开发工具:Visual Basic
上传日期:2017-11-04 18:41:13
上 传 者lfrlw+608895
说明:  纯VB实现窗体的Dock技术利用了子类化技术,

TabDock2\Demo\emails.txt (507, 2001-01-14)
VB在线下载说明.txt (594, 2003-05-25)
TabDock2\Demo\MDIForm1.log (266, 2001-10-24)
TabDock2\Source\modApi32A.bas (13981, 2001-10-19)
TabDock2\Source\modBorder.bas (3523, 2001-01-14)
TabDock2\SubClass\subclass.bas (11332, 1998-10-14)
TabDock2\SubClass\timer.bas (3258, 1998-06-18)
TabDock2\Demo\comments.rtf (0, 2001-10-24)
TabDock2\Demo\project.rtf (7939, 2001-10-24)
TabDock2\Demo\revisions.rtf (12195, 2001-10-24)
TabDock2\Source\cSplitDCA.cls (8547, 2001-01-14)
TabDock2\SubClass\isubclass.cls (1016, 1998-06-18)
TabDock2\SubClass\subclass.cls (1413, 1998-06-18)
TabDock2\Source\TDockFormA.cls (37894, 2001-10-19)
TabDock2\Source\TDockForms.cls (6690, 2001-10-19)
TabDock2\Source\TEnums.cls (2131, 2001-01-14)
TabDock2\SubClass\timer.cls (2824, 1998-06-18)
TabDock2\Source\TTabDockHostA.cls (42902, 2001-01-14)
TabDock2\Source\TTabDockHosts.cls (2897, 2001-10-19)
TabDock2\Source\TabDock.csi (498, 2001-01-14)
TabDock2\Source\TTabDockA.ctl (22498, 2001-10-24)
TabDock2\Source\TTabDockA.ctx (3444, 2001-10-24)
TabDock2\Demo\Form1.frm (4412, 2001-01-14)
TabDock2\Demo\Form2.frm (2555, 2001-01-14)
TabDock2\Demo\Form3.frm (4994, 2001-01-14)
TabDock2\Demo\Form4.frm (4228, 2001-01-14)
TabDock2\Demo\Form5.frm (1513, 2001-01-14)
TabDock2\Demo\Form6.frm (3134, 2001-01-14)
TabDock2\Demo\Form7.frm (1451, 2001-01-14)
TabDock2\Demo\MDIForm1.frm (19974, 2001-10-24)
TabDock2\Demo\Form1.frx (822, 2001-01-14)
TabDock2\Demo\Form2.frx (250, 2001-01-14)
TabDock2\Demo\Form3.frx (289, 2001-01-14)
TabDock2\Demo\Form4.frx (197, 2001-01-14)
TabDock2\Demo\Form5.frx (238, 2001-01-14)
TabDock2\Demo\Form6.frx (209, 2001-01-14)
TabDock2\Demo\Form7.frx (91774, 2001-01-14)
TabDock2\Demo\MDIForm1.frx (1397, 2001-10-24)
TabDock2\Demo\DemoTabDock.opt (43520, 2001-01-14)
... ...

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\uc1 \deff0\deflang1033\deflangfe1033{\fonttbl{\f0\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02020603050405020304}Times New Roman;}{\f28\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0604030504040204}Verdana;} {\f31\froman\fcharset238\fprq2 Times New Roman CE;}{\f32\froman\fcharset204\fprq2 Times New Roman Cyr;}{\f34\froman\fcharset161\fprq2 Times New Roman Greek;}{\f35\froman\fcharset162\fprq2 Times New Roman Tur;} {\f36\froman\fcharset177\fprq2 Times New Roman (Hebrew);}{\f37\froman\fcharset178\fprq2 Times New Roman (Arabic);}{\f38\froman\fcharset186\fprq2 Times New Roman Baltic;}{\f255\fswiss\fcharset238\fprq2 Verdana CE;} {\f256\fswiss\fcharset204\fprq2 Verdana Cyr;}{\f258\fswiss\fcharset161\fprq2 Verdana Greek;}{\f259\fswiss\fcharset162\fprq2 Verdana Tur;}{\f262\fswiss\fcharset186\fprq2 Verdana Baltic;}}{\colortbl;\red0\green0\blue0;\red0\green0\blue255; \red0\green255\blue255;\red0\green255\blue0;\red255\green0\blue255;\red255\green0\blue0;\red255\green255\blue0;\red255\green255\blue255;\red0\green0\blue128;\red0\green128\blue128;\red0\green128\blue0;\red128\green0\blue128;\red128\green0\blue0; \red128\green128\blue0;\red128\green128\blue128;\red192\green192\blue192;}{\stylesheet{\ql \li0\ri0\widctlpar\aspalpha\aspnum\faauto\adjustright\rin0\lin0\itap0 \fs24\lang1033\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp1033\langfenp1033 \snext0 Normal;}{\*\cs10 \additive Default Paragraph Font;}}{\info{\author Goku}{\operator Goku}{\creatim\yr2001\mo10\dy19\hr12\min12}{\revtim\yr2001\mo10\dy24\hr12\min38}{\version3}{\edmins3}{\nofpages2}{\nofwords585}{\nofchars3337}{\*\company }{\nofcharsws0}{\vern8247}} \widowctrl\ftnbj\aenddoc\noxlattoyen\expshrtn\noultrlspc\dntblnsbdb\nospaceforul\hyphcaps0\horzdoc\dghspace120\dgvspace120\dghorigin1701\dgvorigin1***4\dghshow0\dgvshow3\jcompress\viewkind1\viewscale100\nolnhtadjtbl \fet0\sectd \linex0\sectdefaultcl {\*\pnseclvl1\pnucrm\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxta .}}{\*\pnseclvl2\pnucltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxta .}}{\*\pnseclvl3\pndec\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxta .}}{\*\pnseclvl4\pnlcltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl5 \pndec\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl6\pnlcltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl7\pnlcrm\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl8\pnlcltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang {\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl9\pnlcrm\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}\pard\plain \ql \li0\ri0\nowidctlpar\faauto\rin0\lin0\itap0 \fs24\lang1033\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp1033\langfenp1033 { \f28\fs20\cf6\lang1046\langfe1033\langnp1046 TabDock Control ReadMe \par }{\f28\fs18\cf15\lang1046\langfe1033\langnp1046 Revision 2 (October, 2001) \par }{\f28\fs16\lang1046\langfe1033\langnp1046 \par }{\b\f28\fs16\cf9\lang1046\langfe1033\langnp1046 Revision \par }{\f28\fs16\lang1046\langfe1033\langnp1046 This is revision 2 of the tabdock control. I\rquote ve addressed 2 issues. One being the one most frequently questioned about being the issue of keeping focus to the pain form when one of the docked forms is in focus. Unfortunatly this isn\rquote t possible in reality but I did manage to produce an imitiation of this affect. \par \par The second issue was one of my own issues. Saving the layout of the docked windows is possible but more work than it\rquote s worth. Now it saves the layout of the docked windows on exit and assumming you have the control\rquote s persistant property set to true it will load the previous layout stored when the app exited. \par \par }{\b\f28\fs16\cf9\lang1046\langfe1033\langnp1046 Important!! \par }{\f28\fs16\lang1046\langfe1033\langnp1046 Check for new properties and improvements at Revisions Section before using the component. Thanks! \par \par }{\b\f28\fs16\cf9\lang1046\langfe1033\langnp1046 Description \par }{\f28\fs16\lang1046\langfe1033\langnp1046 This project demonstrates how to use the TabDock Control. Most of the functional code is contained in the UserControl and MDIForm1 Load() method. If you have any comments about this projec t you may contact me by email at the end of this page. \par \par }{\b\f28\fs16\cf9\lang1046\langfe1033\langnp1046 Advantages \par }{\f28\fs16\lang1046\langfe1033\langnp1046 The advantages of using the TabDock Control is that you don't have to code, re-design or change any line of code from your existing forms in order to have docking capabilities. \par \par }{\b\f28\fs16\cf9\lang1046\langfe1033\langnp1046 Development \par }{\f28\fs16\lang1046\langfe1033\langnp1046 This project was developed using the following platform and softwares: \par - Windows NT 4.0 Server (PDC) with Service Pack 5.0 \par - IIS 4.0 \par - Visual Studio 6.0 (full install) \par - Visual Basic 6 with Service Pack 4.0. \par This project and component may not run in other configuration. if this happen please let me know. \par }{\b\f28\fs16\cf9\lang1046\langfe1033\langnp1046 \par The Net and This Project \par }{\f28\fs16\lang1046\langfe1033\langnp1046 I've been looking around the net for a component which could dock my project's forms the same way VB IDE does. I've came across many interesting programs on the net but unfortunatly they all required a hard coding work in my existing forms or they were too expensive to buy. So I decided to solve such a problem creating a simple and light-weighted control that would do the job perfectly without adding a line of co de in my existing forms. \par \par The code has many third-party functions, classes and procedures. The author of each piece of code is mentioned in the top of each resource. And I thank them all for the plug. If I have forgotten someone please let me know. \par \par I'm a newbie concerning Windows API programming, so if you detect any severe mistakes I have made, please let me know and I will try to fix them when I have time. \par \par All comments and improvements related to this control are welcomed, so please don't hesitate to e-mail me. \par \par The code, classes, and functions are freeware. You may use them at your on risk! (but it's not that bad!) \par \par }{\b\f28\fs16\cf9\lang1046\langfe1033\langnp1046 Before using the component... \par }{\f28\fs16\lang1046\langfe1033\langnp1046 This control was created and compiled with VB6. It will not work in VB5, unless you change VB6 referenc es in the control project. That job I will leave for you, because I do not have VB5 program installed to do it myself. Sorry!. \par \par This control uses }{\b\f28\fs16\lang1046\langfe1033\langnp1046 SubClassing}{\f28\fs16\lang1046\langfe1033\langnp1046 to handle several tasks, so before running the demo project you will need to download and install (register) the }{ \b\f28\fs16\cf6\lang1046\langfe1033\langnp1046 SSubTmr6.dll (VB6)}{\f28\fs16\lang1046\langfe1033\langnp1046 from }{\f28\fs16\ul\cf9\lang1046\langfe1033\langnp1046 http://www.vbaccelerator.com}{\f28\fs16\lang1046\langfe1033\langnp1046 web site. (Thanks Steve!) \par \par }{\b\f28\fs16\cf9\lang1046\langfe1033\langnp1046 Warning! \par }{\f28\fs16\lang1046\langfe1033\langnp1046 Once we are using subclassing, please, }{\b\f28\fs16\cf6\lang1046\langfe1033\langnp1046 AVOID}{\f28\fs16\lang1046\langfe1033\langnp1046 stopping the debugger with the }{ \b\f28\fs16\lang1046\langfe1033\langnp1046 IDE STOP BUTTON}{\f28\fs16\lang1046\langfe1033\langnp1046 or else VB may crash. \par \par }{\b\f28\fs16\cf9\lang1046\langfe1033\langnp1046 How to use the component in 4 steps... \par }\pard \ql \fi-360\li360\ri0\nowidctlpar\tx360\faauto\rin0\lin360\itap0 {\f28\fs16\lang1046\langfe1033\langnp1046 1)\tab Create a MDIForm and some forms you wish to dock/undock. \par 2)\tab Drop the control on the MDIForm \par 3)\tab Add the forms you want docking capabilities using the "TabDock.AddForm(...)" method. \par 4)\tab Call the "TabDock.Show()" method to display the panels and forms. \par \par That's all! Don't you belive? So, run the Demo Project. \par }\pard \ql \li0\ri0\nowidctlpar\faauto\rin0\lin0\itap0 {\f28\fs16\ul\lang1046\langfe1033\langnp1046 \par }{\b\f28\fs16\cf9\lang1046\langfe1033\langnp1046 Notes \par }{\f28\fs16\lang1046\langfe1033\langnp1046 You are free to use this control and source code in any way you wish, entirely at your own risk. The source code from the other authors you must ask them not me, please. \par \par This control is still being developed so please don't use it for commercial applications. (I am warning you!!) \par \par }{\b\f28\fs16\cf9\lang1046\langfe1033\langnp1046 Remarks \par }{\f28\fs16\lang1046\langfe1033\langnp1046 Sorry my bad english! ;-P \par \par }{\b\f28\fs16\cf9\lang1046\langfe1033\langnp1046 About the Author... \par }{\f28\fs16\lang1046\langfe1033\langnp1046 Marclei V Silva \par marclei@spnorte.com \par S\'e3o Paulo - Brazil \par http://www.spnorte.com \par \par January, 2001 \par - \par }}


