上传日期:2018-01-25 09:14:32
上 传 者思逸若泉
说明:  TOPMODEL是分布式水文模型,这里为开发者的程序,以供参考学习。版本为9701
(Background to TOPMODEL This program is intended as a demonstration version of TOPMODEL for PC-Windows and has been developed from versions used for teaching purposes over a number of years in the Environmental Science degree course at Lancaster University, including TOPT9502 which is also available at the TOPMODEL Web site (see below) as a DOS program and FORTRAN source code.)

top-fort (0, 2006-02-18)
top-fort\EVAP.FOR (3512, 1993-06-01)
top-fort\TMCOMMON.FOR (530, 1993-06-04)
top-fort\TMOD9502.FOR (19413, 1998-09-09)
top-fort\TOPT9502.FOR (16912, 1998-09-09)
top-win (0, 2006-02-19)
top-win\Grid.vbx (44656, 1997-10-15)
top-win\THREED.VBX (64432, 1997-10-15)
top-win\TMod9701.DOC (90624, 1998-09-10)
top-win\TMod9701.rtf (45425, 1998-09-10)
top-win\TOPMODEL.EXE (92109, 1998-09-03)
top-win\TOPMODEL.GID (8628, 2006-02-19)
top-win\TOPMODEL.HLP (18327, 1997-10-15)
top-win\VBRUN300.DLL (398416, 1993-05-12) (12149, 2006-02-18)
dtm-fort (0, 2006-02-19)
dtm-fort\F77L.EER (9280, 1986-04-07)
dtm-fort\gridatb.application.txt (26228, 2006-02-19)
dtm-fort\GRIDATB.FOR (26228, 1998-09-09)
dtm-fort\GRIDCONV.EXE (218120, 1993-06-14)
dtm-fort\GRIDCONV.FOR (5511, 1993-06-14)
dtm-fort\GRIDREDU.EXE (369352, 1993-06-15)
dtm-fort\GRIDREDU.FOR (5389, 1993-06-15)
dtm-fort\GRIDTRAN.EXE (215880, 1993-06-04)
dtm-fort\GRIDTRAN.FOR (4261, 1993-06-11)
dtm-fort\xport1.asc (6829571, 2006-02-19)
dtm-fort\xport1.asc.bak (6829577, 2005-12-09)
dtm-fort\xport2.asc (6829577, 2005-12-09)
dtm-win (0, 2006-02-19)
dtm-win\DTM9701.rtf (16338, 1998-09-10)
dtm-win\dtm9703.doc (47104, 1998-12-21)
dtm-win\dtm9704.exe (85612, 2002-08-06)
dtm-win\dtm9707.exe (85612, 2003-07-30)
dtm-win\ELEV.DAT (37309, 1997-10-15)
dtm-win\Grid.vbx (44656, 1997-10-15)
dtm-win\THREED.VBX (64432, 1997-10-15)
... ...

TOPMODEL for WINDOWS files ************************** TMOD9701.EXE is an executable Visual Basic file for a single subcatchment version of a simplified TOPMODEL. NB. This program requires that the files VBRUN300.DLL and THREED.VBX be copied to the Windows\System directory. TMOD9701.HLP is a Help file for the Windows Help system. It should be copied to the same directory as TOPMOD9701.EXE TMOD9701.RTF is a Rich Text Format version of the Manual Project directory. The project directory contains the data files required to run the model. These are: CALIB.PRJ a project file that gives the names of the other files to be used. $CALIB.PEQ an hourly rainfall, potential evapotranspiration and observed discharge file $CATCH.CAT a file containing the ln(a/tanB) distribution and other catchment data (see Manual) $MAPFILE.ATB a file containing a grid of ln(a/tanB) topographic index values


