superpixel tracking

上传日期:2018-01-03 19:04:19
上 传 者zllljf
说明:  该方法是利用超像素方法实现目标的跟踪,详细的代码及使用说明在压缩包里,亲测有用
(A method using hyperpixel method to track the target)

superpixel tracking (0, 2018-01-02)
superpixel tracking\SLICSuperpixelSegmentation.exe (192512, 2010-08-11)
superpixel tracking\SPT.pdf (5417530, 2017-12-14)
superpixel tracking\_SLIC.bmp (54, 2017-12-14)
superpixel tracking\affine (0, 2017-12-14)
superpixel tracking\affine\affp2geom.m (288, 2011-10-14)
superpixel tracking\affine\affparam2geom.m (1696, 2011-10-14)
superpixel tracking\affine\affparam2mat.m (1192, 2011-10-14)
superpixel tracking\affine\affparam2original.m (349, 2012-06-23)
superpixel tracking\affine\affparam2ultimate.m (229, 2012-06-23)
superpixel tracking\affine\affparaminv.m (521, 2011-10-14)
superpixel tracking\data (0, 2018-01-03)
superpixel tracking\data\bird2 (0, 2017-12-14)
superpixel tracking\data\bird2\0001.jpg (20820, 2010-09-29)
superpixel tracking\data\bird2\0002.jpg (21055, 2010-09-29)
superpixel tracking\data\bird2\0003.jpg (20698, 2010-09-29)
superpixel tracking\data\bird2\0004.jpg (20736, 2010-09-29)
superpixel tracking\data\bird2\0005.jpg (20628, 2010-09-29)
superpixel tracking\data\bird2\0006.jpg (20714, 2010-09-29)
superpixel tracking\data\bird2\0007.jpg (20593, 2010-09-29)
superpixel tracking\data\bird2\0008.jpg (20555, 2010-09-29)
superpixel tracking\data\bird2\0009.jpg (20821, 2010-09-29)
superpixel tracking\data\bird2\0010.jpg (20499, 2010-09-29)
superpixel tracking\data\bird2\0011.jpg (20388, 2010-09-29)
superpixel tracking\data\bird2\0012.jpg (20651, 2010-09-29)
superpixel tracking\data\bird2\0013.jpg (20594, 2010-09-29)
superpixel tracking\data\bird2\0014.jpg (20507, 2010-09-29)
superpixel tracking\data\bird2\0015.jpg (20512, 2010-09-29)
superpixel tracking\data\bird2\0016.jpg (19525, 2010-09-29)
superpixel tracking\data\bird2\0017.jpg (19622, 2010-09-29)
superpixel tracking\data\bird2\0018.jpg (19665, 2010-09-29)
superpixel tracking\data\bird2\0019.jpg (19263, 2010-09-29)
superpixel tracking\data\bird2\0020.jpg (19286, 2010-09-29)
superpixel tracking\data\bird2\0021.jpg (19824, 2010-09-29)
superpixel tracking\data\bird2\0022.jpg (20577, 2010-09-29)
superpixel tracking\data\bird2\0023.jpg (20422, 2010-09-29)
superpixel tracking\data\bird2\0024.jpg (20690, 2010-09-29)
superpixel tracking\data\bird2\0025.jpg (20869, 2010-09-29)
superpixel tracking\data\bird2\0026.jpg (21588, 2010-09-29)
... ...

This is a MATLAB implementation of the superpixel based tracking method proposed by Shu Wang, Huchuan Lu, Fan Yang, Ming-Hsuan Yang, "Superpixel Tracking", 13th International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV2011), pp. 1323-1330, 2011. We tested this implementation under MATLAB R2009a and Windows 7 platform. Since the executable binary for generating superpixels can only run on a Windows system, our implementation cannot run under Linux systems. It may also encounter some compatible issues with old versions of MATLAB. ============================================== HOW TO RUN THE CODE ============================================== We include a testing sequence "bird2" in the data folder so you can simply run runTracker to see how the tracker works. If you want to run our code on your own sequence, please follow these steps: 1. open trackparam, add the name of the sequence to the list of sequences and add necessary parameters such as coordinates of the initial bounding box and particle sampling parameters. You can refer to the comments for help. 2. change dataPath to the path of your sequence which contains images of all frames. The naming of the images should follow the format 000n.png/jpg which has 4 digits with 0 padding in the beginning. 3. type runTracker to run the tracker on your sequence. 4. all results are saved in the "results" folder under the same path of the sequence. ============================================== NOTICE ============================================== This implementation is still a preliminary version. We will work on it to improve the efficiency and readability. Any questions please contact us by or


