
上传日期:2006-03-12 01:08:36
上 传 者qxhzzz
说明:  代码名称: 《仗剑天涯》啸傲江湖修改版 ASP代码 详细介绍: 本站根据野比俱乐部的啸傲江湖的修改版。 1.重写武斗部分,与内力、体力、攻击、经验属性有关。 2.改写表白、结婚部分,与魅力、经验、体力、金钱有关。 3.加入各种江湖排行(美女、帅男、武功、掌门、门派、等), 某些属性达到一定值可以变为“?”,使高等级用户主要属性隐藏。 4.聊天室使用新内核,有偷钱等功能;添加了简单命令方式,例如“保存”用/bc即可。 5.主页面显示最近一条长老公告、结婚公告和挑战公告。掌门可以将帖子加为推荐或精华(发帖人加魅力),可以删除废帖(减魅力)。 6.修改了八皮家零钱制度(一天一次)和掌门每月1号、每年1月起不能零钱的bug。 7.加大“比大小”的赢钱难度,不过运气好还是可以赢不少的;将几个小游戏和数据库相连。 8.增加按未登录天数由多到少列出用户,方便长老删除。 9.数据库改动较大;进一步优化页面美观和速度。
(code name : "Sword End of the World" Chiaojianghu modified version of ASP code in detail : Noi site under club Chiaojianghu the modified version. 1. Rewriting their lives, and the internal force, physical, attacks, attributes the experience. 2. Rewrite the point of marriage, and the charisma, experience, physical, and money. 3. Join the ranks of various corners (sex, and Mandarin, a Kung, director, denominations, etc.), certain properties up to a certain value can be changed into "?" So the major users of high-grade attributes hidden. 4. Chat rooms, the use of the new kernel, stealing money and other functions; Add a simple command, such as "Save" use/bc can. 5. Home Show last face a Presbyterian Notice, marriage announcements and challenges Notice. Head can)

admin (0, 2000-12-16)
adminbz (0, 2000-12-16)
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adminbz\managemp.asp (3102, 2000-11-25)
adminbz\money.asp (2782, 2000-12-06)
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adminbz\updatmp.asp (1625, 2000-11-25)
adminbz\upip.asp (1985, 2000-11-25)
admin\adminmp.asp (2789, 2000-12-16)
admin\commfunc.asp (1706, 2000-12-16)
admin\const.asp (333, 2000-12-16)
admin\datalist.asp (6238, 2000-12-16)
admin\delmp.asp (1313, 2000-11-25)
admin\delu.asp (725, 2000-12-16)
admin\deluser.asp (2527, 2000-12-16)
admin\delzm.asp (1188, 2000-11-25)
admin\editreco.asp (4730, 2000-11-25)
admin\editresu.asp (5059, 2000-11-25)
admin\globvars.asp (2153, 2000-11-25)
admin\jiaeditr.asp (4730, 2000-11-25)
admin\m.asp (1691, 2000-11-25)
admin\managemp.asp (3398, 2000-11-25)
admin\menu.asp (2595, 2000-12-16)
admin\newzt.asp (4824, 2000-11-25)
admin\style.css (546, 2000-11-03)
admin\updatmp.asp (2792, 2000-11-25)
bank (0, 2000-12-16)
bank\bank.gif (1166, 2000-10-10)
bank\bank.jpg (962, 2000-10-31)
bank\const.asp (365, 2000-12-16)
bank\getmoney.asp (4932, 2000-11-30)
bank\index.asp (6815, 2000-12-16)
bank\putmoney.asp (5280, 2000-11-30)
bank\sorry.gif (1135, 2000-10-10)
bank\sorry.jpg (915, 2000-10-31)
bank\style.css (531, 2000-11-13)
bbs (0, 2000-12-16)
bbs\addnew.asp (4891, 2000-12-07)
bbs\admplan.asp (3317, 2000-11-26)
bbs\bbs.asp (10975, 2000-11-27)
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