
上传日期:2018-07-31 17:08:54
上 传 者inparadise
说明:  python实现股票数据获取,并且有使用范例
(get stock data by python and have a example.)

.bumpversion.cfg (133, 2018-07-14)
.travis.yml (174, 2018-07-14)
LICENSE (1067, 2018-07-14)
easyquotation (0, 2018-07-14)
easyquotation\__init__.py (140, 2018-07-14)
easyquotation\api.py (555, 2018-07-14)
easyquotation\basequotation.py (4034, 2018-07-14)
easyquotation\boc.py (414, 2018-07-14)
easyquotation\daykline.py (1370, 2018-07-14)
easyquotation\helpers.py (1183, 2018-07-14)
easyquotation\hkqoute.py (1184, 2018-07-14)
easyquotation\jsl.py (14056, 2018-07-14)
easyquotation\sina.py (2386, 2018-07-14)
easyquotation\stock_codes.conf (50351, 2018-07-14)
easyquotation\tencent.py (3458, 2018-07-14)
easyquotation\timekline.py (1486, 2018-07-14)
example (0, 2018-07-14)
example\example.py (676, 2018-07-14)
example\parse_timekline.py (5351, 2018-07-14)
requirements.txt (23, 2018-07-14)
setup.py (4102, 2018-07-14)
test-requirements.txt (40, 2018-07-14)
tests (0, 2018-07-14)
tests\__init__.py (14, 2018-07-14)
tests\test_easyquotation.py (3726, 2018-07-14)
tests\test_timekline.py (1491, 2018-07-14)

# easyquotation [![Package](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/easyquotation.svg)](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/easyquotation) [![Travis](https://img.shields.io/travis/shidenggui/easyquotation.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/shidenggui/easyquotation) [![License](https://img.shields.io/github/license/shidenggui/easyquotation.svg)](https://github.com/shidenggui/easyquotation/blob/master/LICENSE) 快速获取新浪/腾讯的全市场行情, 网络正常的情况下只需要 `200+ms` ### 前言 * 获取新浪的免费实时行情 * 获取腾讯财经的免费实时行情 * 获取集思路的分级基金数据 * 有兴趣的可以加群 `556050652` 一起讨论 * 捐助: ![微信](http://7xqo8v.com1.z0.glb.clouddn.com/wx.png?imageView2/1/w/300/h/300) ![支付宝](http://7xqo8v.com1.z0.glb.clouddn.com/zhifubao2.png?imageView2/1/w/300/h/300) ## 公众号 扫码关注“易量化”的微信公众号,不定时更新一些个人文章及与大家交流 ![](http://7xqo8v.com1.z0.glb.clouddn.com/easy_quant_qrcode.jpg?imageView2/1/w/300/h/300) **开发环境** : `Ubuntu 16.04` / `Python 3.5` ### requirements > Python 3.5+ > pip install -r requirements.txt ### 安装 ```python pip install easyquotation ``` #### 升级 ```python pip install easyquotation --upgrade ``` ### 用法 #### 引入: ```python import easyquotation ``` #### 选择行情 ```python quotation = easyquotation.use('sina') # 新浪 ['sina'] 腾讯 ['tencent', 'qq'] ``` #### 获取所有股票行情 ```python quotation.market_snapshot(prefix=True) # prefix 参数指定返回的行情字典中的股票代码 key 是否带 sz/sh 前缀 ``` **return** ```python {'sh000159': {'name': '国际实业', # 股票名 'buy': 8.87, # 竞买价 'sell': 8.88, # 竞卖价 'now': 8.88, # 现价 'open': 8.99, # 开盘价 'close': 8.96, # 昨日收盘价 'high': 9.15, # 今日最高价 'low': 8.83, # 今日最低价 'turnover': 22545048, # 交易股数 'volume': 202704887.74, # 交易金额 'ask1': 8.88, # 卖一价 'ask1_volume': 111900, # 卖一量 'ask2': 8.89, 'ask2_volume': 54700, 'bid1': 8.87, # 买一价 'bid1_volume': 21800, # 买一量 ... 'bid2': 8.86, 'bid2_volume': 78400, 'date': '2016-02-19', 'time': '14:30:00', ...}, ...... } ``` ##### 单只股票 ``` quotation.real('162411') # 支持直接指定前缀,如 'sh000001' ``` ##### 多只股票 ``` quotation.stocks(['000001', '162411']) ``` ##### 同时获取指数和行情 ``` quotation.stocks(['sh000001', 'sz000001'], prefix=True) ``` #### 更新股票代码 ``` easyquotation.update_stock_codes() ``` #### 选择 jsl 行情 ``` quotation = easyquotation.use('jsl') # ['jsl'] ``` ##### 获取分级基金信息 ``` quotation.funda() # 参数可选择利率、折价率、交易量、有无下折、是否永续来过滤 quotation.fundb() # 参数如上 ``` 对应的分级 A 数据 **return** ``` { 150020: {'abrate': '5:5', 'calc_info': None, 'coupon_descr': '+3.0%', 'coupon_descr_s': '+3.0%', 'fund_descr': '每年第一个工作日定折,无下折,A不参与上折,净值<1元无定折', 'funda_amount': 178823, 'funda_amount_increase': '0', 'funda_amount_increase_rt': '0.00%', 'funda_base_est_dis_rt': '2.27%', 'funda_base_est_dis_rt_t1': '2.27%', 'funda_base_est_dis_rt_t2': '-0.34%', 'funda_base_est_dis_rt_tip': '', 'funda_base_fund_id': '163109', 'funda_coupon': '5.75', 'funda_coupon_next': '4.75', 'funda_current_price': '0.783', 'funda_discount_rt': '24.75%', 'funda_id': '150022', 'funda_increase_rt': '0.00%', 'funda_index_id': '399001', 'funda_index_increase_rt': '0.00%', 'funda_index_name': '深证成指', 'funda_left_year': '永续', 'funda_lower_recalc_rt': '1.82%', 'funda_name': '深成指A', 'funda_nav_dt': '2015-09-14', 'funda_profit_rt': '7.74%', 'funda_profit_rt_next': '***24%', 'funda_value': '1.0405', 'funda_volume': '0.00', 'fundb_upper_recalc_rt': '244.35%', 'fundb_upper_recalc_rt_info': '深成指A不参与上折', 'last_time': '09:18:22', 'left_recalc_year': '0.30411', 'lower_recalc_profit_rt': '-', 'next_recalc_dt': '2016-01-04', 'owned': 0, 'status_cd': 'N'}>'}} ``` ##### 分级基金套利接口 ``` quotation.fundarb(jsl_username, jsl_password, avolume=100, bvolume=100, ptype='price') ``` ``` jsl_username: 集思录用户名 jsl_password: 集思路登录密码 avolume: A成交额,单位百万 bvolume: B成交额,单位百万 ptype: 溢价计算方式,price=现价,buy=买一,sell=卖一 ``` **return** ``` { "165511":{ 'base_fund_id': '165511', # 母基金代码 'AB_price': '现价A/B : 1.008/1.329', 'a_profit_rt_next': '4.705', 'a_ratio': 4, 'abrate': '4:6', 'apply_fee': '0', 'apply_fee_tip': '0', 'apply_sell': '-0.59', 'asset_ratio': '95%', 'asset_ratio_last': '99%', 'asset_ratio_num': '95.00', 'b_est_val': '1.340', 'b_gangan': '1.502', 'b_ratio': 6, 'base_est_dis_rt': '-0.56%', 'base_est_val': '1.2073', 'base_fund_nm': '信诚500', 'base_lower_recalc_rt': '54.15%', 'base_nav': '1.1970', 'base_nav_dt': '2016-04-13', 'buy1A': '1.007', 'buy1B': '1.329', 'buy1_amountA': '0.201', 'buy1_amountB': '7.123', 'buy_redeem': '-0.51', 'calc_info': None, 'coupon': '0.00%', 'coupon_next': '4.700', 'est_dis_rt': '-0.55%', 'est_time': '2016-04-14 15:10:05', 'fundA_amount': '6667', 'fundA_amount_increase': '-51', 'fundA_amount_increase_rt': '-0.76%', 'fundA_amount_tip': '2016-04-14 A类总份额6667.000万份,份额增长-0.76%', 'fundA_id': '150028', 'fundA_last_dt': '2016-04-14', 'fundA_last_time': '14:57:02', 'fundA_nav': '1.0090', 'fundA_nav_dt': '2016-04-13', 'fundA_nm': '中证500A', 'fundA_stock_volume': '28.2446', 'fundA_stock_volume_tip': 'A类总份额6667.000万份, 成交28万份', 'fundA_turnover_rt': '0.42%', 'fundA_volume': '28.46', 'fundB_amount': 10000.5, 'fundB_amount_increase': '-76', 'fundB_amount_tip': '2016-04-14 B类总份额10000万份,份额增长-0.76%', 'fundB_id': '150029', 'fundB_last_dt': '2016-04-14', 'fundB_last_time': '15:00:27', 'fundB_nav': '1.3220', 'fundB_nav_dt': '2016-04-13', 'fundB_nm': '中证500B', 'fundB_stock_volume': '255.5280', 'fundB_stock_volume_tip': 'B类总份额10000万份, 成交256万份', 'fundB_turnover_rt': '2.56%', 'fundB_volume': '337.24', 'fund_company_nm': '信诚基金', 'funda_name_tip': '下期利率:4.70,修正收益率:4.71%', 'idx_incr_rt': '0.91%', 'increase_rtA': '-0.10%', 'increase_rtB': '1.06%', 'index_id': '399905', 'index_nm': '中证 500', 'is_est_val': 1, 'is_last_nav': 1, 'lower_recalc_rt': '54.15', 'maturity_dt': '-', 'merge_price': '1.2006', 'min_apply_amount': None, 'notes': 'http://www.xcfunds.com/funds_2012/165511/fundinfor.shtml\r\n', 'ownedA': 0, 'ownedM': 1, 'priceA': '1.008', 'priceB': '1.329', 'real_idx_increase_rt': '0.91', 'recalc_to': None, 'redeem_fee': '0.5%', 'redeem_fee_tip': '0.5%', 'sell1A': '1.008', 'sell1B': '1.330', 'sell1_amountA': '7.132', 'sell1_amountB': '16.820', 'status_cd': 'N' } } ``` ##### 指数ETF查询接口 **TIP :** 尚未包含黄金ETF和货币ETF *[集思录ETF源网页](https://www.jisilu.cn/data/etf/#tlink_2)* ``` quotation.etfindex(index_id="", min_volume=0, max_discount=None, min_discount=None) ``` **return** ``` { "510050": { "fund_id": "510050", # 代码 "fund_nm": "50ETF", # 名称 "price": "2.066", # 现价 "increase_rt": "0.34%", # 涨幅 "volume": "71290.96", # 成交额(万元) "index_nm": "上证50", # 指数 "pe": "9.038", # 指数PE "pb": "1.151", # 指数PB "index_increase_rt": "0.45%", # 指数涨幅 "estimate_value": "2.0733", # 估值 "fund_nav": "2.0730", # 净值 "nav_dt": "2016-03-11", # 净值日期 "discount_rt": "-0.34%", # 溢价率 "creation_unit": "90", # 最小申赎单位(万份) "amount": "1315800", # 份额 "unit_total": "271.84", # 规模(亿元) "index_id": "000016", # 指数代码 "last_time": "15:00:00", # 价格最后时间(未确定) "last_est_time": "23:50:02", # 估值最后时间(未确定) } } ``` ##### 分数图 *[腾讯分时图地址](http://data.gtimg.cn/flashdata/hushen/minute/sz000001.js)* ```python quotation = easyquotation.use("timekline") data = quotation.real(['603828'], prefix=True) ``` **return** ``` { 'sh603828': { 'date': '170721', #日期 'time_data': { '201707210930': ['0930', '19.42', '61'], # [时间, 当前价, 上一分钟到这一分钟之间的成交数量] '201707210931': ['0931', '19.42','122'], '201707210932': ['0932', '19.43', '123'], '201707210933': ['0933', '19.48', '125'], '201707210934': ['0934', '19.49', '133'], '201707210935': ['0935', '19.48', '161'], ... } } ``` ##### 港股日k线图 *[腾讯日k线图](http://web.ifzq.gtimg.cn/appstock/app/hkfqkline/get?_var=kline_dayqfq¶m=hk00700,day,,,350,qfq&r=0.7773272375526847)* ```python import easyquotation quotation = easyquotation.use("daykline") data = quotation.real(['00001','00700']) print(data) ``` *return* ``` { '00001': [ ['2017-10-09', '352.00', '349.00', '353.00', '348.60', '134558***.00'], # [日期, 今开, 今收, 最高, 最低, 成交量 ] ['2017-10-10', '350.80', '351.20', '352.60', '349.80', '10088970.00'], ] '00700':[ ] } } ``` ##### 腾讯港股时时行情 *[腾讯控股时时行情](http://sqt.gtimg.cn/utf8/q=r_hk00700)* ```python import easyquotation quotation = easyquotation.use("hkquote") data = quotation.real(['00001','00700']) print(data) ``` ``` { '00001': { 'stock_code': '00001', # 股票代码 'lotSize': '"100', # 每手数量 'name': '长和', # 股票名称 'price': '97.20', # 股票当前价格 'lastPrice': '97.75', # 股票昨天收盘价格 'openPrice': '97.75', # 股票今天开盘价格 'amount': '1***1463.0', # 股票成交量 'time': '2017/11/29 15:38:58', # 当前时间 'high': '***.05', # 当天最高价格 'low': '97.15' # 当天最低价格 }, '00700': { 'stock_code': '00700', 'lotSize': '"100', 'name': '腾讯控股', 'price': '413.20', 'lastPrice': '419.20', 'openPrice': '422.20', 'amount': '21351010.0', 'time': '2017/11/29 15:39:01', 'high': '422.80', 'low': '412.40' } } ```


