上传日期:2018-05-15 16:51:25
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  NSD,区块链上的去中心化存托指令管理
(NSD,Decentralized depository instruction management on blockchain)

fabric-starter (0, 2018-05-16)
nsd-commercial-paper (0, 2018-05-16)
nsd-commercial-paper\artifact-templates (0, 2018-05-16)
nsd-commercial-paper\artifact-templates\network-config-template.json (380, 2018-05-16)
nsd-commercial-paper\blockchain-upgrade.sh (1224, 2018-05-16)
nsd-commercial-paper\book_init.json (66, 2018-05-16)
nsd-commercial-paper\chaincode (0, 2018-05-16)
nsd-commercial-paper\chaincode\go (0, 2018-05-16)
nsd-commercial-paper\chaincode\go\book (0, 2018-05-16)
nsd-commercial-paper\chaincode\go\book\book.go (19194, 2018-05-16)
nsd-commercial-paper\chaincode\go\book\book_test.go (3009, 2018-05-16)
nsd-commercial-paper\chaincode\go\book\vendor (0, 2018-05-16)
nsd-commercial-paper\chaincode\go\book\vendor\github.com (0, 2018-05-16)
nsd-commercial-paper\chaincode\go\book\vendor\github.com\Altoros (0, 2018-05-16)
nsd-commercial-paper\chaincode\go\book\vendor\github.com\Altoros\nsd-commercial-paper-common (0, 2018-05-16)
nsd-commercial-paper\chaincode\go\book\vendor\github.com\Altoros\nsd-commercial-paper-common\certificates (0, 2018-05-16)
nsd-commercial-paper\chaincode\go\book\vendor\github.com\Altoros\nsd-commercial-paper-common\certificates\certificates.go (1150, 2018-05-16)
nsd-commercial-paper\chaincode\go\book\vendor\github.com\Altoros\nsd-commercial-paper-common\nsd.go (10067, 2018-05-16)
nsd-commercial-paper\chaincode\go\book\vendor\github.com\Altoros\nsd-commercial-paper-common\testutils (0, 2018-05-16)
nsd-commercial-paper\chaincode\go\book\vendor\github.com\Altoros\nsd-commercial-paper-common\testutils\teststub.go (3559, 2018-05-16)
nsd-commercial-paper\chaincode\go\book\vendor\vendor.json (818, 2018-05-16)
nsd-commercial-paper\chaincode\go\instruction (0, 2018-05-16)
nsd-commercial-paper\chaincode\go\instruction\instruction.go (38924, 2018-05-16)
nsd-commercial-paper\chaincode\go\instruction\instruction_test.go (19803, 2018-05-16)
nsd-commercial-paper\chaincode\go\instruction\vendor (0, 2018-05-16)
nsd-commercial-paper\chaincode\go\instruction\vendor\github.com (0, 2018-05-16)
nsd-commercial-paper\chaincode\go\instruction\vendor\github.com\Altoros (0, 2018-05-16)
nsd-commercial-paper\chaincode\go\instruction\vendor\github.com\Altoros\nsd-commercial-paper-common (0, 2018-05-16)
nsd-commercial-paper\chaincode\go\instruction\vendor\github.com\Altoros\nsd-commercial-paper-common\certificates (0, 2018-05-16)
nsd-commercial-paper\chaincode\go\instruction\vendor\github.com\Altoros\nsd-commercial-paper-common\certificates\certificates.go (1150, 2018-05-16)
nsd-commercial-paper\chaincode\go\instruction\vendor\github.com\Altoros\nsd-commercial-paper-common\nsd.go (10067, 2018-05-16)
nsd-commercial-paper\chaincode\go\instruction\vendor\github.com\Altoros\nsd-commercial-paper-common\testutils (0, 2018-05-16)
nsd-commercial-paper\chaincode\go\instruction\vendor\github.com\Altoros\nsd-commercial-paper-common\testutils\teststub.go (3559, 2018-05-16)
nsd-commercial-paper\chaincode\go\instruction\vendor\vendor.json (825, 2018-05-16)
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# Commercial Paper on Blockchain for NSD v2 Decentralized application manages instructions to transfer securities between members of NSD. # Deployment with dockers run on separate hosts ## Install prerequisites - Clone Nsd Commercial Paper delivery packages from github: ```bash git clone --recursive https://github.com/Altoros/NSD cd NSD cd nsd-commercial-paper ./prerequisites-deployment.sh cd .. ``` On other Linux distros make sure these versions or higher are installed: * Docker version 17.12.1 * docker-compose version 1.8.0 * jq To install them on Ubuntu 16.04 you nay use the following commands: ```bash cd fabric-starter ./init-docker.sh ``` **Now re-login to have user applied into docker group.** Next execute in console: ```bash cd fabric-starter ./init-fabric.sh ``` ## Configuration For initial deployment the following organizations are used: - `ORG1` – nsd - `ORG2` – sberbank - `ORG3` – mts and the corresponded IP addresses: - `IP1=XX.XX.XX.XX` - NSD node's IP - `IP2=YY.YY.YY.YY` - Sberbank node's IP - `IP3=ZZ.ZZ.ZZ.ZZ` - MTS node's IP In Commercial Paper v2 installation NSD serves as `MAIN_NODE` which is configured as environment variable exported in files *env-common*. Other memebers are defined as `THIS_ORG` variable set correspondingly in *env-org-* files. Check initial configuration or reconfigure organization names, and IP-addresses in configuration files: Folder **nsd-commercial-paper**: - *env-common* - *env-org-sberbank* - *env-org-mts* In these files the common variables and the current organization configuration are defined. The configuration specific variables are - `THIS_ORG`, `MAIN_ORG`, `IP_ORDERER`. as well as initialization arguments for blockhains : - *instruction_init.json* - *book_init.json* - *security_init.json* ## Deployment: At first each member has to generate their crypto material; it then will be exposed by http interface on port `8080` to be accessible by the other organizations: 1. Sberbank: ```bash cd nsd-commercial-paper source ./env-org-sberbank ./org-generate-crypto.sh ``` 2. Mts: ```bash cd nsd-commercial-paper source ./env-org-mts ./org-generate-crypto.sh ``` Here the first command `source env-org-` loads the environment variables into the current (terminal) session in order to subsequent scripts use the necessary environment. The second command `./org-generate-crypto.sh` uses the loaded environment and generates crypto material by using Hyperledger Fabric utilities for current organization (which is defined by `THIS_ORG` environment variable). Finally this script starts a web-server (container) mapped to port 8080 which provisions the node's TLS and MSP sertificates thus allowing nodes securely communicate with each other. The blockchain components are not started by this script. *__Note__: It's not completely necessary to generate crypto-material for all organizations to start. You may add organizations one by one. See section [Adding new organization](https://github.com/Altoros/NSD/blob/master/#adding-new-organization) then.* After that the main org (NSD) starts the blockchain network, adds the members one by one and creates *common*, *depository* and bilateral and trilateral channels: 3. Nsd: ```bash cd nsd-commercial-paper source ./env-org-nsd ./main-start-org.sh ./main-register-new-org.sh $ORG2 $IP2 ./main-register-new-org.sh $ORG3 $IP3 ``` *__Note__, when new organization is registered it's added to the list of existing organizations `env-external-orgs-list`. This list is used to automatically create tri-lateral channels with the new organization which is being added. This list may be adjusted manually in the file to control trilateral channels creation.* If you are going to modify\adjust the list of existing organizations make sure you created a backup copy of the file while all organizations are still in list. This file is also used during the smart-contract version upgrade process and this process should preferably be perfromed for all organizations, so smart-contract for all bi-lateral and tri-lateral channels are upgraded. In the other case the rest smart-contracts will have to be upgraded manually, which might be time-consuming process. The first script `./main-start-org.sh` does several things. It's intended to be run ob a main node so it generates crypto material for the main organization as well as for the orderer. Then starts orderer and the main organization's blockchain components. It also creates the `common`, and `depository` channels and installs\instantiates the `security` and `book` chaincodes correspondingly. The subsequent two scripts register new organizations in the blockchain, create bilateral channels `nsd-` and install\instantiate the `position` chaincode there. As it was mentioned the list of registered organizations is also adjusted. It's stored in file `env-external-orgs-list` and new organizations are automatically added to the list by this script. If the list contains one or more organizations (except `nsd`) the tri-lateral channels with newly registered organization will be automatically created. *__Note__: Before register new org adjust the file `instruction_init.json` and add requisites of new org there* On next step the members start the network on their nodes: 4. Sberbank: `./org-start-node.sh` 5. Mts (after Sberbank's run is finished): `./org-start-node.sh` The `./org-start-node.sh` script is intended to be ran on member organizations nodes; it starts blockchain components (again based on the environment loaded on the previous steps) and join the organization to the `common` channel as well as bilateral channel with nsd `nsd-` Now newly started members need to join each other: 6. Sberbank: `./org-join-org.sh $ORG3 $IP3` 7. Mts (after Sberbank's joining is finished): `./ org-join-org.sh $ORG2 $IP2` This script join an organization to another organization which parameters (name and IP address) are specified. then it joins the org to the tri-lateral channel with the `nsd` and the specified org. Finally it adds the ip address and network configuration information to the connectivity components # Adding new organization To add new organization into the network the following steps need to performed: 1) Download NSD Commercial source package(s) to new org's server. See prerequisites section. 2) Environment file is created on new org with environment variables adjusted: edit `env-org-`: ``` ... THIS_ORG=neworgname ``` 3) New organization generates crypto-material: New org: `source ./env-org-` `./org-generate-crypto.sh` 4) On NSD server configure the initialization configuration for *instruction* chaincode: edit `instruction_init.json` (add new organization account information) 5) Register new organization in blockchain. *Note* bi-lateral and tri-lateral channels will be automatically created using the list of existing organizations (in the file `env-external-orgs-list`). This list can be modified accordingly if no all tri-lateral channels need to be created. But make sure to have a backup of the file with the complete list (see notes to the item 3 in the *Deployment* section). Nsd: `./main-register-new-org.sh neworgname ` 6) Start blockchain on new org: New org: `./org-start-node.sh` 7) Mutually join new org to each existing organization (except NSD) and vice-versa: - Sberbank: New org: `./org-join-org.sh sberbank ` Sberbank: `./org-join-org.sh neworgname ` - Mts: New org: `./org-join-org.sh mts ` Mts: `./org-join-org.sh neworgname ` - Other org (if any): New org: `./org-join-org.sh ` Other Org: `./org-join-org.sh neworgname ` ... Repeat for all necessary organizations ## Upgrade smart-contracts to new versions *__Note__: When you upgrade chaincodes to new versions they have to be re-instantitated at each channel it's used. List if channels is based on the organizations attached to the network. So before performing the upgrade it's highly recommended to restore from a backup the file `env-external-orgs-list` with the full list of organizations.* Developer of blockchain (Altoros) pushes updated smart-contracts code into the repository and puts the git tag of form `2018_03-PRE_RELEASE_XX` where `XX` is a numbering sequence to keep a history of smart-contract which were deployed. e.g.: ```bash git tag --force 2018_03-PRE_RELEASE_02 git push --force origin 2018_03-PRE_RELEASE_02 ``` Here XX equals 02. After that the NSD blockchain network may be upgraded with new smart-contracts without re-deploying the whole network. To perform the upgrade network administrators select a unique label for the next version which should be identical on each organization for current upgrade. It is usually versioning numbers sequence in a form of "1.0", "2.0", "3.0", but it might be any label. The following step has to be done on all nodes: ```bash cd nsd-commercial-paper ./blockchain-upgrade.sh Y.Z XX ``` Here `Y.Z` defines the version label with which new smart-contracts will be installed. (Initial network deployment installs chaincodes with version 1.0). `XX` - is the tag suffix For example to upgrade network with new smart-contracts tagged with `2018_03-PRE_RELEASE_02` in github repository as chaincode version 2.0 the following command have to be executed: - NSD: `cd nsd-commercial-paper` `source env-org-nsd` `./blockchain-upgrade.sh 2.0 02` - Sberbank: `cd nsd-commercial-paper` `source env-org-sberbank` `./blockchain-upgrade.sh 2.0 02` - MTS: `cd nsd-commercial-paper` `source env-org-mts` `./blockchain-upgrade.sh 2.0 02` ## Add new organization to network after smart-contracts were upgraded The starting organization script by default set the version of chaincodes to 1.0. If the whole network was already upgraded to another version new organization should be upgraded to the the corresponded version either. So after starting the organization node, and joining organization-partners the same blockchain-upgrade procedure need to be executed. # Backup and failure recovery ## Backup In order to prevent loosing the network all organizations have to backup corresponded data on their nodes. These are: - modified smart-contracts parameters files (if any), full list of organizations `env-external-orgs-list` - generated artifacts such as Cryptographic Certification Authority's (CA) and Membership Service Provider's (MSP) keys and certificates - `www/artifacts` folder with copy of certificates - `dockercompose` folder with generated configuration files - Ledger directory Commands: To copy artifacts and configuration: ```bash cd nsd-commercial-paper mkdir -p backup/www cp book_init.json instruction_init.json security_init.json env-external-orgs-list backup/ cp -r artifacts backup/ cp -r www/artifacts backup/www/ cp -r dockercompose backup/ ``` To backup ledgers directories: - NSD: ```bash mkdir -p backup/ledger_nsd mkdir -p backup/ledger_orderer sudo cp -r /var/lib/docker/volumes/dockercompose_peer0.nsd.nsd.ru/. backup/ledger_nsd sudo cp -r /var/lib/docker/volumes/dockercompose_orderer.nsd.ru/. backup/ledger_orderer ``` - Sberbank: ```bash mkdir -p backup/ledger_sberbank sudo cp -r /var/lib/docker/volumes/dockercompose_peer0.sberbank.nsd.ru/. backup/ledger_sberbank ``` - Mts: ```bash mkdir -p backup/ledger_mts sudo cp -r /var/lib/docker/volumes/dockercompose_peer0.mts.nsd.ru/. backup/ledger_mts ``` ## Recovery - Clean environment: - If new server is used - install environment as described in the `Install prerequisites` section - If old server is used - make sure to stop and remove old docker containers: ```bash network.sh -m down docker rm -f $(docker ps -aq) ``` - Copy backed up artifacts back to their original locations: ```bash cd nsd-commercial-paper cp backup/book_init.json backup/instruction_init.json backup/security_init.json backup/env-external-orgs-list ./ cp -r backup/artifacts ./ cp -r backup/www/artifacts www/ cp -r backup/dockercompose ./ ``` - Copy backed up ledgers back to their original locations: - NSD: `sudo cp -r backup/ledger_nsd/. /var/lib/docker/volumes/dockercompose_peer0.nsd.nsd.ru/` `sudo cp -r backup/ledger_orderer/. /var/lib/docker/volumes/dockercompose_orderer.nsd.ru/` - Sberbank: `sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/docker/volumes/dockercompose_peer0.sberbank.nsd.ru` `sudo cp -r backup/ledger_sberbank/. /var/lib/docker/volumes/dockercompose_peer0.sberbank.nsd.ru/` - Mts: `sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/docker/volumes/dockercompose_peer0.mts.nsd.ru` `sudo cp -r backup/ledger_mts/. /var/lib/docker/volumes/dockercompose_peer0.mts.nsd.ru/` - Start nodes: - NSD: `source env-org-nsd` `network.sh -m up-orderer` `network.sh -m up-one-org -o $THIS_ORG -M $THIS_ORG` - Sberbank: `source env-org-sberbank` `./org-start-node` - Mts: `source env-org-mts` `./org-start-node` - Re-join to channels: - NSD: ` network.sh -m join-channel $THIS_ORG $MAIN_ORG common` ` network.sh -m join-channel $THIS_ORG $MAIN_ORG depository` - Sberbank: `./org-join-org.sh $ORG3 $IP3` - Mts: `./org-join-org.sh $ORG2 $IP2` - Install latest version of smart-contracts on all three nodes (if they were upgraded): `./blockchain-upgrade.sh 2.0 02` The parameters for script should be set according to the [Upgrade smart-contracts to new versions](https://github.com/Altoros/NSD/blob/master/#upgrade-smart-contracts-to-new-versions) section


