
上传日期:2006-03-05 20:39:32
上 传 者leolilo
说明:  symbian 60 3d 的一个很经典的例子
(football scores a classic example)

Example3D\aif\context_pane_icon.bmp (3016, 2003-12-14)
Example3D\aif\context_pane_icon_mask.bmp (414, 2003-12-14)
Example3D\aif\Example3Daif.rss (615, 2003-12-14)
Example3D\aif\list_icon.bmp (2356, 2003-12-14)
Example3D\aif\list_icon_mask.bmp (294, 2003-12-14)
Example3D\aif (0, 2004-08-03)
Example3D\data\Example3D.rss (2290, 2004-03-15)
Example3D\data\Example3D_caption.rss (577, 2003-12-14)
Example3D\data\picture.jpg (5942, 2003-12-14)
Example3D\data\picture2.jpg (4886, 2003-12-18)
Example3D\data (0, 2004-08-03)
Example3D\doc\Series_60_DP_1_0_2_0_3-D_Game_Engine_Example_v1_0_zh_ch.pdf (207291, 2004-08-03)
Example3D\doc (0, 2004-08-03)
Example3D\group\bld.inf (587, 2004-03-15)
Example3D\group\Example3D.mmp (1304, 2004-06-04)
Example3D\group (0, 2004-08-03)
Example3D\inc\3DObjects.h (4869, 2004-03-30)
Example3D\inc\3DTypes.h (5273, 2004-06-04)
Example3D\inc\C3DBase.h (2091, 2003-12-15)
Example3D\inc\C3DRenderer.h (3532, 2004-06-04)
Example3D\inc\CEngine.h (3366, 2004-03-30)
Example3D\inc\CFpsCounter.h (1494, 2003-12-15)
Example3D\inc\CGame.h (3696, 2004-03-30)
Example3D\inc\CGameTimer.h (1760, 2003-12-15)
Example3D\inc\CPictureLoader.h (1920, 2003-12-15)
Example3D\inc\CPolygonObject.h (5415, 2004-06-04)
Example3D\inc\example3d.hrh (676, 2003-12-14)
Example3D\inc\example3d.loc (947, 2003-12-14)
Example3D\inc\Example3DApp.h (1231, 2003-12-15)
Example3D\inc\Example3DAppUi.h (1415, 2004-03-19)
Example3D\inc\Example3DContainer.h (1449, 2003-12-15)
Example3D\inc\Example3DDocument.h (1343, 2003-12-15)
Example3D\inc\M3dObject.h (1152, 2003-12-18)
Example3D\inc\MGame.h (1059, 2004-03-30)
Example3D\inc\MGameTimerObserver.h (830, 2003-12-15)
Example3D\inc\TBitmap.h (844, 2003-12-15)
Example3D\inc (0, 2004-08-03)
Example3D\Install\Example3D.pkg (1113, 2004-03-19)
Example3D\Install\Example3D.SIS (25287, 2004-06-04)
... ...

Example 3D readme COMPATIBILITY Tested hardware: - Nokia 3650 - Nokia 3660 - Nokia 6600 - Nokia 7650 - Nokia N-Gage BUILDING Use command prompt and go to folder Example3D\Group\ To create visual studio 6 workspace, type: bldmake bldfiles abld export abld makefile vc6 To just build for emulator: bldmake bldfiles abld build wins udeb To build for target phone: bldmake bldfiles abld build armi urel INSTALLATION TO DEVICE When build is made for target phone: go to \install folder and type makesis example3d.pkg and you have a .SIS installer file which can be sent to phone In theory this application can be drawn to any screen resolution device Also at least 4096 color and 65536 color screens are supported.


