON_DISC %> Displays a button to go to the 'New Post' page. <% NEW_POST_LINK_DISC %> Displays a link to go to the 'New Post' page. <% NEW_REPLY_BUTTON_DISC %> Displays a button to go to the 'New Post' page to reply to the current message. <% EDIT_POST_BUTTON_DISC %> Displays a button to go to the 'Edit Post' page to edit the current message. <% ALL_ROOT_POSTS_DISC %> Displays a view containing all posts. <% ALL_ROOT_POSTS_THREADED_DISC %> Displays a view containing all posts in a threaded manner. <%CURRENT_POSTS_THREADED_DHTML_DISC%> Displays a view containing current posts in a threaded manner, with some DHTML code to implement a dynamic expand/collapse mechanism without requiring another page download from the server. Currently this works only in IE4 and IE5 - all other browsers see the view functionality as with CURRENT_ROOT_POSTS_THREADED_DISC. <% CURRENT_ROOT_POSTS_THREADED_DISC %> Displays a view containing current posts in a threaded manner. <% NEW_POST_FORM_DISC %> Displays a form to create a new post. <% EDIT_POST_FORM_DISC %> Displays a form to edit an existing post. <% SEARCH_RESULTS_DISC %> Performs a search (based on input to a search form) and displays the results. <% POST_MESSAGE_DISC %> Performs the action of posting a new message. <% SAVE_EDITED_MESSAGE_DISC %> Performs the action of saving an edited message. <% MESSAGE_DISC %> Displays the current message. <% THREAD_DISC %> Displays the current thread. <% ADMIN_TOOLS_DISC %> Displays the administration tools forms. <% STD_MESSAGE_DISC %> Displays the message, a forum link, a new reply button, an new post button, and an edit post button, in that order. <% FORUM_TITLE_DISC %> Displays the title of the current forum. <% SUBJECT_DISC %> Displays the subject of the current message. <% MESSAGE_BODY_DISC %> Displays the body of the current message. <% AUTHOR_DISC %> Displays the author of the current message. <% AUTHOR_EMAIL_DISC %> Displays the email address of the author of the current message. <% AUTHOR_FULL_NAME_DISC %> Displays the full name of the author of the current message. <% DATE_CREATED_DISC %> Displays the date on which the message was created. <% SORT_CODE_DISC %> Displays the cort code of the current message. <% NUM_CHILDREN_DISC %> Displays the number of children of the current message. <% MESSAGE_ID_DISC %> Displays the message ID of the current message. <% PARENT_ID_DISC %> Displays the parent ID of the current message. <% THREAD_ID_DISC %> Displays the thread ID of the current message. <% ADMIN_SQL_FORM_DISC %> Displays the administration forms. <% ADMIN_SQL_EXECUTE_DISC %> Performs the administration actions associated with the administration forms. SUPPORT This product is not supported. Much help is available on the web site, and many requests placed on the web site forums are answered. However, no guarantees are given, and due to the increasing popularity of this software no support will be given via email. Email requests for support will most likely be ignored. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION For full details of this product, please visit the ASP Forums web site at: http://www.aspforums.com/ASPForums/ This product is licensed under the GNU Public License, which should be included in this distribution. If not, copies are available at: http://www.gnu.org/


