
开发工具:Visual Basic
上传日期:2018-05-09 05:04:40
上 传 者udgedmpy
说明:  很简单 的VB小程序,是本人在学习VB过程中制作的,很好

2kMoves.bas (9017, 2017-04-11)
OMSSCCPRJ.SCC (191, 2017-04-11)
Tictac.exe (15872, 2017-04-11)
TicTac.frm (16668, 2017-04-11)
TICTAC.FRX (12, 2017-04-11)
Tictac.vbp (651, 2017-04-11)
TICTAC.vbw (86, 2017-04-11)

Tic-Tac-Toe Contest Base Source Code This program plays a very bad game of tic-tac-toe. The computer moves randomly. This is the base code for two contests. Submissions All submissions become the exclusive property of Rocky Mountain Computer Consulting, Inc. the owner of the VB Helper Web site. The submissions may be used in any way Rocky Mountain Computer Consulting wants. ---------- 1. Improved Moves Deadline: August 1, 19*** Improve the program so it plays more intelligently. Note: If you own a copy of "Visual Basic Algorithms" or "Ready-to-Run Visual Basic Algorithms, Second Edition," you cannot enter this contest. You can still enter the other contest, however, and I encourage you to do so. You wll be judged on: Correctness (50 points) The program should always win or tie at skill level 3. You can make skill levels 1 and 2 easier if you like. Readability (20 points) The source code must be understandable, easy to read, properly commented, etc. Speed (20 points) The program should be reasonably fast. It should be able to make any move in under 5 seconds on my 133 mHz Pentium. (Hint: You should be able to make it move in under 1 second.) Conciseness (10 points) Do not waste code. Short solutions will get higher scores than long and sloppy solutions. Note that comments do not count! You will not be penalized for adding good comments. Keep them to the point, however. Make changes only in the Moves.bas file. Add routines or modify subroutine PickComputerMove, but do not make changes to the main form. If you really think you need to make changes to the form, indicate why. When you are satisfied with your entry, zip up Moves.bas and email it to ---------- 2. Better Interface Deadline: August 1, 19*** Give the program a better user interface. This includes better graphics, smoother user interaction, ability to resize toe form, and whatever else you can think of. Dazzle me! Make your changes only to the form file TicTac.frm. Do not change the code in Moves.bas. If you want to enter both contests, send separate submissions. When you are satisfied with your entry, zip up Moves.bas and email it to ---------- Disclaimer This example program is provided "as is" with no warranty of any kind. It is intended for demonstration purposes only. In particular, it does no error handling. You can use the example in any form, but please mention


