STM8L - BMP280

上传日期:2018-01-17 15:33:25
上 传 者5077549
说明:  STM8+BMP280采用SPI方式驱动,测量压强
(STM8+BMP280 is driven by SPI to measure pressure)

STM8L - BMP280 (0, 2018-01-17)
STM8L - BMP280\Appdiver (0, 2018-01-17)
STM8L - BMP280\Appdiver\app_280.c (4581, 2016-03-28)
STM8L - BMP280\Appdiver\app_280.h (7092, 2016-03-16)
STM8L - BMP280\Appdiver\bmp280.c (47368, 2015-03-27)
STM8L - BMP280\Appdiver\bmp280.h (52836, 2015-03-27)
STM8L - BMP280\Appdiver\bmp280_support.c (18923, 2015-03-27)
STM8L - BMP280\BSP (0, 2018-01-17)
STM8L - BMP280\BSP\bsp.c (6274, 2016-04-25)
STM8L - BMP280\BSP\bsp.h (1753, 2016-03-18)
STM8L - BMP280\BSP\MyTypeDef.h (1666, 2015-06-17)
STM8L - BMP280\Prpject (0, 2018-01-17)
STM8L - BMP280\Prpject\Backup of STM8L.ewd (11274, 2016-04-25)
STM8L - BMP280\Prpject\Backup of STM8L.ewp (46013, 2016-03-16)
STM8L - BMP280\Prpject\Debug (0, 2018-01-17)
STM8L - BMP280\Prpject\Debug\Exe (0, 2018-01-17)
STM8L - BMP280\Prpject\Debug\Exe\STM8L.hex (12303, 2016-04-25)
STM8L - BMP280\Prpject\Debug\Exe\STM8L.out (118484, 2016-04-25)
STM8L - BMP280\Prpject\Debug\List (0, 2016-03-14)
STM8L - BMP280\Prpject\Debug\Obj (0, 2018-01-17)
STM8L - BMP280\Prpject\Debug\Obj\app_280.o (23355, 2016-04-25)
STM8L - BMP280\Prpject\Debug\Obj\app_280.pbi (13109, 2016-04-25)
STM8L - BMP280\Prpject\Debug\Obj\app_280.pbi.cout (10530, 2016-04-25)
STM8L - BMP280\Prpject\Debug\Obj\bmp280.o (80274, 2016-03-16)
STM8L - BMP280\Prpject\Debug\Obj\bmp280.pbi.cout (10334, 2016-03-16)
STM8L - BMP280\Prpject\Debug\Obj\bmp280_support.o (7038, 2016-03-16)
STM8L - BMP280\Prpject\Debug\Obj\bmp280_support.pbi.cout (10342, 2016-03-16)
STM8L - BMP280\Prpject\Debug\Obj\bsp.o (23987, 2016-04-25)
STM8L - BMP280\Prpject\Debug\Obj\bsp.pbi (328437, 2016-04-25)
STM8L - BMP280\Prpject\Debug\Obj\bsp.pbi.cout (10521, 2016-04-25)
STM8L - BMP280\Prpject\Debug\Obj\main.o (15449, 2016-04-25)
STM8L - BMP280\Prpject\Debug\Obj\main.pbi (334353, 2016-04-25)
STM8L - BMP280\Prpject\Debug\Obj\main.pbi.cout (10529, 2016-04-25)
STM8L - BMP280\Prpject\Debug\Obj\STM8L.pbd (547039, 2018-01-16)
STM8L - BMP280\Prpject\Debug\Obj\STM8L.pbd.browse (547039, 2018-01-16)
STM8L - BMP280\Prpject\Debug\Obj\stm8l10x_awu.o (14919, 2016-04-25)
STM8L - BMP280\Prpject\Debug\Obj\stm8l10x_awu.pbi (225945, 2016-04-25)
STM8L - BMP280\Prpject\Debug\Obj\stm8l10x_awu.pbi.cout (10547, 2016-04-25)
STM8L - BMP280\Prpject\Debug\Obj\stm8l10x_beep.o (9841, 2016-04-25)
STM8L - BMP280\Prpject\Debug\Obj\stm8l10x_beep.pbi (225217, 2016-04-25)
... ...

/** @page SPI_MSD Fast communication with a MicroSD memory card @verbatim ******************** (C)COPYRIGHT 2014 STMicroelectronics ******************* * @file SPI/SPI_MSD/readme.txt * @author MCD Application Team * @version V1.2.1 * @date 30-September-2014 * @brief Description of the SPI MSD Example. ****************************************************************************** * Licensed under MCD-ST Liberty SW License Agreement V2, (the "License"); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ****************************************************************************** @endverbatim @par Example description This example provides a short description of how to make a communication (Write & Read data) between the SPI and a MicroSD memory card like the one present on the evalboard. First, Fill the Tx_Buffer with data to be written into the MicroSD memory followed by a read of that data. Then data read from the MicroSD memory stored in the Rx_Buffer are compared with the expected values of the Tx_Buffer. The result of this comparison is stored in the "TransferStatus" variable. @par Directory contents - SPI\SPI_MSD\main.c Main file containing the "main" function - SPI\SPI_MSD\stm8l10x_conf.h Library Configuration file - SPI\SPI_MSD\stm8l10x_it.c Interrupt routines source - SPI\SPI_MSD\stm8l10x_it.h Interrupt routines declaration @par Hardware and Software environment - This example runs on STM8L10x devices. - This example has been tested with STMicroelectronics STM8L101-EVAL evaluation board and can be easily tailored to any other development board. - STM8L1 Set-up - Plug a MicroSD memory card into the dedicated connector (CN1). - LCD display. - Key button. @par How to use it ? In order to make the program work, you must do the following : - Copy all source files from this example folder to the template folder under Project\STM8L10x_StdPeriph_Templates - Open your preferred toolchain - Add the required files: - stm8l_eval_spi_sd.c (under Utilities/STM8L101_EVAL/Common) - Rebuild all files and load your image into target memory - Run the example - Run program: Debug->Run (Ctrl+F5) - The LCD displays " SPI example SPI & MicroSD Communication" - Insert MicroSD memory then validate by pressing Key button - If the read data from the MicroSD memory are the same as the written ones the LCD displays "W&R block Success" otherwise "W&R block Error". @note - STM8L10x devices are STM8L microcontrollers with a Flash memory density up to 8 Kbytes. *

© COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics



