
上传日期:2018-05-05 05:50:36
上 传 者SUA_413421
说明:  TRichView 主要可以完成多功能的编辑功能. 如图片.组件都可存储在内,

文件列表: (622, 2017-04-11) (592, 2017-04-11)
Examples.txt (1561, 2017-04-11)
Install.txt (11427, 2017-04-11)
HTML\richview.htm (6375, 2017-04-11)
RVDBPkgCB4.cpp (727, 2017-04-11)
RVDBPkgCB5.cpp (727, 2017-04-11)
RVDBPkgCB6.cpp (524, 2017-04-11)
RVPkgCB4.cpp (1928, 2017-04-11)
RVPkgCB5.cpp (1928, 2017-04-11)
RVPkgCB6.cpp (649, 2017-04-11)
RVDBPkgD9.bdsproj (7777, 2017-04-11)
RVPkgD9.bdsproj (7764, 2017-04-11)
RVDBPkgCB4.bpk (5588, 2017-04-11)
RVDBPkgCB5.bpk (3595, 2017-04-11)
RVDBPkgCB6.bpk (5177, 2017-04-11)
RVPkgCB4.bpk (6022, 2017-04-11)
RVPkgCB5.bpk (3906, 2017-04-11)
RVPkgCB6.bpk (10700, 2017-04-11)
DBRVSmall.dcr (1760, 2017-04-11)
RVReg.dcr (3600, 2017-04-11)
RVRegSmall.dcr (6076, 2017-04-11)
RVRTFReg.dcr (480, 2017-04-11)
sDBRV.dcr (928, 2017-04-11)
RVDsgn.dfm (4397, 2017-04-11)
JpegD3.dpk (590, 2017-04-11)
RVDBPkgD3.dpk (616, 2017-04-11)
RVDBPkgD4.dpk (630, 2017-04-11)
RVDBPkgD5.dpk (641, 2017-04-11)
RVDBPkgD6.dpk (620, 2017-04-11)
RVDBPkgD7.dpk (623, 2017-04-11)
RVDBPkgD9.dpk (628, 2017-04-11)
RVPkgD3.dpk (1187, 2017-04-11)
RVPkgD4.dpk (2048, 2017-04-11)
RVPkgD5.dpk (2047, 2017-04-11)
RVPkgD6.dpk (2056, 2017-04-11)
RVPkgD7.dpk (2064, 2017-04-11)
RVPkgD9.dpk (2069, 2017-04-11) (8792, 2017-04-11)
... ...

RichView Full source code (without help and demo projects) ------------------------------------------------------- HELP Help file: Demos for Delphi: Demos for C++Builder: All the files above in one zip: ===================================================== COMPATIBILITY ISSUES: - HTML tag names, color constants, CSS names are saved in lower case - SaveHTMLEx does not use the following attributes for cells and tables any more: bordercolor, bordercolorlight, bordercolordark, background, bgcolor. CSS style is used instead. These attributes are not standard. - table layout algorithm: when there is not enough space for columns having widths specified in pixels, they are decreased proportionally (previously, only rightmost columns were decreased) - table grid is not shown in readonly editors any more ===================================================== Processing for WM_GETTEXT, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, WM_SETTEXT is disabled for Delphi 2005 (because it conflicted with D2005 VCL's processing of these messages) 1.9.10 BETA impr: in loading indents of bullets&numbering from RTF saved by MS Word fix: TDBRichView, HTML export, bidirected Unicode text, adding Unicode text 1.9.9 BETA new: "smart popups" (analog of MS Office's "smart tags"). It's a small button appearing in the corner of the current item. Only one such button can be displayed at the same time. new: property TRichViewEdit.SmartPopupProperties, contains subproperties: - Color, HoverColor, LineColor, HoverLineColor, ImageList, ImageIndex - define visual appearance of smartpopup button; - Hint - hint of smartpopup button; - ButtonType (DropDown (triangle)/ShowDialog (3 dots)/Simple) - defines how the popup button looks like in hot state - ShotCut (default Shift+Ctrl+Down) - allows using keyboard instead of mouse - Menu - popup menu to display on click (or on ShotCut) new: property SmartPopupVisible - shows/hides the popup button for the current (at the position of caret) item. Editor hides this button automatically on document change or clearing. Since smart popup works only for the current item, you must ensure that it is displayed for the current item - update it in OnCaretMove event. Even if this property is True, reassigning True to it makes sense, because it links the smart popup to the current item. new: event OnSmartPopupClick - allows implementing your own effect when clicking the smartpopup button (or on pressing ShortCut). If you use menu, it's not necessary to process this event. new TRichViewEdit.SmartPopupProperties.SetButtonState(Hot: Boolean); Call SetButtonState(True) to fix the button in the "hot" state. It's useful to do this when you display your own dropdown window for the button. Call SetButtonState(False) to return it back to normal. 1.9.8 impr: Ctrl+Up and Ctrl+Down scroll the document down/up instead of moving caret. impr: Ctrl+Left, Ctrl+Right, Ctrl+Delete take Delimiters into account. fix: in db components chg: rvoFastFormatting is included in Options by default (it affects existing projects where TRichView has default value of Options) chg: support for C++Builder 1 and 3 is dropped (actually, it did not work since 1.9.3 or even before) 1.9.7 BETA impr: much faster reformatting! (thanks to Rob Schoenaker) It's faster by 50-100%. If you include rvoFastFormatting in Options, it will be faster up to 400%! (works only under WinNT/2k/XP; if this option is included, formatting procedure use a lot of system resources, but they are released immediately after finishing formatting). Highly recommended to try. This option can also be applied to TRVPrint (RVPrint.rv.Options) and TRVReportHelper (RVReportHelper.RichView.Options). new: new options for TRichView.BackgroundStyle: bsTopLeft, bsTopRight, bsBottomLeft, bsBottomRight (define the position of background bitmap). new: TRichView.LoadFromStream - loads data from the Stream autodetecting its format (RVF/RTF/text). The last parameter (IsTextUnicode) specifies is the text Unicode. It can be one of: rvynaNo - read text as ANSI rvynaYes - read text as Unicode rvynaAuto - autodetects ANSI/Unicode (false detection is very possible) impr: table.VisibleBorders is saved to HTML and RTF fixes 1.9.6 BETA new: TJvGIFImage (from Project JEDI's JVCL, animation. To enable it, include RVJvGifAnimate in your project. More info: see in v1.9.5 impr: rvespAlt (see TRVExtraItemStrProperty type) property can be applied to bullets and hotspots new: Hint: String property for table cells (unlike item hints, they cannot be altered by OnItemHint event) impr: you can define which characters to show in ShowSpecialCharacters mode. They are listed in RVVisibleSpecialCharacters (global variable in RVStyle.pas) It's a set of (rvscSpace, rvscNBSP, rvscParagraph, rvscSoftHyphen). By default, it lists all the options. impr: you can allow saving explicit page breaks in text files/streams. Set the global variable RichViewSavePageBreaksInText (from CRVData.pas) to True. new: the following Windows messages are processed by TRichView: EM_GETSEL, EM_SETSEL, EM_GETTEXTRANGE, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, WM_GETTEXT, WM_SETTEXT. If you do not need these messages, you can define RVDONOTUSELINEARPOSITIONS in It slightly reduces exe-file size. new: ability to delete unused styles even if they are used by several documents. New methods: MarkStylesInUse(data) - marks all styles used in RichView. DeleteMarkedStyles(data) - the first call deletes the marked styles from RVStyle. All calls adjust references to styles in documents. See Examples.txt. fix: in editing and RTF export 1.9.5 BETA new: ANIMATION: direct support for animated images. New property: AnimationMode: - rvaniDisabled: all animation is completely disabled. If images are added/updated in this mode, they cannot be animated (even if different mode is set later). This mode saves system resources. - rvaniManualStart (default): animation starts when calling StartAnimation and stops when calling StopAnimation. - rvaniOnFormat: animation starts when calling Format and stops when calling Clear. StartAnimation and StopAnimation work as well. rvaniManualStart is set by default because rvaniOnFormat may cause problems in some existing applications. Animation must be stopped when you call viewer-style methods like DeleteItems. If you simply load and edit documents, set this mode to rvaniOnFormat. Supported animations: 1) TGifImage by Anders Melander. (original) (update) Include RVGifAnimate.pas in your project to enable this animation. 2)TBitmap. Bitmap is sliced into frames (rvepImageWidth x rvepImageHeight) arranged in rows and columns. Animation is enabled if you set nonzero rvepAnimationInterval in positive value (animation delay in 1/100 of second) See the help file on TRVExtraItemProperty type about rvep*** values. Known problems: such bitmaps are still printed and exported stretched instead of exporting one frame. Note: unlike drawing/saving/loading of images, there is no standard graphic methods for animation. Because of this, a special wrapping code is required for supporting each new animation type. You can post your requiest for new animation types in newsgroups or fix: RTF export 1.9.3 BETA impr: support for the word joiner Unicode character (code $2060). This character is invisible and it disallows line breaking before and after it. A speciall support is required because almost no font has a glyph for this character. Note: it works propely only if inserted in the middle of a text item. chg: if image was not returned in OnRVFPictureNeeded event, this event is called second time with the value of rvespImageFileName property in the Name parameter (if value of this property was stored for this item). fix: keep-with-next option did not work for paragraphs before tables (if tables were printed on several pages) test: if you set RichViewShowGhostSpaces variable to True, spaces hidden between lines will be shown in rvoShowSpecialCharacters is in TRichView.Options BETA fix: in table.VisibleBorders implementation chg: table grid is not shown in readonly editors any more More exactly, it is shown using global variable RichViewTableGridStyle2 (default value: psClear). The same pen style is used for drawing table grid in viewer. For editors, RichViewTableGridStyle variable is used (default value: psDot) 1.9.2 BETA new: packages for Delphi 2005 (Win32): RVPkgD9 and RVDBPkgD9. new: table.VisibleBorders property having the same meaning as cell.VisibleBorders. Direct assignment to this property cannot be undone/redone, use table.SetTableVisibleBorders for that new: TRichViewEdit events: OnOleDragEnter, OnOleDragOver, OnOleDragLeave, OnOleDrop. These events are called when user drags and drops data in the given RichViewEdit. These events are related to OLE d&d used by TRichView (VCL d&d events - OnDragOver, OnDragDrop - are called when dragging Delphi component over TRichViewEdit. VCL d&d is not processed by TRichViewEdit itself) OnOleDragEnter - user drags the mouse into the editor. Indicates whether a drop can be accepted, and, if so, the effect of the drop. OnOleDragOver - user moves the mouse over the editor. Called only if the dragging was accepted in OnOleDragEnter. OnOleDragLeave - user drags the cursor out of the editor or cancels the current d&d operation. OnOleDrop - the user completes the d&d operation into the editor. Allows you to insert data in your own format. Parameters of these events: DataObject: IDataObject - dragged data (IDataObject is declared in ActiveX unit); Shift: TShiftState - keyboard state; PossibleDropEffects: TRVOleDropEffects - a list of allowed operations, set of rvdeCopy, rvdeMove, rvdeLink. DropEffect - on input, a d&d operation which editor would choose by default. On output: For OnOleDragEnter and OnOleDragOver, the operation that you want to do with the dragged data (one of PossibleDropEffects, or rvdeNone if you do not want to accept it). For OnOleDrop, the operation that you have performed (one of PossibleDropEffects, or rvdeNone if you cancelled the insertion). If it is rvdeMove, it instructs to delete the dragged object from its source location. This value is used only if you set DoDefault=False, otherwise the editor does the default processing. If you insert some data in RichViewEdit in this event, they are automatically selected afterwards. Limitation: when dragging from the same editor, it decides by itself whether it should move or copy data, and it ignores DropEffect returned by OnOleDrop. new: rvtoNoCellSelect option for TRVTableItemInfo.Options. If included, multicell selection by mouse is not allowed (remove also rvtoRowSelect, rvtoColSelect to disallow making multicell selection completely). fix: fixes and tweaks in table layout algorithm. fix: sometimes a wrong code page was chosen for the conversion when applying Unicode style to non-Unicode text. new: TRichView.RTFReadProperties.StoreImagesFileNames: Boolean (default False). If you set it to True, filenames of external RTF images will be stored in rvespImageFileName item property of read images, and you will be able to use them when storing HTML. fixes new: loading and saving PNG images in RTF. To enable this feature, call the procedure RV_RegisterPngGraphic for the class representing PNG image. For example, if you use PngObject (, call RV_RegisterPngGraphic(TPngObject); fixes 1.9.1 new: rvsoXHTML option for SaveHTMLEx (ignored by SaveHTML). If set, output is XHTML. new: rvsoUTF8 option for SaveHTML and SaveHTML. If set, HTML/XHTML file has UTF-8 encoding Pros and cons: pro: if you use Unicode, this option generates much more compact files (for non-Western languages) pro: if you do not use Unicode but use text of different charsets, this option allows saving multilingual HTML (was not possible before) con: if you do not use Unicode this option may generate files of larger size (for non-Western languages). So the only case when it's not very good - if your document is not Unicode and all text is of the same charset. con: RvHtmlImporter does not support UTF-8 yet fix: minor fixes


