
开发工具:Quartus II
上传日期:2018-01-11 14:12:48
上 传 者小竹塘
说明:  此电路是一个基于Quartus II 的加法器,由两个半加器组成。
(The circuit is an adder based on Quartus II, consisting of two adder.)

adder\adder.asm.rpt (7059, 2015-12-08)
adder\adder.bdf (7080, 2012-12-21)
adder\adder.done (26, 2015-12-08)
adder\ (158325, 2015-12-08)
adder\ (513, 2015-12-08)
adder\ (591, 2015-12-08)
adder\adder.flow.rpt (7642, 2015-12-08)
adder\ (19764, 2015-12-08)
adder\ (447, 2015-12-08)
adder\ (79015, 2015-12-08)
adder\adder.pof (2097339, 2015-12-08)
adder\adder.qpf (1267, 2015-12-08)
adder\adder.qsf (3642, 2015-12-08)
adder\adder.qws (1841, 2015-12-08)
adder\adder.sim.rpt (10226, 2015-12-08)
adder\adder.sof (841090, 2015-12-08)
adder\adder.tan.rpt (9834, 2015-12-08)
adder\adder.tan.summary (709, 2015-12-08)
adder\adder.vwf (3250, 2015-12-08)
adder\adder_assignment_defaults.qdf (54503, 2015-12-08)
adder\db\adder.db_info (138, 2015-12-08)
adder\db\adder.sim.cvwf (902, 2015-12-08)
adder\db\adder.sld_design_entry.sci (199, 2015-12-08)
adder\db\logic_util_heursitic.dat (484, 2015-12-08)
adder\db\prev_cmp_adder.asm.qmsg (2186, 2015-12-08)
adder\db\ (13365, 2015-12-08)
adder\db\ (5184, 2015-12-08)
adder\db\prev_cmp_adder.qmsg (25893, 2015-12-08)
adder\db\prev_cmp_adder.sim.qmsg (3583, 2015-12-08)
adder\db\prev_cmp_adder.tan.qmsg (4928, 2015-12-08)
adder\db\wed.wsf (2565, 2015-12-08)
adder\halfadder1.bdf (10000, 2010-01-27)
adder\halfadder1.bsf (2038, 2010-01-27)
adder\halfadder2.bsf (1921, 2010-01-27)
adder\halfadder2.vhd (248, 2010-01-27)
adder\incremental_db\compiled_partitions\adder.db_info (138, 2015-12-08)
adder\incremental_db\compiled_partitions\adder.root_partition.cmp.dfp (33, 2015-12-08)
adder\incremental_db\compiled_partitions\adder.root_partition.cmp.kpt (197, 2015-12-08)
adder\incremental_db\compiled_partitions\adder.root_partition.cmp.logdb (4, 2015-12-08)
adder\incremental_db\compiled_partitions\ (901, 2015-12-08)
... ...

This folder contains data for incremental compilation. The compiled_partitions sub-folder contains previous compilation results for each partition. As long as this folder is preserved, incremental compilation results from earlier compiles can be re-used. To perform a clean compilation from source files for all partitions, both the db and incremental_db folder should be removed. The imported_partitions sub-folder contains the last imported QXP for each imported partition. As long as this folder is preserved, imported partitions will be automatically re-imported when the db or incremental_db/compiled_partitions folders are removed.


