
上传日期:2017-10-19 14:48:25
上 传 者json2018
说明:  IT数码网上商城源码(工厂模式),通过mvc模式时限b2c商城的开发
(IT digital online mall source (factory mode))

BLL\admin.cs (3411, 2010-08-19)
BLL\AssemblyInfo.cs (555, 2010-08-19)
BLL\bin\Debug\CAI.SHOP.BLL.dll (45056, 2010-08-25)
BLL\bin\Debug\CAI.SHOP.BLL.pdb (122368, 2010-08-25)
BLL\bin\Debug\CAI.SHOP.DALFactory.dll (20480, 2010-08-25)
BLL\bin\Debug\CAI.SHOP.DALFactory.pdb (22016, 2010-08-25)
BLL\bin\Debug\CAI.SHOP.Model.dll (32768, 2010-08-25)
BLL\bin\Debug\CAI.SHOP.Model.pdb (108032, 2010-08-25)
BLL\bin\Debug\CodematicDemo.IDAL.dll (20480, 2010-08-25)
BLL\bin\Debug\CodematicDemo.IDAL.pdb (7680, 2010-08-25)
BLL\bin\Debug\LTP.Common.dll (36864, 2008-07-15)
BLL\BLL.csproj (5364, 2010-08-19)
BLL\BLL.csproj.user (2082, 2010-08-24)
BLL\city_table.cs (3667, 2010-08-19)
BLL\deliver_country.cs (3550, 2010-08-19)
BLL\d_users.cs (5328, 2010-08-23)
BLL\gonggao.cs (3689, 2010-08-19)
BLL\help1.cs (3348, 2010-08-19)
BLL\help2.cs (3541, 2010-08-19)
BLL\leibie.cs (3419, 2010-08-19)
BLL\leibiex.cs (3579, 2010-08-19)
BLL\newcenter.cs (3752, 2010-08-19)
BLL\obj\Debug\BLL.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt (1320, 2010-08-25)
BLL\obj\Debug\CAI.SHOP.BLL.dll (45056, 2010-08-25)
BLL\obj\Debug\CAI.SHOP.BLL.pdb (122368, 2010-08-25)
BLL\obj\Debug\ResolveAssemblyReference.cache (13375, 2010-08-25)
BLL\orderdetail.cs (3912, 2010-08-19)
BLL\orders.cs (4415, 2010-08-24)
BLL\product.cs (5210, 2010-08-23)
BLL\productliuyan.cs (3899, 2010-08-19)
BLL\pxiaoxi.cs (3753, 2010-08-21)
BLL\shoucang.cs (3662, 2010-08-23)
BLL\SysManage.cs (1598, 2010-08-19)
DALFactory\AssemblyInfo.cs (478, 2010-08-19)
DALFactory\bin\Debug\CAI.SHOP.DALFactory.dll (20480, 2010-08-25)
DALFactory\bin\Debug\CAI.SHOP.DALFactory.pdb (22016, 2010-08-25)
DALFactory\bin\Debug\CAI.SHOP.DBUtility.dll (61440, 2010-08-25)
DALFactory\bin\Debug\CAI.SHOP.DBUtility.pdb (159232, 2010-08-25)
DALFactory\bin\Debug\CAI.SHOP.Model.dll (32768, 2010-08-25)
DALFactory\bin\Debug\CAI.SHOP.Model.pdb (108032, 2010-08-25)
... ...

For furhter installation instructions, please visit ********************************************* Requirements: ********************************************* - .NET Framework 1.0, 1.1, or 2.0 - IIS 5.0 or 6.0 ********************************************* Installation of dll ********************************************* 1. Copy the appropriate FreeTextBox.dll from Framework-X.X into your /bin/ folder 2. If you have a license file, copy FreeTextBox.lic into the /bin/ folder next to FreeTextBox.dll ********************************************* Installing the FreeTextBox support files ********************************************* FreeTextBox uses JavaScript, images, and xml files. To correctly install FreeTextBox, you must install these files. FreeTextBox has two ways of accessing these files: 1. External Files - Before FreeTextBox 3.0, all images, javascript and xml were stored as external files. By default, FreeTextBox looks in ~/aspnet_client/FreeTextBox/ for these files. Please note that this is the a folder within the current application or virtual directory. If you want to store the files in a different location, you need: - Tell FreeTextBox which kind of files to look for external resources: JavaScriptLocation=ExternalFile, ToolbarImages=ExternalFile, ButtonImagesLocation=ExternalFile - Set the SupportFolder property of your FreeTextBox instance to the directory where you copied the files. For example, if your website is stored at, you should set SupportFolder="/FreeTextBoxFiles/". 2. Internal Resources - As of FreeTextBox 3.0 all the images, javascript and xml are stored inside the FreeTextBox.dll. In ASP.NET 2.0 these files are automatically pulled from the FreeTextBox.dll. In ASP.NET 1.x, you need to add the following httpHandler to web.config: If you are attempting to use this method and having trouble, please view the source code of your page and see where FtbWebResource.axd is being referenced. If it appears incorrect, please set FreeTextBox.AssemblyResourceHandlerPath to the appropriate directory where you have set your web.config. ********************************************* Using FreeTextBox ********************************************* To add FreeTextBox to an ASP.NET page, do the following: 1. Add the following line to the top of your page: <%@ Register TagPrefix="FTB" Namespace="FreeTextBoxControls" Assembly="FreeTextBox" %> 2. Add the following code between
tags: ********************************************* Customizing FreeTextBox ********************************************* FreeTextBox has as default set of buttons and dropdownlists in its toolbars. If you would like to customize the buttons, there are three methods you can use. 1. ToolbarLayout String This property accepts a string of ToolbarItem names. Use commas ( , ) to separate items. A pipe ( | ) will insert a ToolbarSeparator and a semicolon ( ; ) will start a new Toolbar. The default way to configure toolbars is to use use the propery ToolbarLayout Valid values for ToolbarButtons and ToolbarDropDownLists are ParagraphMenu, FontFacesMenu, FontSizesMenu, FontForeColorsMenu, FontForeColorPicker, FontBackColorsMenu, FontBackColorPicker, Bold, Italic, Underline, Strikethrough, Superscript, Subscript, InsertImageFromGallery, CreateLink, Unlink, RemoveFormat, JustifyLeft, JustifyRight, JustifyCenter, JustifyFull, BulletedList, NumberedList, Indent, Outdent, Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete, Undo, Redo, Print, Save, ieSpellCheck, StyleMenu, SymbolsMenu, InsertHtmlMenu, InsertRule, InsertDate, InsertTime, WordClean, InsertImage, InsertTable, EditTable, InsertTableRowBefore, InsertTableRowAfter, DeleteTableRow, InsertTableColumnBefore, InsertTableColumnAfter, DeleteTableColumn, InsertForm, InsertForm, InsertTextBox, InsertTextArea, InsertRadioButton, InsertCheckBox, InsertDropDownList, InsertButton, InsertDiv, InsertImageFromGallery, Preview, SelectAll, EditStyle The following values are only available in Pro versions of FreeTextBox (or if running on localhost) FontForeColorPicker, FontBackColorPicker, EditTable InsertTableRowAfter, DeleteTableRow, InsertTableColumnBefore, InsertTableColumnAfter, DeleteTableColumn, InsertForm, InsertForm, InsertTextBox, InsertTextArea, InsertRadioButton, InsertCheckBox, InsertDropDownList, InsertButton, InsertDiv, Preview, SelectAll, EditStyle, WordClean 2. Procedurally You can define which toolbar items appear by adding ToolbarItems in much the same way that one would add DataGrid Columns to a DataGrid. In order to do this, set AutoGenerateToolbarLayoutFromString=false:
3. Code (Page_Load or Code Behind) ToolbarButtons and ToolbarDropDownLists can also be set through code. You should set the property AutoGenerateToolbarsFromString to false if you want only the ToolbarItems you define.


