
上传日期:2018-02-07 22:08:19
上 传 者proeramiinw
说明:  这个是关于注册的程序代码,是用asp做的,界面美观大方!

Source\legal.txt (1889, 1997-03-18)
DDDocs\contents.htm (771, 1997-07-02)
DDDocs\Default.htm (299, 1997-07-02)
DDDocs\reg.htm (9739, 1997-12-18)
DDDocs\reg_1.htm (2557, 1997-07-01)
DDDocs\reg_10.htm (2736, 1997-07-01)
DDDocs\reg_2.htm (2256, 1997-07-01)
DDDocs\reg_3.htm (2342, 1997-07-01)
DDDocs\reg_4.htm (2403, 1997-07-01)
DDDocs\reg_5.htm (2629, 1997-07-01)
DDDocs\reg_6.htm (2893, 1997-07-01)
DDDocs\reg_7.htm (2266, 1997-07-01)
DDDocs\reg_8.htm (3013, 1997-07-01)
DDDocs\reg_9.htm (3125, 1997-07-01)
TOURL.htm (107, 1997-12-01)
Source\colln.h (5195, 1997-09-17)
Source\debug.h (2925, 1997-03-18)
Source\hkey.h (7543, 1997-04-29)
Source\regobj.h (2793, 1997-09-17)
Source\resource.h (437, 1997-03-18)
Source\stdafx.h (586, 1997-04-29)
Source\colln.cpp (12142, 1997-05-13)
Source\debug.cpp (3911, 1997-07-01)
Source\hkey.cpp (13946, 1997-04-29)
Source\reg.cpp (2538, 1997-04-29)
Source\regobj.cpp (31728, 1997-09-17)
Source\stdafx.cpp (230, 1997-03-18)
u8Dll\i386\Reg.dll (109056, 1997-09-19)
Source\makefile (1141, 1997-09-17)
Sample\registry.asp (3995, 1997-12-08)
Sample\subkeys.asp (2427, 1997-09-19)
Source\reg.def (212, 1997-03-18)
Source\regps.def (203, 1997-03-18)
Source\reg.dsp (8998, 1997-04-29)
Source\reg.dsw (529, 1997-04-29)
Source\reg.idl (6301, 1997-09-17)
Source\reg.mak (23079, 1997-04-29)
Source\regps.mak (360, 1997-03-18)
Source\reg.mdp (0, 1997-03-18)
... ...

Registry Access Component ========================= Table of Contents ================= Overview Installation File List Build Notes Support Overview ======== The Registry Access component is an Active Server Pages component that can be used to read and modify strings and numbers in the system Registry. It can also be used to delete keys (and all associated subkeys and values) and to delete simple values, and it can be used to copy keys recursively. It will also work with registry keys on remote machines. See the accompanying documentation for full details. This component can also be used with Visual Basic and other systems that lack facilities for direct manipulation of the system registry. Installation and Use ==================== If you chose to install the Registry Access component during the IIS Resource Kit compact disc setup process, it will automatically be installed and registered for you. If you rebuild the source code, the makefile will automatically re-register the component for you. Registering the component allows Active Server Pages (ASP) Scripting Languages and other languages to make use of the component. ASP uses either the Server.CreateObject("ObjectName") syntax or the syntax to gain access to an object. New objects can be made ready for use by installing a new component. Note: One component may contain more than one object definition. To test the component, click the Start menu, then Programs, Internet Information Server Resource Kit, Components, and Registry Access. Click Demo to see Registry Access. File List ========= File Description ---- ----------- .\Source RegObj.cpp the C++ source code for the registry access component, CRegObj RegObj.h declarations for CRegObj Reg.idl the declaration of IRegObj, the IDispatch-based interface Makefile a makefile that can be used with nmake Reg.mak the Developer Studio makefile debug.cpp useful debugging stubs debug.h useful debugging macros and declarations for debug.cpp Reg.cpp ) Reg.def ) Reg.mdp ) Reg.rc ) RegPS.def } Generated by the ATL COM AppWizard RegPS.mak ) Resource.h ) StdAfx.cpp ) StdAfx.h ) .\Samples Registry.asp Script demonstrating the use of the registry access component AspReg.asp Script showing current values of Active Server Pages registry entries Build Notes =========== This sample requires Microsoft Visual C++ 4.2b or later. If you are using VC 4.2, it is necessary that you upgrade to VC 4.2b, using the patch which can be found at Note that this patch will not work with earlier or later versions of Visual C++, only with VC 4.2. This sample also requires ATL (Microsoft Active Template Library) version 2.0 or later. ATL 2.1 ships with Visual C++ 5.0. ATL 2.0 for VC 4.2b can be downloaded from: You do not need the ATL Docs or Object Wizard Technology Preview to build the Registry Access component, but you will probably find them useful. You can build this component with Nmake at the command line. Read Makefile for more details. You can also build it in Microsoft Developer Studio, using the Reg.mdp project. The component can be built as ANSI or Unicode. If you intend to run it on Windows 95, build it as ANSI. Running it as a Unicode DLL will probably not improve performance noticeably, as little time is spent executing the Unicode<->ANSI conversions in this component. Support ======= This component is not officially supported by Microsoft Corporation. Peer support is available on the Active Server Pages mailing list or on the microsoft.public.inetserver.iis.activeserverpages newsgroup. To subscribe to the Active Server Pages mailing list, send e-mail to with subscribe ActiveServerPages [firstname lastname] in the body of the message, and then follow the directions carefully. (Firstname and lastname are optional.) You can reach the newsgroup through and other NNTP servers.

