
上传日期:2017-10-13 16:44:20
上 传 者铁拐季
说明:  安卓实现在一个服务器上多人wifi通信聊天源代码
(Android LAN WiFi communication chat source code)

.classpath (475, 2016-03-30)
.project (2980, 2016-03-30)
AndroidManifest.xml (3677, 2016-03-30)
LICENSE.txt (18431, 2016-03-30)
build.gradle (1318, 2016-03-30)
libs (0, 2016-03-30)
libs\android-support-v13.jar (644520, 2016-03-30)
libs\android-viewbadger.jar (7774, 2016-03-30)
libs\fastjson-1.1.34.android.jar (260849, 2016-03-30)
libs\picasso-2.5.0.jar (119183, 2016-03-30)
proguard.cfg (1340, 2016-03-30)
project.properties (592, 2016-03-30)
res (0, 2016-03-30)
res\anim (0, 2016-03-30)
res\anim\controller_enter.xml (212, 2016-03-30)
res\anim\controller_exit.xml (273, 2016-03-30)
res\anim\dialog_enter.xml (654, 2016-03-30)
res\anim\dialog_exit.xml (654, 2016-03-30)
res\anim\enter_dropdown.xml (571, 2016-03-30)
res\anim\enter_dropup.xml (573, 2016-03-30)
res\anim\enter_scale.xml (573, 2016-03-30)
res\anim\exit_dropdown.xml (573, 2016-03-30)
res\anim\exit_dropup.xml (571, 2016-03-30)
res\anim\exit_scale.xml (605, 2016-03-30)
res\anim\layout_alpha_in.xml (260, 2016-03-30)
res\anim\layout_alpha_out.xml (260, 2016-03-30)
res\anim\loading.xml (822, 2016-03-30)
res\anim\push_left_in.xml (351, 2016-03-30)
res\anim\push_left_out.xml (352, 2016-03-30)
res\anim\push_right_in.xml (352, 2016-03-30)
res\anim\push_right_out.xml (351, 2016-03-30)
res\anim\zoom_enter.xml (428, 2016-03-30)
res\anim\zoom_exit.xml (540, 2016-03-30)
res\color (0, 2016-03-30)
res\color\profile_bottom_text_color.xml (271, 2016-03-30)
res\color\switcher_textcolor.xml (240, 2016-03-30)
res\drawable-hdpi (0, 2016-03-30)
... ...

Android WifiChat ==== This repository contains the source code for the WifiChat. Please see the issues section to report any bugs or feature requests and to see the list of known issues. #### Debug mode: ```java // src/szu/wifichat/android/BaseApplication.java // Line 22, 23 public static boolean isDebugmode = true; public boolean isPrintLog = true; ``` #### Nomal mode: ```java // src/szu/wifichat/android/BaseApplication.java // Line 22, 23 public static boolean isDebugmode = false; public boolean isPrintLog = false; ``` ## License * [GPL v2](http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html) ## Acknowledgements requirements: * Eclipse * MinSdkVersion="14" (Android 4.0) This project uses many other open source libraries such as: * [fastjson](https://github.com/alibaba/fastjson) * [Picasso](http://square.github.io/picasso) * [ViewBadger](https://github.com/jgilfelt/android-viewbadger) ## Contributing Please fork this repository and contribute back using pull requests. Any contributions, large or small, major features, bug fixes, additional language translations, unit/integration tests are welcomed and appreciated but will be thoroughly reviewed and discussed. ## About Email: hillfly00#gmail.com (# -> @)


