
上传日期:2017-12-19 13:19:17
上 传 者chj2
说明:  DirectShow 录像 拍照的源代码
(The source code of the DirectShow video camera)

license.txt (26954, 2005-06-15)
WhatsNew.txt (7895, 2010-02-16)
Docs\interfaces.txt (10970, 2010-02-16)
Docs\LisezMoi.rtf (117773, 2010-02-21)
Docs\Mixing Unmanaged & Managed Direct3D.rtf (13707, 2005-08-29)
Docs (0, 2010-02-21)
lib\DirectShowLib-2005.dll (303104, 2010-02-21)
lib (0, 2010-02-21)
src\amstream.cs (15581, 2009-03-26)
src\amvideo.cs (9261, 2009-03-27)
src\app.config (130, 2010-02-21)
src\AssemblyInfo.cs (1989, 2010-02-21)
src\atscpsipparser.cs (19451, 2009-06-15)
src\austream.cs (6089, 2009-03-26)
src\AxCore.cs (26491, 2007-06-30)
src\AXExtend.cs (128631, 2010-02-11)
src\BDAIface.cs (53121, 2009-06-16)
src\Bdatif.cs (10708, 2009-06-16)
src\BDATypes.cs (10490, 2007-06-21)
src\Control.cs (28368, 2007-06-22)
src\DES.cs (55665, 2010-02-11)
src\DevEnum.cs (2117, 2007-06-21)
src\DirectShowLib-2005.csproj (7251, 2010-02-06)
src\DirectShowLib-2005.sln (923, 2009-05-29)
src\DirectShowLib-2008.csproj (7250, 2010-02-16)
src\DirectShowLib-2008.sln (920, 2009-03-26)
src\DirectShowLib.sln (911, 2005-06-30)
src\DMODShow.cs (1441, 2007-06-21)
src\dsattrib.cs (6517, 2009-06-14)
src\DShowNET.snk (596, 2005-06-11)
src\DsUtils.cs (76227, 2009-06-21)
src\dvbsiparser.cs (99041, 2009-06-16)
src\DVDIf.cs (43259, 2009-06-15)
src\DynGraph.cs (6054, 2007-06-21)
src\encdec.cs (21096, 2009-06-16)
src\EvCode.cs (7048, 2009-06-15)
src\IL21Dec.cs (3191, 2007-06-21)
src\MediaObj.cs (19061, 2009-05-29)
... ...

DirectShowLibNET - A library to allow .NET applications to use DirectShow functions ===================================== NOTE! ====================================== All the samples have been removed from this package and moved to their own at: ================================================================================== Here's where to find things: - The documentation is located in docs\readme.rtf and can be read with WordPad, MS Word, etc. - A description of what has changed since the last version can be found in WhatsNew.txt. - A retail build of the library containing all tested interfaces can be found in lib. - The list of interfaces indicating which are tested or untested can be found in docs\interfaces.txt - The complete source code with definitions for all interfaces (tested and untested) can be found in src\*.* Licensed under Lesser General Public License. See license.txt for details.


