
上传日期:2018-05-16 00:54:12
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  去中心化的自治组织是一个由狭窄的人工智能自治代理组成的去中心化网络,用于执行企业...
(A Decentralized Autonomous Organization a decentralized network of narrow-AI autonomous agents which perform s a corporation run without any human involvement under the control of an incorruptible set of business rules.)

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# Pneuma DAO & Coin [Decentralized Autonomous Organization](; Evolution of the enlightenment/industrialization inducing joint stock company/ corporation fourhundered years ago. A decentralized inassailable closed system and Privacy Coin and platform, allowing actors to make decisions and arrive in concensus at large scale regardless of any centralized Authority. organization are means of organizing actors* to a common cause to do a venture together Our decentralized network of narrow-AI autonomous agents performing as a corporation run without any human involvement under the control of an imutable/incorruptible set of business rules. Investing in endangerd ethnic populations of rural areas, selected by IQ, Big five Personality & online skill achvievement into entrepreneurial teams. Aurguments for a redistripution/investment platform: * Global Singelton * global outreach and interest in rural direct investment opportunities * international institional support for rural human capital development. * Insight and local options for teams of matched individuals instead of land flight. * Digital Occupation and Resistance against non open source and involutary social credit systems ## Stakeholders ### Targeted students/Mentors ### Online Skills Mentors ### international Volunteers ### local complimentary education markets ### Sovereign open identity systems. # Foundation Myth Tim & Charles Shanghai "charcoal & Watercolor" academy * (RBC)Roco's Basilik Complient formulation Pneuma Coin is a protocol designed to make governance easy through modularized infrastructure that defines a set of base rules tailored to specific types of organizations. This repository contains the smart contracts for the Pneuma Coin on-chain protocol. ## Getting Started These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system. ## Installing npm Pneuma Coin, manages dependencies, therefore installation is kept straightforward: ## Running tests truffle test for ethereum development environment. All tests are run in truffle: truffle test --report enables the ethereum gas reporter, this prints all gas used by functions: ## code linting solium --dir ./contracts To run solium linting: ## Built in Truffle - Ethereum development environment a frontend ethereum lottery to fund the backend DAO investing in selected teams and cover expenses. ## Authors Charles Finney See also the list of contributors who participated in this project. ## Versioning We use SemVer for versioning, see the tags in this repository. ## License This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


