
上传日期:2018-06-05 20:33:11
上 传 者meymari
说明:  XCalPlanner For Delphi

XCalendar\History.txt (895, 2009-08-06)
XCalendar\Install.txt (1864, 2009-07-24)
XCalendar\License.txt (24939, 2008-08-08)
XCalendar\Demos\IranEvents\Hijri.ini (7598, 2009-07-30)
XCalendar\Res\Ar-SA\mk.bat (113, 2008-08-12)
XCalendar\Res\En-US\mk.bat (113, 2008-08-12)
XCalendar\Res\Fa-IR\mk.bat (113, 2008-08-12)
XCalendar\Source\xcaldbplannercalreg.dcr (1924, 2008-08-23)
XCalendar\Source\xcalplannercalreg.dcr (1440, 2008-08-23)
XCalendar\Source\xcalReg.dcr (13708, 2008-08-15)
XCalendar\Demos\CustomRule Event\Unit1.dfm (2261, 2008-08-16)
XCalendar\Demos\AstroEvents\Unit1.dfm (2588, 2008-08-16)
XCalendar\Demos\AstroPersian\Unit1.dfm (3038, 2008-08-15)
XCalendar\Demos\DBFields\Unit1.dfm (3126, 2008-08-16)
XCalendar\Demos\IranEvents\Unit1.dfm (4277, 2009-07-30)
XCalendar\Demos\PlannerCalendar\Unit1.dfm (7656, 2008-08-25)
XCalendar\Demos\Calendars\Unit1.dfm (8039, 2008-08-16)
XCalendar\Source\XCalendar_D2005.dpk (2502, 2008-08-24)
XCalendar\Source\XCalendar_D2006.dpk (2502, 2008-08-24)
XCalendar\Source\XCalendar_D2007.dpk (2502, 2008-08-23)
XCalendar\Source\XCalendar_D5.dpk (2508, 2008-08-23)
XCalendar\Source\XCalendar_D6.dpk (2499, 2008-08-24)
XCalendar\Source\XCalendar_D7.dpk (2499, 2008-08-23)
XCalendar\Demos\AstroEvents\Project1.dpr (188, 2008-08-16)
XCalendar\Demos\AstroPersian\Project1.dpr (188, 2008-05-12)
XCalendar\Demos\Calendars\Project1.dpr (188, 2008-08-14)
XCalendar\Demos\CustomRule Event\Project1.dpr (188, 2008-08-11)
XCalendar\Demos\DBFields\Project1.dpr (188, 2008-08-14)
XCalendar\Demos\IranEvents\Project1.dpr (188, 2008-07-23)
XCalendar\Demos\PlannerCalendar\Project1.dpr (188, 2008-08-25)
XCalendar\Source\tmsdefs.inc (3341, 2007-11-17)
XCalendar\Source\xcalDefs.inc (2001, 2009-06-10)
XCalendar\Source\xcalVer.inc (127, 2009-07-30)
XCalendar\Source\AACoordinates.pas (729, 2008-08-11)
XCalendar\Source\AACoordinateTransformation.pas (12900, 2008-08-11)
XCalendar\Source\AADate.pas (18951, 2008-08-11)
XCalendar\Source\AADynamicalTime.pas (3229, 2008-08-11)
XCalendar\Source\AAEarth.pas (25547, 2008-08-11)
XCalendar\Source\AAEaster.pas (2138, 2008-08-11)
... ...

XCalendar - General Calendar Utilities for Delphi by adgteq Project website: http://xcalendar.sourceforge.net Author's e-mail: adgteq@yahoo.co.uk INTRODUCTION ============ XCalendar is a collection of calendar utilities for Delphi. As you know the Delphi TDateTime type stores date/times as a floating point value representing the time passed from a specific time, or more precisely: The integral part of a Delphi TDateTime value is the number of days that have passed since 12/30/1899. The fractional part of the TDateTime value is fraction of a 24 hour day that has elapsed. A calendar divides time into units, such as weeks, months, and years. The number, length, and start of the divisions vary in each calendar. So any TDateTime value can be decoded to units of an arbitrary calendar and values expressed in units of a calendar can be encoded to TDateTime values. XCalendar contains calendars, database date/time field types, tools to find calendar events and some astronomical stuff. This package also includes some date picker controls from TMS Planner components (http://www.tmssoftware.com) made compatible with XCalendar calendars and events: TXCalPlannerCalendar TXCalPlannerDatePicker TXCalPlannerMaskDatePicker TXCalDBPlannerCalendar TXCalDBPlannerDatePicker TXCalPlannerDBDatePicker TXCalPlannerDBMaskDatePicker You can set the new "XCalendar" property to the calendar component of your choice to make the controls view and pick dates in the desired calendar. And you can set the new "XCalendarEvents" property to an event component to highlight its occurences in the calendar. (Set EventHints and ShowHint properties to True to show the display text of the events as hints). For installation instructions see Install.txt 1. Calendars ============ Calendars like Gregorian calendar, Persian calendar, etc are derived from the base class TXCalendar which is implemented as a descendant of TComponent (to be put on forms for example) and presents methods named identically as Delphi Date/Time routines of SysUtils and DateUtils which provie the same functionalities generalized for arbitrary calendars. The derived calendars implement TXCalendar's abstract methods to encode/ decode between year/month/day and TDateTime, etc. Please note: - All the day of week values are compliant with SysUtils DayOfWeek: const xcalSunday = 1; xcalMonday = 2; xcalTuesday = 3; xcalWednesday = 4; xcalThursday = 5; xcalFriday = 6; xcalSaturday = 7; - There is a WeekRule property that determines the rule for counting weeks: wrFullWeek: The first week of the year/month is the one having all it's days inside the year/month. wrFourDayWeek: The first week of the year/month is the one having at least 4 of it's days inside the year/month. wrOneDayWeek: The first week of the year/month is the one including the first day of the year/month. Setting WeekRule to wrFourDayWeek makes the methods act like DateUtils routines that use the ISO 8601 week rule. - Start of the week is set by the WeekStartDay property. - Format settings such as month names, etc are set by the FormatSettings property. - Eras are not implemented yet. - No unicode support yet. Examples: dt := GregoianCalendar1.EncodeDate(2000, 1, 1); w := HijriCalendar1.WeekOfTheYear(dt); ShowMessage( PersianCalendar1.FormatDateTime('dddd d mmmm yyyy hh:nn AM/PM', Now)); Special methods: procedure SaveSettingsToStream(Stream: TStream); procedure LoadSettingsFromStream(Stream: TStream); procedure SaveSettingsToFile(const FileName: string); procedure LoadSettingsFromFile(const FileName: string); procedure LoadSettingsFromResourceName(Instance: THandle; const ResName: string); { These methods are used to save/load the settings of the calendar (such as format settings, week rule, etc) to/from files/streams in XML format. (RTTI is not uses yet) You can also save/load the component using Delphi TStream/TWriter/TReader utilities. } Date/time methods in addition to / differing from SysUtils/DateUtils routines: function DayOfWeek(const AYear, AMonth, ADay: Word): Word; overload; { Equals to DayOfWeek(EncodeDate(AYear, AMonth, ADay)) } function MonthsInYear(const AValue: TDateTime): Word; { Equals to MonthsInAYear(YearOf(AValue)) } function MonthsInAYear(const AYear: Word): Word; virtual; { Returns the number of months in the specified year. Normally it returns 12, but lunisolar calendars can override this. } function WeeksInMonth(const AValue: TDateTime): Word; { Equals to WeeksInAMonth(YearOf(AValue), MonthOf(AValue)) } function WeeksInAMonth(const AYear, AMonth: Word): Word; { Returns the number of weeks in the specified month of the specified year. } procedure IncAYear(var Year, Month, Day: Word; NumberOfYears: Integer = 1); { Increments date data by NumberOfYears years } function EncodeDayOfWeekInMonth(const AYear, AMonth: Word; const ANthDayOfWeek: SmallInt; const ADayOfWeek: Word): TDateTime; { Acts like DateUtils.EncodeDayOfWeekInMonth, with the improvement that if ANthDayOfWeek is negative, counting is started from the end of the month downwards. e.g. EncodeDayOfWeekInMonth(Y, M, -1, xcalSunday) returns the last Sunday of the month. TryEncodeDayOfWeekInMonth acts similarly } function EncodeDayOfWeekAfterADate(const AFromDate: TDateTime; const ANthDayOfWeek: SmallInt; const ADayOfWeek: Word): TDateTime; { If ANthDayOfWeek is positive, returns the Nth date having the day of week ADayOfWeek after or equal AFromDate; If ANthDayOfWeek is negative, returns the Nth date having the day of week ADayOfWeek before or equal AFromDate. (N = ANthDayOfWeek) } function TryEncodeDayOfWeekAfterADate(const AFromDate: TDateTime; const ANthDayOfWeek: SmallInt; const ADayOfWeek: Word; out AValue: TDateTime): Boolean; { Similar to the above function, but doesn't raise an exception } function OffsetToDayOfWeek(const AOffset: Word): Word; { Returns the DayOfWeek value corresponding to the offset AOffset from the first day of week (WeekStartDay). Normal values for AOffset are 0..6 } function DayOfWeekToOffset(const ADayOfWeek: Word): Word; { Returns the offset from the first day of week (WeekStartDay) to ADayOfWeek. Result value is in 0..6 } Routines available in the xcalClass unit: function DateTimeToAlgebraicDateTime(const AValue: TDateTime): Double; function AlgebraicDateTimeToDateTime(const AValue: Double): TDateTime; { Algebraic DateTime is a TDateTime value that can be used in additions or subtractions without respect to its sign. e.g. the TDateTime value for 12/29/1899 6:00AM is -1.25 but it's algebraic DateTime is -0.75 These functions convert between DateTimes and algebraic DateTimes. } function DateTimeToJulianDay(const AValue: TDateTime): Double; function JulianDayToDateTime(const AValue: Double): TDateTime; function TryJulianDayToDateTime(const AValue: Double; out ADateTime: TDateTime): Boolean; function DateTimeToModifiedJulianDay(const AValue: TDateTime): Double; function ModifiedJulianDayToDateTime(const AValue: Double): TDateTime; function TryModifiedJulianDayToDateTime(const AValue: Double; out ADateTime: TDateTime): Boolean; { These functions act like their DateUtils counterparts (with the naming change of JulianDate -> JulianDay) operating faster. } The calendars currently implemented are: 1.1. TGregorianCalendar ======================= TGregorianCalendar is just a wrapper for the already-available functions of SysUtils. 1.2. TPersianCalendar ===================== The Persian calendar using Jalali 33-year cycles to determine common and leap years. 1.3. TAstroPersianCalendar ========================== The Persian calendar using the astronomical rule to determine common and leap years: If the vernal equinox occurs before true solar noon, then the day becomes the first day of the new year, but if it happens after the noon, then the next day becomes the first day of the new year. Use the Longitude property to set the longitude in degrees to calculate the noon time for. The CacheSize property sets the size of the cache of calculated years. 1.4. THijriCalendar =================== The Hijri (Islamic lunar) calendar The LeapYearsKind property determines the kind of leap year calculation: lyk16: Years 2, 5, 7, 10, 13, 16, 18, 21, 24, 26, 29 in each 30-year cycle are leap years lyk15: Years 2, 5, 7, 10, 13, 15, 18, 21, 24, 26, 29 in each 30-year cycle are leap years The value of HijriAdjustment property (positive or negative) is added to the calculated dates to accommodate the variances in the start and the end of Ramadan and to accommodate the date difference between countries/regions. You can use the OnGetDaysInAMonth event to provide individual month lengths for the calendar according to the year. Please note that for each year, the length of the months should sum to either 354 (for common years) or 355 (for leap years). Otherwise the calendar might malfunction. If you need to adjust years also, use TObservedHijriCalendar. 1.5. TObservedHijriCalendar =========================== The Hijri calendar with additional supplements that you can use to provide observational data to adjust years/months. It works by adjusting the conventional years to observed years. You should give a base adjustment by the BaseYear and BaseYearAdjustment properties and provide the observed common and leap years in a range specified by the MinObservedYear and MaxObservedYear properties by assigning the OnFindLeapYears event. And, of course, you should also assign the OnGetDaysInAMonth event to provide the observed month lengths (see THijriCalendar). BaseYear: The base year for calculating year adjustments BaseYearAdjustment: Specifies the offset of the conventional year start, relative to the observed year start for the year specified by BaseYear. For example if for the base year, the first day of the conventional year is calculated to occur on March 15, but the observed new moon makes the year start on March 16, this adjustment would be -1. MinObservedYear: Minimum year that you have observational information for MaxObservedYear: Maximum year that you have observational information for OnFindLeapYears: You should use this event to specify the observed common and leap years. This event is only called for the years between MinObservedYear and MaxObservedYear inclusive, and your code should specify every common and leap year in the range by setting the IsLeap parameter to False or True respectively. Years outside the range are automatically adjusted until they coincide with the conventional years. 2. Database Date/Time Field Types ================================= XcalDateTimeField, XcalDateField, XCalSQLTimeStampField are available from the New Field dialog box to allow for data-aware controls to set/get the date/time fields as strings in the calendar specified by the XCalendar property of the field. In order to use these field types, after adding all the fields in the Fields Editor, remove the date/time fields and right click in the Fields Editor window and choose "New Field...". In the Name box, type the actual name of the desired date/time field. Choose XcalDateTimeField (or the appropriate type of field) from the Type ComboBox. Choose Data for the Field type and click OK. Now You can set the XCalendar property of the created field component to a calendar component you have put on your form/datamodule and see the results in your data-aware controls. 3. Calendar Events ================== XCalendar event components are derived from TCustomXCalendarEvents which presents methods to find the occurences of the events implemented in descendant components between two times: procedure FindIntervalEvents(const FromDate, ToDate: TDateTime; var EOL: TXCalEventOccurenceList); virtual; abstract; { Finds the occurences of the events represented by the event component from FromDate to ToDate inclusive and puts them into EOL. EOL should be an instance of TXCalEventOccurenceList. Note: EOL is not cleared by the method. TXCalEventOccurenceList is a TList descendant containing TXCalEventOccurence objects: TXCalEventOccurence = class(TObject) Date: TDateTime; DisplayText: string; IsVacation: Boolean; Obj: TObject; end; Date is the occurence date (might include time). DisplayText is the title to be displayed for this occurence. IsVacation tells if this event occurence makes a day off. Obj is as arbitrary object. For TXCalendarEvents, it points to the TXCalEventItem that this event occurence belongs to. Useful methods in TXCalEventOccurenceList: function Add(const Date: TDateTime; const DisplayText: string; const IsVacation: Boolean; const Obj: TObject): Integer; { Adds a new item having the provided values } function IndexOf(ADate: TDateTime; StartIndex: Integer = 0): Integer; { Searches the list for the first item having the same date as ADate, starting from StartIndex. If it finds one returns the index of the found item, otherwise returns -1. } procedure SortByDate; { Sorts the items according to their occurence dates in ascending order. For two occurences on the same date, if one is a vacation, it is put first. } Code example: var EOL: TXCalEventOccurenceList; ... EOL := TXCalEventOccurenceList.Create; try XCalendarEvents1.FindIntervalEvents(..., ..., EOL); EOL.SortByDate; ... finally EOL.Free; end; } procedure FindDateEvents(const ADate: TDateTime; var EOL: TXCalEventOccurenceList); { Equals to FindIntervalEvents(ADate, ADate, EOL) } These event components are implemented: 3.1. XCalendarEvents ==================== Used for calculating the occurences of general annual events. The Events property is a Collection of TXCalEventItem items each representing a single annual event. The properties of the items that you should set are as follows: 1. XCalendar: The calendar that this event is calculated in as a calendar component. 2. RuleType: Type of the rule to calculate the event. These types of events are supported: rtExactDay: Exact day of a month in each year. rtNthDayOfWeekInMonth: Rules like 1st Sunday in February. rtNthDayOfWeekAfterADay: Rules like 1st Wednesday before March 19. rtNearestDayOfWeek: Rules like the nearest Monday to March 19. rtCustomRule: Custom Rule defined in the OnCustomRule event of the related XCalendarEvents component. 3. The properties related to the type of the rule, namely: for rtExactDay: Month, Day for rtNthDayOfWeekInMonth: Nth, DayOfWeek, Month Note: Negative values for Nth mean counting from the end of the month. e.g. -1 means "the last ..." for rtNthDayOfWeekAfterADay: Nth, DayOfWeek, Month, Day Note: Negative values for Nth mean searching for Nth day of week before a day for rtNearestDayOfWeek: DayOfWeek, Month, Day for rtCustomRule: Don't forget to implement the OnCustomRule event of the related XCalendarEvents component. 4.(Optional) Corrections: You can use this if some day offset should be added to the calculated date or if the event must not occur on some day(s) of week. 5. Title: A title for the event. 6. FormatTitle: Set to True if the Title includes date/time format strings to be formatted according to the occurence date. 7. IsVacation: Set to True if this event makes a day off. Special methods: procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream); procedure LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream); procedure SaveToFile(const FileName: string); procedure LoadFromFile(const FileName: string); { These methods are used to save/load the events to/from files/streams in XML format. (RTTI is not uses yet) Please note: If you want to use these methods, all the XCalendars used in the events should have the same owner specified by the XCalendarsOwner property of the XCalendarEvents object. You can also save/load the component using Delphi TStream/TWriter/TReader utilities which doesn't have this limitation. } 3.2. XCalendarAstroEvents ========================= Used for calculating the occurences of some astronomical events, namely, equinoxes, moon phases and eclipses. You can set the titles for each event. The TimeZone property should be set (in hours) to determine on which day the event occurs. If the TimeFormat property is not empty, the time of the events (in the specified TimeZone) are added to the titles in the specified format. 3.3. XCalendarAggregateEvents ============================= You can use this component to gather other event components into a group. The occurences of the contained event components are accumulated to make the occurences of this event component. 4. Astronomical Stuff ===================== XCalendar contains a Delphi port of some part of the AA+ project (v1.30) by PJ Naughter (http://www.naughter.com) for use in it's astronomical calculations. the related units are characterized by their name starting with "AA". You can use them if you know how to. XCALENDAR LICENSE INFORMATION ============================= This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ================ My special thanks go to: Borland/CodeGear developers for their vcl sources Microsoft .net developers for the nice calendar idea PJ Naughter (http://www.naughter.com) for his nice AA+ library NoneForce (http://forum. ... ...


