
上传日期:2017-10-31 01:48:11
上 传 者sayajeff
说明:  This set of scripts provide a framework for making backups using the PHP language.

LICENSE (1105, 2014-08-03)
directories_and_mysql.dist (89, 2014-08-03)
directories_and_mysql.ini.dist (826, 2014-08-03)
directories_and_postgresql.dist (115, 2014-08-03)
directories_and_postgresql.ini.dist (803, 2014-08-03)
filesystem.dist (15, 2014-08-03)
filesystem.ini.dist (541, 2014-08-03)
ftp_and_mysql.dist (131, 2014-08-03)
ftp_and_mysql.ini.dist (888, 2014-08-03)
log4php (0, 2014-08-03)
log4php\LICENSE (34088, 2014-08-03)
log4php\Logger.php (16679, 2014-08-03)
log4php\LoggerAppender.php (7127, 2014-08-03)
log4php\LoggerAppenderPool.php (2964, 2014-08-03)
log4php\LoggerAutoloader.php (7042, 2014-08-03)
log4php\LoggerConfigurable.php (4159, 2014-08-03)
log4php\LoggerConfigurator.php (1476, 2014-08-03)
log4php\LoggerException.php (964, 2014-08-03)
log4php\LoggerFilter.php (4338, 2014-08-03)
log4php\LoggerHierarchy.php (7251, 2014-08-03)
log4php\LoggerLayout.php (1998, 2014-08-03)
log4php\LoggerLevel.php (6821, 2014-08-03)
log4php\LoggerLocationInfo.php (2943, 2014-08-03)
log4php\LoggerLoggingEvent.php (9583, 2014-08-03)
log4php\LoggerMDC.php (2481, 2014-08-03)
log4php\LoggerNDC.php (6837, 2014-08-03)
log4php\LoggerReflectionUtils.php (4609, 2014-08-03)
log4php\LoggerRoot.php (1945, 2014-08-03)
log4php\LoggerThrowableInformation.php (1791, 2014-08-03)
log4php\appenders (0, 2014-08-03)
log4php\appenders\LoggerAppenderConsole.php (3100, 2014-08-03)
log4php\appenders\LoggerAppenderDailyFile.php (4124, 2014-08-03)
log4php\appenders\LoggerAppenderEcho.php (2540, 2014-08-03)
log4php\appenders\LoggerAppenderFile.php (5581, 2014-08-03)
log4php\appenders\LoggerAppenderFirePHP.php (3232, 2014-08-03)
log4php\appenders\LoggerAppenderMail.php (3846, 2014-08-03)
log4php\appenders\LoggerAppenderMailEvent.php (5024, 2014-08-03)
... ...

PHP Backup ========== This set of scripts provide a framework for making backups using the PHP language. It was developed and tested in Ubuntu using PHP 5.5.9 but it might work with lower versions. Because it uses `pcntl_fork`, it does not run on Windows platforms. It supports out of the box 6 kind of backups: ftp using `wget`, mysql using `mysqldump`, filesystem and individual directories using `tar`, scp and postgresql. Requirements ------------ * PHP 5.5.9 on *nix platform (it might work with lower PHP versions) * the tar and bzip2 commands used by the directory and filesystem observers; * the wget command used by the ftp observer; * the mysqldump command used by the mysqldump observer; * the scp and sshpass commands used by the ssh observer; * the pg_dump command used by the psql observer; FTP and MySQL backup -------------------- * make the script executable: `chmod +x php-backup` * prepare the ini and the csv file * `cp ftp_and_mysql.ini.dist ftp_and_mysql.ini` * `touch ftp_and_mysql` * add the ftp and mysql login information in your ftp_and_mysql file * run the command: `./php-backup -i ftp_and_mysql.ini` Filesystem backup ----------------- This method iterates through a list of paths defined in a CSV file and it creates archives of each children directories (useful when you have all projects in the same directory). ### Usage * `cp filesystem.ini.dist filesystem.ini` and edit it to suit your needs * `cp filesystem.dist filesystem` * edit `filesystem` and add the parent directories, each on a new line * run the script: `./php-backup -i filesystem.ini` Directories and MySQL backup ---------------------------- This method reads a CSV file with records made out of a path to a project and the mysql info for that project. ### Usage * `cp directories_and_mysql.ini.dist directories_and_mysql.ini` and edit it to suit your needs * `cp directories_and_mysql.dist directories_and_mysql` * edit `directories_and_mysql` and add the project directory and the mysql info on the same line * run the script: `./php-backup -i directories_and_mysql.ini` Directories and PostgreSQL backup ---------------------------- This method reads a CSV file with records made out of a path to a project and the postgresql info for that project. ### Usage * `cp directories_and_postgresql.ini.dist directories_and_postgresql.ini` and edit it to suit your needs * `cp directories_and_postgresql.dist directories_and_postgresql` * edit `directories_and_postgresql` and add the project directory and the postgresql info on the same line * run the script: `./php-backup -i directories_and_postgresql.ini` SSH and MySQL backup ---------------------------- This method reads a CSV file with records made out of ssh login info and the project path on the server together with the mysql info for that project. ### Usage * `cp ssh_and_mysql.ini.dist ssh_and_mysql.ini` and edit it to suit your needs * `cp ssh_and_mysql.dist ssh_and_mysql` * edit `ssh_and_mysql` and add the ssh info and the mysql info on the same line * run the script: `./php-backup -i ssh_and_mysql.ini` **Note**: You can combine the observers in the ini file as you see fit. Extending --------- * create your namespace: `mkdir -p com/example/backup/observers` * `cd com/example/backup/observers` * `vi custom.class.php` * paste this code: ```php "; $status = $this->execute($subject, $command); return $status; } } ``` * add the observer class to the "observers" section of the ini file: `custom = Com\Example\Backup\Observers\Custom` * add your configuration in a new ini section, something like ``` [custom] name = value ``` accessible in the observer as `$subject->config['custom']['name']` * run the command: `./php-backup -i .ini` ### Companies using PHP-Backup * *


