
上传日期:2018-05-10 09:14:00
上 传 者大武小哥
说明:  Sparse expression fusion method, worth learning

稀疏表达的融合方法,值得借鉴\GPSR_5.0\.DS_Store (6148, 2007-12-04)
稀疏表达的融合方法,值得借鉴\GPSR_5.0\Camera.aux (7797, 2018-05-06)
稀疏表达的融合方法,值得借鉴\GPSR_5.0\Camera.tif (65126, 2007-01-25)
稀疏表达的融合方法,值得借鉴\GPSR_5.0\demo_continuation.m (7046, 2007-09-23)
稀疏表达的融合方法,值得借鉴\GPSR_5.0\demo_image_deblur.m (5849, 2007-07-13)
稀疏表达的融合方法,值得借鉴\GPSR_5.0\figures_1_2_3.m (8489, 2007-10-19)
稀疏表达的融合方法,值得借鉴\GPSR_5.0\figure_4.m (5225, 2007-09-12)
稀疏表达的融合方法,值得借鉴\GPSR_5.0\figure_5.m (5276, 2007-12-04)
稀疏表达的融合方法,值得借鉴\GPSR_5.0\figure_6.m (2377, 2007-07-12)
稀疏表达的融合方法,值得借鉴\GPSR_5.0\GPSR_Basic.m (21851, 2007-12-04)
稀疏表达的融合方法,值得借鉴\GPSR_5.0\GPSR_BB.m (21647, 2007-12-04)
稀疏表达的融合方法,值得借鉴\GPSR_5.0\IST.m (12630, 2007-09-06)
稀疏表达的融合方法,值得借鉴\GPSR_5.0\l1_ls.m (8569, 2007-06-16)
稀疏表达的融合方法,值得借鉴\spams-matlab\003.bmp (453546, 2015-04-10)
稀疏表达的融合方法,值得借鉴\spams-matlab\004.bmp (453546, 2015-04-10)
稀疏表达的融合方法,值得借鉴\spams-matlab\build\displayPatches.m (1296, 2013-11-29)
稀疏表达的融合方法,值得借鉴\spams-matlab\build\mexArchetypalAnalysis.m (406, 2014-06-14)
稀疏表达的融合方法,值得借鉴\spams-matlab\build\mexArchetypalAnalysis.mexw64 (154112, 2018-05-06)
稀疏表达的融合方法,值得借鉴\spams-matlab\build\mexBayer.m (311, 2012-05-20)
稀疏表达的融合方法,值得借鉴\spams-matlab\build\mexBayer.mexw64 (27136, 2018-05-06)
稀疏表达的融合方法,值得借鉴\spams-matlab\build\mexCalcAAt.m (381, 2012-03-15)
稀疏表达的融合方法,值得借鉴\spams-matlab\build\mexCalcAAt.mexw64 (78336, 2018-05-06)
稀疏表达的融合方法,值得借鉴\spams-matlab\build\mexCalcXAt.m (414, 2012-03-15)
稀疏表达的融合方法,值得借鉴\spams-matlab\build\mexCalcXAt.mexw64 (78848, 2018-05-06)
稀疏表达的融合方法,值得借鉴\spams-matlab\build\mexCalcXtY.m (267, 2012-03-15)
稀疏表达的融合方法,值得借鉴\spams-matlab\build\mexCalcXtY.mexw64 (52736, 2018-05-06)
稀疏表达的融合方法,值得借鉴\spams-matlab\build\mexCalcXY.m (264, 2012-03-15)
稀疏表达的融合方法,值得借鉴\spams-matlab\build\mexCalcXY.mexw64 (52736, 2018-05-06)
稀疏表达的融合方法,值得借鉴\spams-matlab\build\mexCalcXYt.m (267, 2012-03-15)
稀疏表达的融合方法,值得借鉴\spams-matlab\build\mexCalcXYt.mexw64 (52736, 2018-05-06)
稀疏表达的融合方法,值得借鉴\spams-matlab\build\mexCD.m (2197, 2012-03-15)
稀疏表达的融合方法,值得借鉴\spams-matlab\build\mexCD.mexw64 (105984, 2018-05-06)
稀疏表达的融合方法,值得借鉴\spams-matlab\build\mexCombinePatches.m (437, 2014-05-19)
稀疏表达的融合方法,值得借鉴\spams-matlab\build\mexCombinePatches.mexw64 (66560, 2018-05-06)
稀疏表达的融合方法,值得借鉴\spams-matlab\build\mexConjGrad.m (559, 2012-03-15)
稀疏表达的融合方法,值得借鉴\spams-matlab\build\mexConjGrad.mexw64 (55808, 2018-05-06)
稀疏表达的融合方法,值得借鉴\spams-matlab\build\mexConvFista.mexw64 (828416, 2018-05-06)
稀疏表达的融合方法,值得借鉴\spams-matlab\build\mexConvFistaFlat.m (441, 2014-05-19)
稀疏表达的融合方法,值得借鉴\spams-matlab\build\mexCountConnexComponents.m (833, 2012-05-20)
... ...

GPSR 5.0 December 5, 2007 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (2007): Mario Figueiredo, Robert Nowak, Stephen Wright GPSR is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License 2.0. Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any purpose without fee is hereby granted, provided that this entire notice is included in all copies of any software which is or includes a copy or modification of this software and in all copies of the supporting documentation for such software. This software is being provided "as is", without any express or implied warranty. In particular, the authors do not make any representation or warranty of any kind concerning the merchantability of this software or its fitness for any particular purpose." --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This set of MATLAB files contain an implementation of the gradient projection algorithms described in the paper "Gradient Projection for Sparse Reconstruction: Application to Compressed Sensing and Other Inverse Problems" by Mario A. T. Figueiredo, Robert D. Nowak, Stephen J. Wright, Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing: SPecial Issue on COnvex Optimization for Signal Processing, December 2007. BOth the paper and the code are available at http://www.lx.it.pt/~mtf/GPSR/ There are two main files (GPSR_BB.m and GPSR_BAsic.m) which contain two versions of the algorithm, for solving the convex problem min_theta = 0.5*|| y - A theta ||_2^2 + tau ||theta||_1 as described in the paper. For usage details, type "help GSPR_BB" or "help GSPR_Basic" at the MATLAB prompt. New in version 3.0: this new version includes a continuation option, which makes the algorithm work much faster when using small values of tau. Although it's not obvious to defined what we mean by small, a simple rule of thumb can be to consider tau small if it is less tham 0.05 || A^T y ||_infinity There are 5 demos included, four of which can be used to reproduce most of the figures in the paper. The demo "demo_image_deblur.m" requires the presence of the Rice wavelet toolbox somewhere on the MATLAB path. This toolbox can be freely downloaded from http://www-dsp.rice.edu/software/rwt.shtml This package also includes an implementation of the IST algorithm, described in the paper M. Figueiredo, and R. Nowak, "A Bound Optimization Approach to Wavelet-Based Image Deconvolution", IEEE International Conference on Image Processing - ICIP'2005, Genoa, Italy, September 2005, which is available at http://www.lx.it.pt/~mtf/Figueiredo_Nowak_ICIP05.pdf Attention: the IST algorithm assumes that (and only works if) the larges singular value of matrix A is no larger than 1. This package also includes the l1_ls algorithm, which is described and can be downloaded at http://www.stanford.edu/~boyd/l1_ls/ Contacts: mario.figueiredo@lx.it.pt nowak@ece.wisc.edu swright@cs.wisc.edu This code is in development stage; any comments or bug reports are very welcome.


