
上传日期:2018-04-14 20:15:04
上 传 者,,,=啊
说明:  实图像的纹理特征提取,提取出的效果比较好,希望能够绑到有用的同学和人员
(Real image texture feature extraction, the effect is better, hoping to be tied to useful classmates and personnel.)

simplegabortb-v0.2.2\getargs.m (1007, 2007-11-08)
simplegabortb-v0.2.2\sg_createfilterbank.m (6779, 2007-11-08)
simplegabortb-v0.2.2\sg_createfilterf2.m (4682, 2007-01-16)
simplegabortb-v0.2.2\sg_filterwithbank.m (6284, 2007-01-16)
simplegabortb-v0.2.2\sg_normalizesamplematrix.m (717, 2007-01-16)
simplegabortb-v0.2.2\sg_plotfilters2.m (1780, 2007-01-16)
simplegabortb-v0.2.2\sg_resp2samplematrix.m (1743, 2007-01-16)
simplegabortb-v0.2.2\sg_rotatesamples.m (1283, 2007-01-16)
simplegabortb-v0.2.2\sg_scalesamples.m (1215, 2007-01-16)
simplegabortb-v0.2.2\sg_solvefilterparams.m (935, 2007-01-16)
simplegabortb-v0.2.2\skin.bmp (50346, 2005-11-03)
simplegabortb-v0.2.2\123.jpg (6164, 2007-11-08)
simplegabortb-v0.2.2\untitled.fig (125613, 2007-11-15)
simplegabortb-v0.2.2\untitled.jpg (14239, 2007-11-15)
simplegabortb-v0.2.2\hs_err_pid3276.log (9928, 2007-11-15)
simplegabortb-v0.2.2\2.bmp (27454, 2007-11-20)
simplegabortb-v0.2.2\1.bmp (27454, 2007-11-20)
simplegabortb-v0.2.2 (0, 2008-06-04)

Gabor Filtering Toolbox v 0.2.2 for Matlab ------------------------------------------ Changelog --------- Version 0.2.2 - Improved 'verbose' option for sg_createfilterbank, verbose=1 is now faster and verbose=2 displays all created filters in both frequency and spatial domain. Version 0.2.1 - Dependency to statistics toolbox was dropped by own implementation of norminv() in sg_createfilterf2.m Version 0.2 - The package now includes getargs.m. - sg_createfilterf2.m assigns all output arguments with all function parameters. Version 0.1 - Initial release Short introduction to usage of Gabor toolbox -------------------------------------------- First, an image is loaded and converted to double. The image has likely three color channels even if it is a gray-scale image, so only one of them must be selected. While not strictly necessary, the image can be also scaled to [0,1] instead of normal [0,255]. image=imread('someimage.jpg'); % load image image=image(:,:,1); % select only one color channel image=double(image)./256; % convert to double and scale to [0,1] Then, a filterbank can be created. bank=sg_createfilterbank(size(image), 0.2 , 5, 4,'verbose',1); creates a filterbank with the size of the image, the frequency of the highest frequency filter is 0.2, 5 filters at different frequencies and 4 orientations are created. The created filter bank will be displayed. Only half of the filterbank is created, because responses for the second half of the filter bank are complex conjugates of the responses from the first half. The filterbank can be used to filter images. r=sg_filterwithbank(image,bank,'method',1); The responses will be returned in a special structure. The structure can be converted to a 3-d matrix by using m=sg_resp2samplematrix(r); Now, m will be a 512x512x20 (or whatever the image resolution was x20) matrix, since there are 5*4=20 Gabor filters. If you do not have a good idea what to do with the responses, you can for example view them as an image by summing all the responses: imagesc(abs(sum(m,3))); colormap(gray);axis image off%保持宽高比和隐去坐标 For object detection and localization functionality other functions are also available. Sample matrix can be normalized for illumination invariance: m_norm=sg_normalizesamplematrix(m); For scale invariance, extra frequencies can be first included in the filter bank: bank=sg_createfilterbank(size(image), 0.2 , 5, 4,'extra_freq',1); r=sg_filterwithbank(image,bank); m=sg_resp2samplematrix(r); Then, different scales of features can be selected from sample matrix: m2=sg_scalesamples(m,0,5,4); will select the 5 highest frequencies and m2=sg_scalesamples(m,1,5,4); the lower available 5 frequencies. Note that if normalization is required, it must be done after this sg_scalesamples step. For rotation invariance, the sample matrix can be rotated: m2=sg_rotatesamples(m,1,4); rotates the responses by 1 orientation.


