
上传日期:2006-03-13 13:44:46
上 传 者marguin
说明:  一个大规模地形现实和纹理映射的程序,从国外网站下载的,一般的机器根本跑不动,标准C编写,多平台可编译,供大家学习。
(a large-scale topographic reality and texture mapping procedures from abroad website and general machinery simply could not, the standard C preparation, multi-platform can be compiled for the study.)

soar-1.11 (0, 2002-05-28)
soar-1.11\inc (0, 2002-05-28)
soar-1.11\inc\common.h (2171, 2002-04-09)
soar-1.11\inc\geoio.h (1190, 2002-01-17)
soar-1.11\inc\index.h (3013, 2002-05-28)
soar-1.11\inc\pngio.h (761, 2002-01-17)
soar-1.11\inc\refine.h (1206, 2002-04-09)
soar-1.11\inc\render.h (894, 2002-04-10)
soar-1.11\inc\terrain.h (1740, 2002-04-09)
soar-1.11\INSTALL (5947, 2002-04-10)
soar-1.11\LICENSE (2545, 2002-04-10)
soar-1.11\src (0, 2002-05-28)
soar-1.11\src\libio (0, 2002-05-28)
soar-1.11\src\libio\geoio.c (6808, 2002-01-17)
soar-1.11\src\libio\pngio.c (3522, 2002-01-17)
soar-1.11\src\libio\Unix.mak (416, 2002-01-24)
soar-1.11\src\libio\Windows.mak (568, 2002-04-10)
soar-1.11\src\Options.cfg (479, 2002-05-28)
soar-1.11\src\png2geo (0, 2002-05-28)
soar-1.11\src\png2geo\main.c (14046, 2002-05-28)
soar-1.11\src\png2geo\Unix.mak (472, 2002-01-24)
soar-1.11\src\png2geo\Windows.mak (848, 2002-04-10)
soar-1.11\src\soar (0, 2002-05-28)
soar-1.11\src\soar\main.c (25383, 2002-05-28)
soar-1.11\src\soar\morph.c (8943, 2002-04-10)
soar-1.11\src\soar\refine.c (10398, 2002-04-10)
soar-1.11\src\soar\render.c (6332, 2002-04-10)
soar-1.11\src\soar\Unix.mak (538, 2002-04-10)
soar-1.11\src\soar\Windows.mak (901, 2002-04-10)
soar-1.11\src\Unix.cfg (988, 2002-05-28)
soar-1.11\src\Unix.mak (722, 2002-01-24)
soar-1.11\src\Windows.cfg (727, 2002-04-10)
soar-1.11\src\Windows.mak (707, 2002-04-10)
soar-1.11\VERSIONS (366, 2002-05-28)

I. INTRODUCTION This is SOAR v1.11; a stripped-down C implementation of the terrain visualization algorithms described in the papers Visualization of Large Terrains Made Easy Peter Lindstrom and Valerio Pascucci Proceedings of IEEE Visualization 2001, pp. 63-370, 574, October 2001 Terrain Simplification Simplified: A General Framework for View-Dependent Out-of-Core Visualization Peter Lindstrom and Valerio Pascucci IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, to appear Preprints of these papers can be obtained from SOAR is an acronym for "Stateless, One-pass Adaptive Refinement," which well summarizes the characteristics of the view-dependent mesh refinement and rendering algorithm described in the papers. SOAR is Copyright (c) 2002 University of California, LLNL. See the LICENSING section below for further details. The source code provided here is mostly intended as documentation of the algorithms. It was deliberately designed to be a minimalistic, and to a great extent portable, implementation that shows off the major features of the algorithms. As such, only basic support for simple navigation and a small set of graphics modes and features are provided. While the core of this implementation is similar to the one used to generate the results in the papers, it differs in at least one important way, in that there is no support for multi-threading, i.e. refinement and rendering are done sequentially. Therefore, this implementation has performance characteristics similar to the "single-threaded" results reported in the papers, and is not as fast as the multi-threaded version. This software was developed on Silicon Graphics platforms, and any optimizations have been targeted at SGI machines. We'd welcome any suggestions on how to speed things up on other platforms. The bulk of the algorithms from the papers is contained in the files index.h, refine.c, and morph.c; index.h contains macros relevant to the different indexing schemes, while refine.c implements mesh refinement, view frustum culling, and triangle stripping. morph.c implements refinement for geomorphed meshes. Note that because we have assumed a single-threaded, sequential mode of refinement and rendering, it does not always make sense to first build a triangle strip in a memory buffer, and then render it; these two tasks could easily be consolidated. However, this general approach is useful for some rendering tasks, such as when wireframe is overlaid on top of the lit and/or textured terrain, which requires multiple rendering passes of the same geometry. In either case, it may be possible to accelerate the rendering by eliminating triangle strip buffering. SOAR uses OpenGL ( for graphics rendering and GLUT ( for the user interface. It reads elevation and texture files in the PNG format ( SOAR is ANSI/ISO C89 compliant (well, except for a small set of system specific calls such as mmap :)), and should compile using most ANSI C compilers (e.g. gcc). See "INSTALL" for compilation details. II. INSTALLATION The text file "INSTALL" contains specific guidelines for compiling the software. This file also contains documentation on how to configure SOAR to work with different data layout schemes, memory mapping, and other system parameters. You will need these or more recent versions of the following libraries to compile SOAR: OpenGL v1.1 GLUT v3 libpng v1.0.9 zlib v1.1.3 III. RUNNING SOAR SOAR accepts a terrain geometry file and an optional texture file. The texture image must have dimensions that are powers of two, but does not have to be square or match the dimensions of the height field. Currently, only 3-channel RGB textures are supported. The terrain geometry file can be created using the png2geo tool (see section below on data preprocessing). The usage for SOAR is as follows: soar [GLUT options] [texture] where "texture" is an optional PNG texture file, and "geometry" is a required terrain elevation file in the GEO format discussed below. SOAR is menu-driven, but also accepts the key strokes associated with each menu entry. To navigate, use the mouse: Push the left mouse button to stop moving; hold the left button and drag up to increase the forward speed; drag down to reverse. Push the middle button and drag to change the orientation. The interface allows yaw (horizontal rotation), pitch (vertical rotation), and roll (rotation about the gaze direction) using only 2D motion. To roll, middle-click away from the window center (i.e. near the window edges) and drag perpendicularly, e.g. click near the top of the window and drag left/right. To yaw, click near the vertical center of the window and drag left/right. Click near the horizontal center and drag up/down to pitch. The right mouse button activates the pop-up menus. The information in the bottom left corner shows the number of rendered frames per second, the number of rendered triangles (if this compile-time option is enabled), and the error tolerance tau in number of pixels. Note that the frame rate will slow down if the window does not have to be redrawn, e.g. when the viewpoint and orientation are fixed. IV. TERRAIN DATA PREPROCESSING Sample terrain elevation and texture files can be downloaded from In order to run SOAR, the elevation file must be processed and converted to a GEO file using the accompanying png2geo tool. Each pixel in the PNG elevation file corresponds to the height above sea level at that point. Preferably, the PNG elevation file should have a depth of 16 bits per pixel to avoid excessive quantization, although 8-bit deep images are also accepted. The usage for png2geo is as follows: png2geo The first three arguments specify the resolution of the height field, i.e. x-res is the inter-column spacing, y-res is the inter-row spacing, and z-res is the spacing between consecutive pixel intensities in the PNG image (that is, z denotes elevation). Depending on the size of the height field, png2geo may take a second to several minutes to complete. Please do be patient; png2geo only has to be run once for any given data set. :) The output of png2geo, the GEO file, is in a format that SOAR can process directly. Note that this file can be considerably larger than the PNG file (10-100 times larger is not uncommon). Specifically, for a height field with dimensions m x m, the linear indexing scheme (see papers for details) requires 20 * (2 + m * m) bytes, while the interleaved quadtree scheme requires roughly 100/3 * m * m bytes, assuming m is of the form m = 2^n + 1 for some positive integer n. Whereas the dimensions of the PNG input file do not have to be (2^n + 1) x (2^n + 1), the GEO output file will be expanded to these dimensions. V. BUGS There are no known bugs in the current version. Bugs in previous versions: v1.10: - Missing memory allocation test in png2geo resulted in crash when not enough memory was available. Please report compiler warnings/errors and bugs to VI. LICENSING This software is Copyright (c) 2002 University of California, LLNL. It may be downloaded and used free of charge. The text file "LICENSE" contains further details on distribution and commercialization. VII. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Questions and comments on this implementation or the papers are welcome. The authors can be contacted via e-mail at or Further information, including answers to frequently asked questions, is available on the SOAR home page:


