
上传日期:2018-02-17 05:09:33
上 传 者the best

vbMmeCable64_win7.inf (4146, 2014-09-02)
pin_in.ico (7358, 2012-06-20)
pin_out.ico (7358, 2012-06-20)
vbaudio_cable_2003.cat (8868, 2014-09-02)
vbaudio_cable_2003.sys (34024, 2014-09-02)
vbaudio_cable_vista.cat (8872, 2014-09-02)
vbaudio_cable_vista.sys (34024, 2014-09-02)
vbaudio_cable_win7.cat (8868, 2014-09-02)
vbaudio_cable_win7.sys (34024, 2014-09-02)
vbaudio_cable_xp.cat (8860, 2014-09-02)
vbaudio_cable_xp.sys (34024, 2014-09-02)
vbaudio_cable64_2003.cat (8876, 2014-09-02)
vbaudio_cable64_2003.sys (41192, 2014-09-02)
vbaudio_cable64_vista.cat (8880, 2014-09-02)
vbaudio_cable64_vista.sys (41192, 2014-09-02)
vbaudio_cable64_win7.cat (8876, 2014-09-02)
vbaudio_cable64_win7.sys (41192, 2014-09-02)
VBCABLE_ControlPanel.exe (868024, 2015-10-19)
VBCABLE_Setup.exe (907824, 2016-05-25)
VBCABLE_Setup_x64.exe (923184, 2016-05-25)
vbMmeCable_2003.inf (4586, 2014-09-02)
vbMmeCable_vista.inf (4142, 2014-09-02)
vbMmeCable_win7.inf (4138, 2014-09-02)
vbMmeCable_xp.inf (4576, 2014-09-02)
vbMmeCable64_2003.inf (4596, 2014-09-02)
vbMmeCable64_vista.inf (4150, 2014-09-02)

----------------------------------------------------------------- VB-CABLE (Audio Device Driver MME, DX, WDM) ----------------------------------------------------------------- CONTENT: - INSTALLATION - LICENSE - CONTACT. ----------------------------------------------------------------- VB-CABLE (Audio Device driver) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Programmed by V.Burel / JS-Loezic Copyrights V.Burel2010-2015 All rights reserved. VB-CABLE is an Audio Driver working as virtual audio cable. All signals sent to the device output is going on the device input. To support our effort and development team, it is possible to make donation on www.VB-CABLE.com web site. Thanks by advance for your participation. ----------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION ----------------------------------------------------------------- Just UNZIP the package in a folder somewhere on your hard-disk and launch the Setup program from there (! IN ADMINISTRATOR MODE !). - VBCABLE_Setup.exe will install driver on 32 bit O/S (will do nothing on *** bit O/S) - VBCABLE_Setup_x***.exe will install driver on *** bit O/S (will not run on 32bits O/S) During installation, the Setup Application can be shown as "not responding" for few seconds. It is not a problem, just wait the end of the installation (a dialog-box will say you when it is finished). It is recommanded to reboot after installation. ----------------------------------------------------------------- LICENSE ----------------------------------------------------------------- LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR END-USER IMPORTANT - READ CAREFULLY BEFORE INSTALLING FILES. BY INSTALLING THIS SOFTWARE, YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THE FOLLOWING AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST QUIT THIS SETUP PROGRAM. LICENCE AGREEMENT Vincent Burel (the author) give you (an individual or a single entity) permission to use this software. All files are protected by copyright and are property of Vincent Burel (The Author) according to intellectual property laws and treaties. Software, files and documents are not public domain, and are protected by the copyright laws of France. LIMITATIONS As the VB-CABLE is a donationware, it is also allowed to copy and diffuse the VB-CABLE package AS IS without any modification. It is not allowed to integrate the VB-CABLE package in another software installation procedure without Author agreement. In case of distribution/diffusion you might mention: 1- The origin of VB-CABLE : www.vb-cable.com. 2- VB-CABLE is a donationware, all participations are welcome. DISCLAIMER: THE SOFTWARE AND DOCUMENTATIONS, TECHNICAL OR NOT ARE PROVIDED AS-IS, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. VINCENT BUREL (THE AUTHOR) DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES RELATING TO THE SOFTWARE, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND ALL SUCH WARRANTIES ARE EXPRESSLY AND SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMED. THE AUTHOR SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE EVEN IF THE AUTHOR HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES OR CLAIMS. THE USER OF THE SOFTWARE BEARS ALL RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE. ----------------------------------------------------------------- CONTACT ----------------------------------------------------------------- e-MAIL : vincent.burel@vb-audio.com WEB : http://www.vb-audio.com WEB : http://www.vb-cable.com


