
上传日期:2018-03-22 17:35:06
上 传 者1434135963@qq.com
说明:  It realizes the functions of book recommendation, label retrieval, 3D simulation page effect, article reading, caching section, day night mode, text reading and so on. The project is based on RxJava + Retrofit2 + Dagger2, and the project is developed with MVP mode, and the project structure is clear. The API in this project comes from the Book Chasing artifact, which is purely shared learning and is not used for commercial use.

Android项目源码任阅小说阅读器高仿追书神器 (0, 2016-09-29)
.idea (0, 2016-09-21)
.idea\.name (10, 2016-09-19)
.idea\compiler.xml (686, 2016-09-19)
.idea\copyright (0, 2016-09-21)
.idea\copyright\profiles_settings.xml (74, 2016-09-19)
.idea\gradle.xml (799, 2016-09-19)
.idea\misc.xml (2644, 2016-09-19)
.idea\modules.xml (659, 2016-09-19)
.idea\runConfigurations.xml (564, 2016-09-19)
.idea\vcs.xml (167, 2016-09-19)
app (0, 2016-09-21)
app\build.gradle (2081, 2016-09-19)
app\libs (0, 2016-09-21)
app\libs\armeabi (0, 2016-09-21)
app\libs\armeabi\libhci_curl.so (314408, 2016-09-19)
app\libs\armeabi\libhci_sys.so (550764, 2016-09-19)
app\libs\armeabi\libhci_sys_jni.so (25716, 2016-09-19)
app\libs\armeabi\libhci_tts.so (62700, 2016-09-19)
app\libs\armeabi\libhci_tts_cloud_synth.so (70892, 2016-09-19)
app\libs\armeabi\libhci_tts_jni.so (46256, 2016-09-19)
app\libs\armeabi\libjtopus.so (251112, 2016-09-19)
app\libs\commons-collections4-4.1.jar (751238, 2016-09-19)
app\libs\hcicloud-5.0.jar (178716, 2016-09-19)
app\libs\hcicloud_player-5.0.jar (20394, 2016-09-19)
app\libs\mta-sdk-1.6.2.jar (76732, 2016-09-19)
app\libs\open_sdk_r5756_lite.jar (240146, 2016-09-19)
app\proguard-rules.pro (648, 2016-09-19)
app\sign.jks (1345, 2016-09-19)
app\src (0, 2016-09-21)
app\src\main (0, 2016-09-21)
app\src\main\AndroidManifest.xml (3893, 2016-09-19)
app\src\main\java (0, 2016-09-21)
app\src\main\java\com (0, 2016-09-21)
app\src\main\java\com\justwayward (0, 2016-09-21)
app\src\main\java\com\justwayward\reader (0, 2016-09-21)
app\src\main\java\com\justwayward\reader\api (0, 2016-09-21)
... ...

# BookReader #### 任阅小说阅读器。实现追书推荐、标签检索、3D仿真翻页效果、文章阅读、缓存章节、日夜间模式、文本朗读等功能。 ## 项目 本项目基于RxJava + Retrofit2 + Dagger2,结合MVP模式开发,项目结构清晰。本项目中的API均来自追书神器,纯属共享学习之用,不得用于商业用途。 有任何疑问或建议可提[issue](https://github.com/JustWayward/BookReader/issues/new)。 ## TODO * [ ] 新版阅读页,提高分页速度以及分页准确性。目前正进行中~ * [ ] 登录模块(由于openid的限制,可能无法实现,后续再研究) * [ ] 细节优化 ## 截图 - **首页**
- **阅读**
- **书籍**
- **社区**
- **排行榜**
- **主题书单**
- **书籍分类** ## LICENSE ``` Copyright 2016 JustWayward Team Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ```


