
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2011-05-03 23:56:31
上 传 者madud00103
说明:  大家都知道,有很多软件的界面做的都很独特,像国外的QuickTime、国内的金山软件等,都是水灵灵的水晶风格,看着很诱人,让软件使用者对软件产生好感,本人根据网上的资料,加上自己的摸索,总算写出来了,虽然 还和市面上的商业软件界面有很大差距,但我自认为已经不错了。
(We all know, there are many software interface to do is unique, as foreign QuickTime, domestic Kingsoft, are crystal water Lingling style and looks very attractive, so that software users of the software feel good, I According to online information, plus your own exploration, and finally written, and the market although there is a big gap between commercial software interface, but I think they have been good.)

youDlg.h (1444, 2005-08-22)
youDlg.cpp (1655, 2009-12-30)
TitleBarDlg.h (2705, 2005-09-03)
TitleBarDlg.cpp (14122, 2009-12-30)
TitleBar.rc (7675, 2005-08-22)
TitleBar.h (1346, 2002-03-21)
TitleBar.dsw (539, 2002-03-21)
TitleBar.dsp (5780, 2005-08-22)
TitleBar.cpp (2094, 2009-12-30)
TitleBar.clw (2206, 2009-12-30)
TitleBar.aps (58428, 2009-12-30)
StdAfx.h (999, 2002-03-21)
StdAfx.cpp (210, 2002-03-21)
resource.h (2093, 2005-08-22)
MyToolTipCtrl.h (1260, 2005-08-18)
MyToolTipCtrl.cpp (1164, 2009-12-30)
res\close.bmp (3834, 2005-08-18)
res\down.bmp (86, 2005-08-18)
res\down1.bmp (86, 2005-08-18)
res\exit_foc.bmp (1194, 2002-03-21)
res\exit_nor.bmp (1194, 2002-03-21)
res\hel_focu.bmp (1194, 2002-03-21)
res\hel_norm.bmp (1194, 2002-03-21)
res\Left.bmp (114, 2005-08-18)
res\Left.jpg (1954, 2005-08-15)
res\Left1.bmp (94, 2005-08-18)
res\Left1.jpg (1982, 2005-08-15)
res\Left_Down.bmp (166, 2005-08-18)
res\Left_Down.jpg (2028, 2005-08-15)
res\Left_Down1.bmp (150, 2005-08-18)
res\Left_Down1.jpg (2010, 2005-08-15)
res\Max.bmp (3834, 2005-08-18)
res\max_focu.bmp (1194, 2002-03-21)
res\max_norm.bmp (1194, 2002-03-21)
res\min.bmp (3834, 2005-08-18)
res\min_focu.bmp (1194, 2002-03-21)
res\min_norm.bmp (1194, 2002-03-21)
res\Normal.bmp (3834, 2005-08-18)
res\res_focu.bmp (1194, 2002-03-21)
res\res_norm.bmp (1194, 2002-03-21)
... ...


