
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2006-03-12 11:27:20
上 传 者mola
说明:  winwods下的组播路由算法仿真程序, vc6开发,是根据上次传的linux版本 改编而成。
(winwods the multicast routing algorithm simulation program, vc6 development, is based on the previous version of Linux-wing.)

mrsim-win\additional.cpp (9048, 2002-08-05)
mrsim-win\batchsim.cpp (21912, 2002-08-09)
mrsim-win\BkTrafficDlg.cpp (1937, 2002-06-03)
mrsim-win\BkTrafficDlg.h (1286, 2002-06-01)
mrsim-win\ChildFrm.cpp (1859, 2002-05-30)
mrsim-win\ChildFrm.h (1456, 2002-05-30)
mrsim-win\constant.h (5126, 2002-08-08)
mrsim-win\data.h (2758, 2002-05-27)
mrsim-win\Debug (0, 2005-07-29)
mrsim-win\dsph_g.txt.out (6906, 2002-08-01)
mrsim-win\dsph_g2.txt.out (912, 2002-08-01)
mrsim-win\event.cpp (4828, 2002-06-04)
mrsim-win\event.h (3330, 2002-06-04)
mrsim-win\graphics.cpp (7368, 2002-07-05)
mrsim-win\graphics.h (2338, 2002-07-05)
mrsim-win\LinkParaDlg.cpp (1871, 2002-07-23)
mrsim-win\LinkParaDlg.h (1315, 2002-07-23)
mrsim-win\MainFrm.cpp (5318, 2002-07-01)
mrsim-win\MainFrm.h (1603, 2002-07-01)
mrsim-win\mrsim.aps (56268, 2003-03-21)
mrsim-win\mrsim.clw (11570, 2002-10-31)
mrsim-win\mrsim.cpp (5274, 2002-07-27)
mrsim-win\mrsim.dsp (6611, 2002-08-04)
mrsim-win\mrsim.dsw (533, 2002-05-29)
mrsim-win\mrsim.h (1406, 2002-07-05)
mrsim-win\mrsim.opt (52736, 2003-03-22)
mrsim-win\mrsim.plg (4482, 2003-03-21)
mrsim-win\mrsim.rc (35332, 2002-08-08)
mrsim-win\Mrsim1 (0, 2002-07-29)
mrsim-win\Mrsim1.out (918, 2002-08-04)
mrsim-win\Mrsim2 (0, 2002-07-30)
mrsim-win\mrsimDoc.cpp (2541, 2002-07-27)
mrsim-win\mrsimDoc.h (1483, 2002-07-27)
mrsim-win\mrsimView.cpp (48388, 2002-08-08)
mrsim-win\mrsimView.h (5583, 2002-08-08)
mrsim-win\MsgDlg.cpp (1693, 2002-06-02)
mrsim-win\MsgDlg.h (1304, 2002-06-02)
mrsim-win\node2.cpp (72865, 2002-08-08)
mrsim-win\node2.h (24346, 2002-08-07)
mrsim-win\qdmr_cpt_step.txt (3105, 2002-07-08)
... ...

MCRSIM reviesed date: 2002-6-29 revised by tmq ================================================== 0 content ================================================== 1 Introduction 2 Installation Steps 3 How to extend mcrsim to include new algorithm? 4 mrsim files description 5 copywright ================================================== 1 Introduction: ================================================== MCRSIM is a package for creating and editing computer network graphs, applying multicast routing algorithms on these graphs, and simulating the flow of cells on the resulting trees to measure delays and losses. It simulates actual ATM networks with fixed cell size, 53 bytes, and heterogenous link capacities. MCRSIM is written in C++ and uses Motif and X library functions to implement the graphical user interface. It operates on Unix machines supporting the Xwindows environment. For information on how to use MCRSIM, please refer to the user manual: The man page `' also provides a brief description of the simulator. Please report any bugs to *************************************************************** * note: tmq have extend it to win2000 with vc6. 2002. * * Please report any bugs of mcrim_win32 to * *************************************************************** ====================== 2 Installation Steps: ====================== Edit lines 9 to 14 and 21 to 26 of the makefile to include the correct paths of the X11 and Motif include files and object files for your machine. Edit lines 35 and 36 of the file ``node2.h'' to set the value of RAND_REF according to your machine. **************for UNIX************************ Use the enclosed makefile to compile the program by simply typing: `make mcrsim'. Ignore any warnings you may get. The resulting binary file is called `mcrsim'. A GNU C++ compiler, `g++', must be installed on the machine used to compile MCRSIM. To run MCRSIM, simply type ``mcrsim''. **************for WIN (extend by tmq,2002)************************ 1 compiled with vc6 in win2000 2 just run it. Example network files are also included: net20, net50, net100, and net200. NOTE: Simulation can be also performed in batch mode without any need for the graphical user interface. Two example batch simulation programs are included: router1.c and router2.c. To create the executables use `make router1' and `make router2' respectively.????????? NOTE 2: The original version of MCRSIM was released in August 1995. This a revised version, released in September 1997. ================================================== * 3 How to extend mcrsim to include new algorithm? ================================================== *illustrate with qdmr..... * o Download the MCRSIM simulator source code from North Carolina State * University's FTP site ( * * o Put this part of program under the same directory. * * o in "node2.h", add (ABOUT line 157): * #define qdmr 20 // define the QDMR algorithm * * o also in "node2.h", add the following prototype definition to class * "TheNodeList" (line 716): * double routerQDMR(int alg, Node *source, int addr, double &d, * double &maxd, double &mind, double &h, double &nodes); other functions.................... * o in "node2.h", add variable near line 627 * ie : policy; flagReplaceLDTree; * * o in "node2.cpp", add following lines after line 47 * #include "routQDMR.cpp" * o in "rout.cpp", add following lines after * "else if ((alg == cdks ... return ... h, nodes));" (line 32): * * else if (alg == qdmr) // call algorithm QDMR * return (routerQDMR(alg, source, addr, d, maxd, mind, h, nodes)); * o adapt GUI menu routing-..,mapped to cmrsimview, set the parameters: (1)cmrsimview::OnRouteParam(); (2)add variable in class CRoutParaDlg; revise CRoutParaDlg::OnBtnSetspara(); (3)add variable in class CSpeciParaDlg; revise it....; * o Follow the user manual (available at the same FTP site) and README * file in the package for installing and running MCRSIM * * o Make proper modifications to the code if you got problem, or send * e-mail to me ( ======================================================================== 4 mrsim files description ======================================================================== i have classified all the files into five parts according to what a simulator should include: event sheduling, (topology object, traffic object, group object,) routing algorithm, stat & analasys, GUI. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ event.h,event.cpp *** C++ classes Event, EventListEntry and TheEventlist to be used in a *** *** discrete event simulator for computer networks *** ------------------------------------------------------------------------ stats.cpp *** A library of C++ classes used to collect statistics from the *** *** discrete event simulator ------------------------------------------------------------------------ data.h *** Defining a data packet for the purpose of simulating computer networks *** ------------------------------------------------------------------------ node2.h,node2.cpp *** A library defining node, routing tables, sources, *** *** adajacency lists and networks management operations *** node2.cpp *** This file contains the function simulation and the random graph *** *** and the random link generator and functions to read from file *** *** and write to file and other functions queue.cpp *** A C++ library of classes to represent FIFO queues and priority queues *** traf.cpp *** Functions to handle arrivals/departures of packets to/from a node *** ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *** the following file to implememt all kinds of routing algorithm *** *** 1 per file , but "rout.cpp" is on top of any others** #include "rout.cpp" #include "routATM.cpp" #include "routCST.cpp" #include "routLD.cpp" #include "routKMB.cpp" #include "routBF.cpp" #include "routCAO.cpp" #include "routBSMA.cpp" #include "routDCDIMST.cpp" #include "routOPT.cpp" #include "routDVMRP.cpp" #include "routBFNOADM.cpp" #include "routCDKS.cpp" #include "routQDMR.cpp" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ additional.cpp *** misc *** ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ graphics.h,graphics.cpp *** A C++ library of classes to represent network nodes, links, paths, *** *** .... etc graphically BkTrafficDlg.cpp MsgDlg.cpp SrcDlg.cpp mrsimDoc.cpp this file contains functions of file operation such as save, open... mrsimview.cpp this file contains interface functions mapping to GUI. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ mrsim.dsp This file (the project file) contains information at the project level and is used to build a single project or subproject. Other users can share the project (.dsp) file, but they should export the makefiles locally. mrsim.h This is the main header file for the application. It includes other project specific headers (including Resource.h) and declares the CMrsimApp application class. mrsim.cpp This is the main application source file that contains the application class CMrsimApp. mrsim.rc This is a listing of all of the Microsoft Windows resources that the program uses. It includes the icons, bitmaps, and cursors that are stored in the RES subdirectory. This file can be directly edited in Microsoft Visual C++. mrsim.clw This file contains information used by ClassWizard to edit existing classes or add new classes. ClassWizard also uses this file to store information needed to create and edit message maps and dialog data maps and to create prototype member functions. res\mrsim.ico This is an icon file, which is used as the application's icon. This icon is included by the main resource file mrsim.rc. res\mrsim.rc2 This file contains resources that are not edited by Microsoft Visual C++. You should place all resources not editable by the resource editor in this file. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// For the main frame window: MainFrm.h, MainFrm.cpp These files contain the frame class CMainFrame, which is derived from CMDIFrameWnd and controls all MDI frame features. res\Toolbar.bmp This bitmap file is used to create tiled images for the toolbar. The initial toolbar and status bar are constructed in the CMainFrame class. Edit this toolbar bitmap using the resource editor, and update the IDR_MAINFRAME TOOLBAR array in mrsim.rc to add toolbar buttons. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// For the child frame window: ChildFrm.h, ChildFrm.cpp These files define and implement the CChildFrame class, which supports the child windows in an MDI application. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// AppWizard creates one document type and one view: mrsimDoc.h, mrsimDoc.cpp - the document These files contain your CMrsimDoc class. Edit these files to add your special document data and to implement file saving and loading (via CMrsimDoc::Serialize). mrsimView.h, mrsimView.cpp - the view of the document These files contain your CMrsimView class. CMrsimView objects are used to view CMrsimDoc objects. res\mrsimDoc.ico This is an icon file, which is used as the icon for MDI child windows for the CMrsimDoc class. This icon is included by the main resource file mrsim.rc. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Other standard files: StdAfx.h, StdAfx.cpp These files are used to build a precompiled header (PCH) file named mrsim.pch and a precompiled types file named StdAfx.obj. Resource.h This is the standard header file, which defines new resource IDs. Microsoft Visual C++ reads and updates this file. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Other notes: AppWizard uses "TODO:" to indicate parts of the source code you should add to or customize. If your application uses MFC in a shared DLL, and your application is in a language other than the operating system's current language, you will need to copy the corresponding localized resources MFC42XXX.DLL from the Microsoft Visual C++ CD-ROM onto the system or system32 directory, and rename it to be MFCLOC.DLL. ("XXX" stands for the language abbreviation. For example, MFC42DEU.DLL contains resources translated to German.) If you don't do this, some of the UI elements of your application will remain in the language of the operating system. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// =============== 5 Copyright =============== /* * Copyright (c) 1995, 1996, 1997 Center for Advanced Computing and Communications (CACC), * North Carolina State University at Raleigh. * All rights reserved. * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its * documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided * that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting * documentation. The CACC makes no representations about the * suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" * without express or implied warranty. */


