上传日期:2018-05-29 17:14:04
上 传 者Saravvyn
说明:  一款来自法国的CMS系统,带有论坛,新闻,留言,下载等众多模块,CMS具有许多基于模板的优秀设计,可以加快网站开发的速度和减少开发的成本,

pages\copyright-en.txt (23269, 2005-06-28)
pages\copyright-fr.txt (23191, 2005-06-28)
pages\db_guppy.txt (9272, 2005-11-27)
inc\jscript\licence-LGPL.txt (26929, 2005-08-27)
inc\editor\LICENSE.TXT (24617, 2005-06-28)
inc\lang\lisezmoi.txt (2029, 2005-06-28)
lisezmoi.txt (69006, 2006-05-19)
lisezmoi_agenda.txt (1830, 2005-09-06)
robots.txt (204, 2005-06-28)
Vcodepub.com说明.txt (1510, 2006-04-19)
6copyright-fr.htm (33715, 2005-06-28)
inc\img\skin\skn_carbonix\design.htm (5081, 2005-06-28)
inc\lang\en-help.htm (10144, 2005-06-28)
inc\lang\fr-help.htm (10779, 2005-06-28)
Vacopyright-en.htm (32878, 2005-06-28)
inc\jscript\createpage.html (1327, 2005-08-27)
inc\jscript\deeditor.html (2980, 2005-08-27)
inc\jscript\dfindtext.html (1399, 2005-08-27)
inc\jscript\dialog.html (9065, 2005-08-27)
inc\jscript\edithelp.html (696, 2005-08-27)
inc\jscript\index.html (7038, 2005-08-27)
inc\editor\palette-ie.html (8862, 2005-06-28)
inc\editor\palette.html (8863, 2005-06-28)
inc\jscript\selcolor.html (22153, 2005-08-27)
inc\img\skin\skn_carbonix\design.css (4179, 2005-06-28)
inc\img\skin\skn_3\style.css (6002, 2005-06-28)
inc\img\skin\skn_carbonix\style.css (8835, 2005-11-27)
inc\jscript\skin\vdev.css (1963, 2005-08-27)
fdata\newsen.xml (1040, 2005-06-28)
fdata\newsfr.xml (1318, 2005-06-28)
inc\editor\browserdetect.js (4580, 2005-06-28)
inc\jscript\dfindtext.js (2225, 2005-08-27)
inc\jscript\dialog.js (871, 2005-08-27)
inc\editor\display.js (3987, 2005-09-06)
inc\edit.js (3124, 2005-06-28)
inc\editor\editor.js (12238, 2005-11-27)
... ...

____________ ___ __ ________ ________ __ ___ / _____ / / / / / / ___ / / ___ / | | / / / / /__/ / / / / / /__/ / / /__/ / | | / / / / ______ / / / / / _____/ / _____/ | |/ / / / /__ / / /__/ / / / / / | / / / / / /_______/ /__/ /__/ | / / /____/ / / / / / ______________________________________/ / /___________/ /_________________________________________/ GuppY v4.5 ========== Version 4.5.14 - Mai 19, 2006 CeCILL Copyright (C) 2004-2005 by Laurent Duveau Initiated by Laurent Duveau and Nicolas Alves, followed by Albert Aymard, Jean Michel Misrachi and all the Team Web Site = http://www.freeguppy.org/ e-Mail = guppy@aldweb.com Table of contents 0. Preamble (PLEASE READ IT ALL!) 1. Introduction 2. First install (demo) 3. Clean install 4. Migrating from previous versions 5. Configuration 6. Manage the content 7. Internal running 8. Compatibility 9. Known issues 10. Technical notices 10.1. e-mail 10.2. Free.fr e-mail specific 10.3. Files upload 10.4. Content sharing between sites in RSS format 10.5. How to access to the mobile version of GuppY 10.6. follow-up e-mail to more than one receiver 11. License 12. Donation 13. The GuppY informal team 14. Will you join us? 15. Versions history 0. Preamble (PLEASE READ IT ALL!) --------------------------------- Welcome on GuppY, the easy web portal that does not require a database. GuppY is the new name for miniPortail as from version 2.4. Why did we change the name? Well, it is pretty simple: many miniPortail users told us that the "mini" part of the name (which means "tiny" in French) mistaked them about the real and numerous features of this web portal. Why GuppY as a name then? Some people tried to find some kind of acronym like "GuppY is a Universal PHP Portal for You". But, to tell the truth, GuppY is just the favourite fish of aldweb This readme.txt file is long and as exhaustive as possible. Two other documentations complement this readme.txt file: - the GuppY FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) - the beautiful user manual written by Zerg (French version) and WackoJacko (English translation) You will find them on the GuppY website (http://www.freeguppy.org/). Read CAREFULLY this documentation before asking a question on the GuppY forum which is hosted on the GuppY website (http://www.freeguppy.org/). We kindly ask you to read it CAREFULLY because more than 90% of the questions raised on the GuppY forum are answered in this documentation. Thank you for not writing to me personally with an e-mail for asking questions regarding the understanding or the use of GuppY, my e-mailbox is saturated all of the time with e-mails and my free time to answer you being limited! A member of the GuppY team or another user will answer you much quicker and often much better than I would do on the forum. In addition, all GuppY users will then benefit from your questions and the provided answers. But, before asking a question, please respect our work and check carefully that you read CAREFULLY all of the available documentation. I hope that I have made this point clear now! As for saying thank you and for writing other nice comments, please consider posting a message in the guestbook on the GuppY website or on my personal website before writing to me.... Thanks! But, if for some reason you really want to write us, please use the guppy@aldweb.com e-mail address which is accessed by all GuppY Team members. I whish you a good reading, Laurent Duveau (aka aldweb) 1. Introduction --------------- GuppY is a small web portal, meant to be easy to use for the end user that you are, and which does not require a database to run. This architecture allows then to install it on almost all Internet web sites host (or almost all of them), the only prerequisite being that your host has to provide the PHP scripting language facility. You don't need to know HTML, the MySQL database administration or PHP, GuppY offers a full and secured administration interface to manage the look & feel of your web site as well as the content of the different headings of your site. GuppY offers the standard functionalities of a web portal: - multi administration - Optional members management - news - papers - links - downloads - photos displaying - guestbook - forum - FAQ - poll - visits counter - click counter, downloads counter - newsletter - admin area - etc... Furthermore, GuppY provides a very ORIGINAL management of high added value: in addition to be natively MULTILINGUAL, GuppY offers the possibility of a BILINGUAL showing of the content, with the choice of the 2 showed languages. 2. First install (demo) ----------------------- This first install paragraph explains you how to set up a GuppY web site with some demo content, so that you can play with it. 1. Download the guppy.zip file (http://www.freeguppy.org/) on your PC. 2. Unzip this guppy.zip file in a directory of your PC with your favorite unzipping tool (WinZip, UltimateZip...). 3. EXCELLENT, GuppY is ready to run ! 4. If you wish to play with GuppY on your PC before putting it on the Internet, install a webserver and PHP (you may also rather install a package like EasyPHP - http://www.easyphp.org/) on your PC and copy the content of the directory where you unzipped guppy.zip in the www sub directory of EasyPHP, then launch EasyPHP... and your site will be running locally on your PC. It's just as easy as that ! 4 bis. If you wish to install your web site directly on the Internet, then copy all unzipped files via FTP to your site with a simple FTP client software (IE, Netscape, CuteFTP, etc...). And that's all, you now just need to input the URL of your site in your browser to find yourself on your web site. 5. Wonderful, you just installed GuppY successfully ! IMPORTANT NOTICE: - If you do not plan to prepare a new clean database, delete the install/ directory now. Otherwise anybody could run it on your web site and delete all the content on your web site ! ALTERNATIVE: you can also download EasyGuppY on the GuppY site. EasyGuppY is a package made of a web server, PHP and GuppY, all packaged with an automated install program for a PC with Windows. You just cannot do easier than that ! "CHMOD" Note : Here is how to set up files rights for web servers that require it (not all of them require it). 1. Directory admin - Fichier admin/mdp.php : rights = 666 : UNIX command = chmod 666 admin/mdp.php 2. Directory data : rights = 777 : UNIX command = chmod 777 data - Files data/* : rights = 666 : UNIX command = chmod 666 data/* 3. Directory data/archive : rights = 777 : UNIX command = chmod 777 data/archive - Files data/archive/* : rights = 666 : UNIX command = chmod 666 data/archive/* 4. Directory data/cache : rights = 777 : UNIX command = chmod 777 data/cache - Files data/cache/* : rights = 666 : UNIX command = chmod 666 data/cache/* 5. Directory data/countmsg : rights = 777 : UNIX command = chmod 777 data/countmsg - Files data/countmsg/* : rights = 666 : UNIX command = chmod 666 data/countmsg/* 6. Directory data/usermsg : rights = 777 : UNIX command = chmod 777 data/usermsg - Files data/usermsg/* : rights = 666 : UNIX command = chmod 666 data/usermsg/* 7. Directory data/error : rights = 777 : UNIX command = chmod 777 data/error - Files data/error/* : rights = 666 : UNIX command = chmod 666 data/error/* 8. Directory file : rights = 777 : UNIX command = chmod 777 file - Files file/* : rights = 666 : UNIX command = chmod 666 file/* 9. Directory img : rights = 777 : UNIX command = chmod 777 img - Files img/* : rights = 666 : UNIX command = chmod 666 img/* 10. Directory pages : rights = 777 : UNIX command = chmod 777 pages - Files pages/* : rights = 666 : UNIX command = chmod 666 pages/* 11. Directory photo : rights = 777 : UNIX command = chmod 777 photo - Files photo/* : rights = 666 : UNIX command = chmod 666 photo/* How can you detect that you should execute these "CHMOD" ? Well, it is pretty easy to know, it is in the case you get many error messages of this kind: Warning: fopen("data/logh.dtb","w") - Permission denied in http://www.mysite.com/inc/functions.php on line 1*** Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid File-Handle resource in http://www.mysite.com/inc/ functions.php on line 206 Warning: fopen("../data/logh.dtb", "w") - Read-only file system in functions.php on line 1*** Warning: fputs(): supplied argument is not a valid File-Handle resource in functions.php on line 206 .htaccess notice: GuppY is shipped with a .htaccess file in the root directory. This file is only useful if your web site runs with an Apache server (this is the case most of the time). Here is its structure: -------------------------------------- Order allow,deny Deny from all Satisfy All Order allow,deny Deny from all Satisfy All ErrorDocument 400 /error.php?err=400 ErrorDocument 401 /error.php?err=401 ErrorDocument 403 /error.php?err=403 ErrorDocument 404 /error.php?err=404 ErrorDocument 500 /error.php?err=500 -------------------------------------- The first 5 lines are used to protect the content of your database from hackers and other bad people (and there are some !). Otherwise, files like the data/frth.dtb file for example which holds all e-mail addresses of the people who posted a message in the forum can be read and even help to enrich a Spam file (ugly !). These 5 lines are not to be modified. The 5 following lines are used to direct users to the error page when ask for a non existing page or other possible errors. These lines might require to be adapted (with a simple text editor like Notepad or Wordpad for example) according to where you have put your GuppY. If you installed GuppY at the root of your site (URL = http://www.yoursite.com/) then you have nothing to do. But if you installed it in a directory of your site (URL = http://www.yoursite.com/here/ for example) then you will have to modify these 5 lines : ------------------------------------------- ErrorDocument 400 /here/error.php?err=400 ErrorDocument 401 /here/error.php?err=401 ErrorDocument 403 /here/error.php?err=403 ErrorDocument 404 /here/error.php?err=404 ErrorDocument 500 /here/error.php?err=500 ------------------------------------------- In some cases, you might need to modify these 5 lines as follows (for a website having an URL like http://www.yoursite.com/) : ------------------------------------------------------------- ErrorDocument 400 http://www.yoursite.com/error.php?err=400 ErrorDocument 401 http://www.yoursite.com/error.php?err=401 ErrorDocument 403 http://www.yoursite.com/error.php?err=403 ErrorDocument 404 http://www.yoursite.com/error.php?err=404 ErrorDocument 500 http://www.yoursite.com/error.php?err=500 ------------------------------------------------------------- Or, if installed in the here/ subdir : ------------------------------------------------------------------ ErrorDocument 400 http://www.yoursite.com/here/error.php?err=400 ErrorDocument 401 http://www.yoursite.com/here/error.php?err=401 ErrorDocument 403 http://www.yoursite.com/here/error.php?err=403 ErrorDocument 404 http://www.yoursite.com/here/error.php?err=404 ErrorDocument 500 http://www.yoursite.com/here/error.php?err=500 ------------------------------------------------------------------ It would also be wise to protect your admin/ directory by a user name and password within the .htaccess file. As the way of doing it is usually specific to your web host, please refer to its documentation on this topic. For further information on how to protect your web site with a .htaccess file, please refer to the official Apache documentation. 3. Clean install ---------------- The clean install is meant for when you want to erase the demo content and start with a brand new empty GuppY site. The starting point is for this clean install is anywhere between the first install and anything you did with the demo content. It will erase all of the content but keep the current parameters made in the different "Config something" admin areas. 1. If your web site URL is http://www.mysite.com/ input the following URL in your browser : http://www.mysite.com/install/ 2. Follow instructions for a "Clean install". 3. Wonderful, your web site is ready to run with your content ! IMPORTANT NOTICE : - Make sure that all the files in the install/ directory were deleted. Otherwise anybody could run it on your web site and delete all the content on your web site ! - If you cannot see the install/ directory anymore, then it means that everything is fine. The same conclusion applies if the install/ directory still exists but is empty (you should the delete it by FTP, as your web host does not allow its deletion with PHP). 4. Migrating from previous versions ----------------------------------- IMPORTANT : the migration script is for web sites running with miniPortail version 1.8 or later / GuppY version 2.4 or later. If you are running with an earlier version of miniPortail / GuppY, you should apply the following instructions, being : - Follow steps 1 to 6 of the migration procedure here under. - Then execute install/migrate17.php and then install/migrate18.php if you are running a version < 1.7 of miniPortail. - Or execute install/migrate18.php if you are running a version 1.7 of miniPortail. - Then jump to step 7 of the migration procedure here under. Notice: these old and "dirty" scripts are no more maintained by the GuppY development team. The new script instead will be maintained for future releases. Now, if you are running a miniPortail version 1.8 or later / GuppY version 2.4 or later, follow these instructions : 1. Back up all of your web site before going ahead. 2. Run a "DB integrity check". Make sure it finds no error or run it again. 3. Your data is put in the 4 directories data/, file/, img/ and photo/. Therefore, you should not delete them from your web site. 4. Disactivate the skin and the plugins you are using: 4.1 Go to Config site to activate the sin "no_skin". 4.2 Go to the management pages of your plugins to take off their icons from the heigher menu bar. 4.3 Go to Config boxes to take off lateral boxes 5. Delete the files that are at the root of your site (/) and the directories admin/, inc/ and mobile/ (mobile/ appeared with version 2.3), and plugins/ (plugins/ appeared with version 3.0) their content, as well as all their subdirectories and their content. 6. Copy the new directories and files from the latest version of GuppY (that is /, admin/, inc/, mobile/, pages/ and plugins/) as well as install/ and it's content. 7. Check if the "CHMOD" notice (from paragraph #2) is required for your installation. This will be the case if you had to apply it for your previous miniPortail / GuppY installs/migrations. 8. If your web site URL is http://www.mysite.com/ input the following URL in your browser : http://www.mysite.com/install/ 9. Follow instructions for a "Migration". 10. Wonderful, you have just migrated to the latest version of GuppY. 11. Some modifications in the GuppY parameters require you to check for "General Config", "Site Config", "Sections Config", "Services Config" and "Boxes Config". You will also have to run a "DB integrity check" for updating the GuppY database indexes. IMPORTANT NOTICES : - Once you have finished migrating, make sure that all the files in the install/ directory were deleted. Otherwise anybody could run it on your web site and delete all the content on your web site ! - If you cannot see the install/ directory anymore, then it means that everything is fine. The same conclusion applies if the install/ directory still exists but is empty (you should the delete it by FTP, as your webhost does not allow its deletion with PHP). - After the migration, the admin password is reset to "pass". Don't forget to change it. 5. Configuration ---------------- 1. Click on the Admin icon in the top bar. 2. A prompt for a password appears. Key in "pass" (without the quote marks). You will need to hurry up to change this default password on the administration menu ! 3. And there you are, you find yourself in the administration interface. 4. The first set of icons is made to set the parameters of your web site (languages, look & feel, services to activate, etc...), to maintain it (but you don't need to do it yet) and to change the administration password (do it right now !). Take the time to fill in correctly the forms that are called by the 6 "Config" icons. 5. All other icons allow you to manage the content of your web site with a very intuitive interface. IMPORTANT NOTICE: - At any time, you can reset your password to "pass", just by uploading back by FTP the admin/mdp.php file. 6. Manage the content --------------------- GuppY works thanks to the latest web technologies web. To understand how it works, let's go back to the way a traditional web page is created. In a classical web page, you input some text in the middle of which you insert some HTML (acronym of Hyper Text Markup Language) tags that tell to the web browser (Netscape or Internet Explorer for example) how to place and format the different components (text, images, links...) in the page. You then need to manually link the different pages between them using the HTML linking tag. And, each time you want to change the look & feel of your web site, you have to work back on all pages... This is a heavy and tedious job, and you easily come to spend more time managing the formatting of your pages than their content ! Now exist full web programming languages that allows you to manage the Internet content like any software that runs on your PC. GuppY uses the most used of them being PHP (which stands for Hypertext PreProcessor). The principle of GuppY is the following one : the content (which is stocked in a little "textfile" database) is separated from the formating (which is managed by the PHP scripts that make GuppY). And, we then get what is called a CMS (acronym of Content Management System). So, at the end, you only have to input the information in the appropriated areas (papers, news, etc...) using an administration interface (which you reach through the Admin icon at the top right corner of the screen) and GuppY takes care of the management and the formatting of this information according to the clicks of your web site's visitors. As HTML tagging is allowed, you can use all HTML tags that you want (IMG, A, B, I, U, etc...) in papers, news, links, etc... Check and make sure each time that these tags don't prevent your web site to display correctly. Note : your site will also be very beautiful if you don't dare using HTML tags. The visitors of your site can by themselves post news, messag ... ...


