
开发工具:Visual Basic
上传日期:2018-05-08 13:54:59
上 传 者ietsspltoramming
说明:  VB6 到 VB,Net 转换实例,参考一下还是可以的

VB7.xml (527, 2017-04-11)
ICbin\ConvertVB6toVB7.exe (22016, 2017-04-11)
obj\Debug\ConvertVB6toVB7.exe (22016, 2017-04-11)
obj\Debug\temp\ConvertVB6toVB7.exe (22016, 2017-04-11)
ICbin\ConvertVB6toVB7.pdb (50688, 2017-04-11)
obj\Debug\ConvertVB6toVB7.pdb (50688, 2017-04-11)
obj\Debug\temp\ConvertVB6toVB7.pdb (50688, 2017-04-11)
obj\Debug\ConvertVB6toVB7.FrmConvert.resources (1011, 2017-04-11)
frmConvert.resx (4146, 2017-04-11)
bConvertVB6toVB7.sln (791, 2017-04-11)
XConvertVB6toVB7.suo (13312, 2017-04-11)
ConvertVB6toVB7.vbproj.user (1329, 2017-04-11)
FileHandling.vb (22173, 2017-04-11)
frmConvert.vb (7256, 2017-04-11)
modFileHandling.vb (3176, 2017-04-11)
frmConvert.vb_1 (7317, 2017-04-11)
ConvertVB6toVB7.vbproj (4330, 2017-04-11)
obj\Debug\temp (0, 2017-10-25)
obj\Debug\TempPE (0, 2017-04-11)
obj\Debug (0, 2017-10-25)
ICbin (0, 2017-10-25)
obj (0, 2017-10-25)

This application does the form painting depending upon the VB6 from file. It uses a XML file to get most of the changed Valued from VB6 to VB7 It relies mostly on the XMl file VB7.xml we can make this program more generic as it's depends upon XML file for data transfer. The logic are mostly there and can be extended to perform most of the task Some task are left. The problem with VB7 is with Control Array It is not handeld in the Program. For this to run u require Viusal Studio.NET Hapy new Year and best of luck.


