上传日期:2018-04-12 21:01:04
上 传 者34y5het
说明:  妃子群控源码授权平台系统是一个以net4.0 + 数据库SQL2008进行开发的授权平台源码。
(Princess groupcontrol source licensing system is a platform for the development of the net4.0 + SQL2008 database platform source authorization.)

Areas\CMSAdmin\Views\Admin\Edit.cshtml (2215, 2015-12-20)
Areas\CMSAdmin\Views\Admin\Index.cshtml (7765, 2016-03-14)
Areas\CMSAdmin\Views\Admin\ModifyPwd.cshtml (1377, 2016-03-14)
Areas\CMSAdmin\Views\Auth\Index.cshtml (517, 2016-08-14)
Areas\CMSAdmin\Views\Auth\Login.cshtml (2120, 2017-04-28)
Areas\CMSAdmin\Views\Auth\ModifyPwd.cshtml (1710, 2016-01-29)
Areas\CMSAdmin\Views\License\Edit.cshtml (7909, 2016-11-26)
Areas\CMSAdmin\Views\License\Index.cshtml (6455, 2016-10-31)
Areas\CMSAdmin\Views\Model\Edit.cshtml (3314, 2016-03-28)
Areas\CMSAdmin\Views\Model\Index.cshtml (3884, 2016-03-28)
Areas\CMSAdmin\Views\News\CateEdit.cshtml (2848, 2016-01-24)
Areas\CMSAdmin\Views\News\CateList.cshtml (3173, 2016-03-28)
Areas\CMSAdmin\Views\News\Edit.cshtml (6168, 2016-03-28)
Areas\CMSAdmin\Views\News\List.cshtml (4731, 2016-03-28)
Areas\CMSAdmin\Views\Role\Edit.cshtml (1171, 2016-01-29)
Areas\CMSAdmin\Views\Role\Index.cshtml (4815, 2016-03-13)
Areas\CMSAdmin\Views\Shared\_Layout.cshtml (5631, 2017-04-20)
Areas\CMSAdmin\Views\Shared\_Layout.Edit.cshtml (2888, 2016-10-31)
Areas\CMSAdmin\Views\Shared\_Layout.Table.cshtml (1780, 2016-10-31)
Areas\CMSAdmin\Views\Shared\_Navbar.cshtml (1898, 2016-08-20)
Areas\CMSAdmin\Views\SinglePage\Edit.cshtml (6235, 2016-03-28)
Areas\CMSAdmin\Views\SinglePage\Index.cshtml (3302, 2016-03-28)
Areas\CMSAdmin\Views\System\Index.cshtml (2911, 2016-03-28)
Areas\CMSAdmin\Views\Web.config (2840, 2015-12-19)
Areas\CMSAdmin\Views\_ViewStart.cshtml (71, 2015-09-13)
bin\Antlr3.Runtime.dll (103424, 2015-08-29)
bin\Castle.Core.dll (436224, 2014-12-30)
bin\Config\AdminMenuConfig.Config (1591, 2016-10-24)
bin\Config\CacheConfig.Config (651, 2015-09-13)
bin\Config\DBConfig.Config (515, 2016-10-24)
bin\Config\Log4net.Config (2491, 2015-09-13)
bin\Config\SettingConfig.Config (634, 2016-08-14)
bin\Config\SMSConfig.Config (413, 2016-05-25)
bin\Config\SystemConfig.Config (458, 2015-09-13)
bin\Config\UploadConfig.Config (1980, 2015-09-13)
bin\Config\UserMenuConfig.Config (2668, 2016-01-24)
bin\Config\WXConfig.Config (3716, 2015-11-15)
bin\Data\Init.bin (4069, 2016-09-29)
bin\de\Microsoft.Data.Edm.resources.dll (66160, 2014-12-30)
bin\de\Microsoft.Data.OData.resources.dll (251504, 2014-12-30)
... ...

Diff, Match and Patch Library http://code.google.com/p/google-diff-match-patch/ Neil Fraser This library is currently available in seven different ports, all using the same API. Every version includes a full set of unit tests. C++: * Ported by Mike Slemmer. * Currently requires the Qt library. C#: * Ported by Matthaeus G. Chajdas. Dart: * The Dart language is still growing and evolving, so this port is only as stable as the underlying language. Java: * Included is both the source and a Maven package. JavaScript: * diff_match_patch_uncompressed.js is the human-readable version. Users of node.js should 'require' this uncompressed version since the compressed version is not guaranteed to work outside of a web browser. * diff_match_patch.js has been compressed using Google's internal JavaScript compressor. Non-Google hackers who wish to recompress the source can use: http://dean.edwards.name/packer/ Lua: * Ported by Duncan Cross. * Does not support line-mode speedup. Objective C: * Ported by Jan Weiss. * Includes speed test (this is a separate bundle for other languages). Python: * Two versions, one for Python 2.x, the other for Python 3.x. * Runs 10x faster under PyPy than CPython. Demos: * Separate demos for Diff, Match and Patch in JavaScript.


