
上传日期:2018-10-17 22:31:48
上 传 者丁英超
说明:  用C#解析hl7,并处理,采用C#编写,直接添加引用
(Parsing HL7 with C#, processing it, using C# to write, and directly adding references.)

.vscode (0, 2018-05-04)
.vscode\launch.json (896, 2018-05-04)
.vscode\settings.json (440, 2018-05-04)
.vscode\tasks.json (425, 2018-05-04)
HL7-dotnetcore.sln (2775, 2018-05-04)
HL7-dotnetcore.userprefs (496, 2018-05-04)
LICENSE (1098, 2018-05-04)
src (0, 2018-05-04)
src\Component.cs (3317, 2018-05-04)
src\Encoding.cs (5795, 2018-05-04)
src\Field.cs (5848, 2018-05-04)
src\HL7-dotnetcore.csproj (1386, 2018-05-04)
src\HL7Exception.cs (926, 2018-05-04)
src\Message.cs (33922, 2018-05-04)
src\MessageElement.cs (447, 2018-05-04)
src\MessageHelper.cs (1724, 2018-05-04)
src\Segment.cs (3212, 2018-05-04)
src\SubComponent.cs (322, 2018-05-04)
test (0, 2018-05-04)
test\HL7test.csproj (1164, 2018-05-04)
test\Program.cs (5226, 2018-05-04)
test\Sample-ADT.txt (441, 2018-05-04)
test\Sample-ORM.txt (602, 2018-05-04)

# HL7-dotnetcore [![NuGet](https://img.shields.io/nuget/v/HL7-dotnetcore.svg)](https://www.nuget.org/packages/HL7-dotnetcore/) [![github](https://img.shields.io/github/stars/Efferent-Health/HL7-dotnetcore.svg)]() This is a fork from Jayant Singh's HL7 parser. Since then, it has been modified fundamentally, with respect to features, code quality, bugs and typos. For more information about the original implementation read: - https://github.com/j4jayant/hl7-cSharp-parser - http://j4jayant.com/articles/hl7/31-hl7-parsing-lib The field encoding and decoding methods have been based on https://github.com/elomagic/hl7inspector ## Object construction ### Create a Message object and pass raw HL7 message in text format ````cSharp Message message = new Message(strMsg); // Parse this message bool isParsed = false; try { isParsed = message.ParseMessage(); } catch(Exception ex) { // Handle the exception } ````` ### Message extraction If the HL7 message is coming from a MLLP connection (see [the official documentation]( www.hl7.org/documentcenter/public/wg/inm/mllp_transport_specification.PDF)), the message needs to be cleared from the MLLP prefixes and suffixes. Also, consider there can be more than one message in a single MLLP frame. For this purpose, there is an `ExtractMessages()` method, to be used as follows: ````cSharp // extract the messages from a buffer containing a MLLP frame var messages = MessageHelper.ExtractMessages(buffer); // construct and process each message foreach (var strMsg in messages) { Message message = new Message(strMsg); // do something with the message object } ```` ## Accessing Segments ### Get list of all segments ````cSharp List segList = message.Segments(); ````` ### Get List of list of repeated segments by name For example if there are multiple IN1 segments ````cSharp List IN1List = message.Segments("IN1"); ```` ### Access a particular occurrence from multiple IN1s providing the index Note index 1 will return the 2nd element from list ````cSharp Segment IN1_2 = message.Segments("IN1")[1]; ```` ### Get count of IN1s ````cSharp int countIN1 = message.Segments("IN1").Count; ```` ### Access first occurrence of any segment ````cSharp Segment IN1 = message.DefaultSegment("IN1"); // OR Segment IN1 = message.Segments("IN1")[0]; ```` ## Accessing Fields ### Access field values ````cSharp string SendingFacility = message.getValue("MSH.4"); // OR string SendingFacility = message.DefaultSegment("MSH").Fields(4).Value; // OR string SendingFacility = message.Segments("MSH")[0].Fields(4).Value; ````` ### Check if field is componentized ````cSharp bool isComponentized = message.Segments("PID")[0].Fields(5).IsComponentized; // OR bool isComponentized = message.IsComponentized("PID.5"); ````` ### Check if field has repetitions ````cSharp bool isRepeated = message.Segments("PID")[0].Fields(3).HasRepetitions; // OR bool isRepeated = message.HasRepetitions("PID.3"); ```` ### Get list of repeated fields ````cSharp List repList = message.Segments("PID")[0].Fields(3).Repetitions(); ```` ### Get particular repetition i.e 2nd repetition of PID.3 ````cSharp Field PID3_R2 = message.Segments("PID")[0].Fields(3).Repetitions(2); ```` ### Update value of any field i.e. to update PV1.2 – patient class ````cSharp message.setValue("PV1.2", "I"); // OR message.Segments("PV1")[0].Fields(2).Value = "I"; ```` ### Access some of the required MSH fields with properties ````cSharp string version = message.Version; string msgControlID = message.MessageControlID; string messageStructure = message.MessageStructure; ```` ## Accessing Components ### Access particular component i.e. PID.5.1 – Patient Family Name ````cSharp string PatName1 = message.getValue("PID.5.1"); // OR string PatName1 = message.Segments("PID")[0].Fields(5).Components(1).Value; ```` ### Check if component is sub componentized ````cSharp bool isSubComponentized = message.Segments("PV1")[0].Fields(7).Components(1).IsSubComponentized; // OR bool isSubComponentized = message.IsSubComponentized("PV1.7.1"); ```` ### Update value of any component ````cSharp message.Segments("PID")[0].Fields(5).Components(1).Value = "Jayant"; // OR message.setValue("PID.5.1", "Jayant"); ```` ### Adding new Segment ````cSharp //Create a Segment with name ZIB Segment newSeg = new Segment("ZIB"); // Create Field ZIB_1 Field ZIB_1 = new Field("ZIB1"); // Create Field ZIB_5 Field ZIB_5 = new Field("ZIB5"); // Create Component ZIB.5.2 Component com1 = new Component("ZIB.5.2"); // Add Component ZIB.5.2 to Field ZIB_5 // 2nd parameter here specifies the component position, for inserting segment on particular position // If we don’t provide 2nd parameter, component will be inserted to next position (if field has 2 components this will be 3rd, // If field is empty this will be 1st component ZIB_5.AddNewComponent(com1, 2); // Add Field ZIB_1 to segment ZIB, this will add a new filed to next field location, in this case first field newSeg.AddNewField(ZIB_1); // Add Field ZIB_5 to segment ZIB, this will add a new filed as 5th field of segment newSeg.AddNewField(ZIB_5, 5); // Add segment ZIB to message message.AddNewSegment(newSeg); ```` New Segment would look like this: ````text ZIB|ZIB1||||ZIB5^ZIB.5.2 ```` After evaluated and modified required values, the message can be obtained again in text format ````cSharp string strUpdatedMsg = message.SerializeMessage(); ```` ### Encoded segments Some contents may contain forbidden characters like pipes and ampersands. Whenever there is a possibility of having those characters, the content shall be encoded before calling the 'AddNew' methods, like in the following code: ````cSharp var obx = new Segment("OBX", new HL7Encoding()); // Not encoded. Will be split into parts. obx.AddNewField("70030^Radiologic Exam, Eye, Detection, FB^CDIRadCodes"); // Encoded. Won't be parsed nor split. obx.AddNewField(obx.Encoding.Encode("domain.com/resource.html?Action=1&ID=2")); ```` ### Copying a segment The DeepCopy method allows to perform a clone of a segment when building new messages. Countersense, if a segment is referenced directly when adding segments to a message, a change in the segment will affect both the origin and new messages. ````cSharp Segment pid = ormMessage.DefaultSegment("PID").DeepCopy(); oru.AddNewSegment(pid); ```` ### Generate ACKs AA ACK ````cSharp Message ack = message.getACK(); ```` To generate negative ACK message with error message ````cSharp Message nack = message.getNACK("AR", "Invalid Processing ID"); ```` It may be required to change the application and facility fields ````cSharp Message ack = message.getACK(); ack.setValue("MSH.3", myHL7AppName); ack.setValue("MSH.4", myHL7Facility); ````


