
上传日期:2018-05-17 17:30:40
上 传 者evah
说明:  A tool which exploits a backdoor in Hikvision camera firmwares circa 2014-2016 (ICSA-17-124-01) to help the owner change a forgotten password.

HikvisionPasswordResetHelper.sln (1029, 2018-01-23)
HikvisionPasswordResetHelper (0, 2018-01-23)
HikvisionPasswordResetHelper\App.config (184, 2018-01-23)
HikvisionPasswordResetHelper\HikvisionPasswordResetHelper.csproj (3612, 2018-01-23)
HikvisionPasswordResetHelper\Main.Designer.cs (8707, 2018-01-23)
HikvisionPasswordResetHelper\Main.cs (4271, 2018-01-23)
HikvisionPasswordResetHelper\Main.resx (46339, 2018-01-23)
HikvisionPasswordResetHelper\Program.cs (450, 2018-01-23)
HikvisionPasswordResetHelper\Properties (0, 2018-01-23)
HikvisionPasswordResetHelper\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs (1427, 2018-01-23)
HikvisionPasswordResetHelper\Properties\Resources.Designer.cs (2467, 2018-01-23)
HikvisionPasswordResetHelper\Properties\Resources.resx (5496, 2018-01-23)
HikvisionPasswordResetHelper\Properties\Settings.Designer.cs (1007, 2018-01-23)
HikvisionPasswordResetHelper\Properties\Settings.settings (242, 2018-01-23)
HikvisionPasswordResetHelper\User.cs (181, 2018-01-23)
** (27198, 2018-01-23)
LICENSE (1211, 2018-01-23)

# HikPasswordHelper A tool which exploits a backdoor in Hikvision camera firmwares circa 2014-2016 ([ICSA-17-124-01](http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2017/Sep/23)) to help the owner change a forgotten password. ## Usage Download [`HikvisionPasswordResetHelper.exe` from the releases tab](https://github.com/bp2008/HikPasswordHelper/releases) and run the exe. There are 5 simple steps to reset a password, and you can even skip steps 3 and 4 in many cases. ![Screenshot](https://i.imgur.com/3uAzhaR.png) ## Requirements .NET Framework 4.5.2 - This is included in any modern Windows installation. A Hikvision device that is vulnerable to [ICSA-17-124-01](http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2017/Sep/23). Here is an *incomplete* list of camera firmwares that have been reported to be vulnerable or not. This list is compiled from various sources and the camera models are unspecified. [Some camera models are reportedly vulnerable at different ranges of firmware versions](https://ics-cert.us-cert.gov/advisories/ICSA-17-124-01), so I would not put complete faith in the accuracy of this list for all camera models. ### Hikvision Camera Firmware Versions ```diff - V5.1.6 build 140412 - NOT Vulnerable (to ICSA-17-124-01) + V5.2.0 build 140721 - Vulnerable + V5.2.0 build 141016 - Vulnerable + V5.3.0 build 150513 - Vulnerable + V5.3.6 build 151105 - Vulnerable + V5.3.8 build 151224 - Vulnerable + V5.3.5 build 161112 - Vulnerable + V5.4.0 build 160401 - Vulnerable + V5.4.0 build 160520 - Vulnerable + V5.4.1 build 160525 - Vulnerable + V5.4.0 build 160530 - Vulnerable + V5.4.3 build 160705 - Vulnerable + V5.4.3 build 160808 - Vulnerable + V5.4.4 build 161125 - Vulnerable + V5.3.9 build 170109 - Vulnerable - V5.4.3 build 170123 - NOT Vulnerable - V5.4.5 Build 170123 - NOT Vulnerable - V5.4.3 build 170217 - NOT Vulnerable ``` ## Special Thanks This tool was make possible thanks to the efforts of user montecrypto from the ipcamtalk forum. https://ipcamtalk.com/threads/backdoor-found-in-hikvision-cameras.17523/ ## See Also If your firmware is too old to use this method to reset a lost password, you can try the reset code method: https://ipcamtalk.com/threads/hikvision-camera-admin-password-reset-tool.2837/ If your firmware is too new, then I'm afraid you are out of luck because the reset code method won't work either.


