
上传日期:2018-10-29 03:01:30
上 传 者powbmh
说明:  局域网(LAN) 传送讯息的构件,速度下载超好用
(Local area network (LAN) message delivery components, speed download super good)

0D2mdMailSlot.pas (35942, 2017-04-11)
8Q80file_id.diz (79, 2017-04-11)
rmdMailSlot.dcr (1724, 2017-04-11)

----------------------------------------------------------------- TmdMailSlot ----------------------------------------------------------------- The inhand package is in version 1.11, and given free the 18th August 19***. Latest version will always be avalible from The Package gives three classes (two components) to use within the Delphi 2.0, 3.0 and C++ Builder enviroment. 1.11 : The in version 1.10 improovment did unfortunately not work on Win95, so the wait thread is now back to it's old state for Windows 95 but under Windows NT it still use less resources. Sascha Buchner Pointed out a missing correction in the function SendBufSecure - Thanks. Removed values which were conflicting with teh new D4 type DWord. 1.10 : The Wait Thread do not poll on the mailslot anylonger, but uses a read of zero bytes, which returns when there is data in the mailslot. This result in less used CPU resources by the Wait Thread. 1.9 : In this version a problem with random values bigger than $80000000 solved (Thanks to Raoul De Kezel for telleing me about the problem). 1.8 : Thanks to Alek Shamrai a working version of the new TmdCustomWinPopup component can be released. 1.7 : The Thread which waits for messages is updatet, so Threads is freed nicely up by close of the mailslot. Also is added a functionallity which should ignore dublicated WinPopup messages to the TmdCustomWinPopup component. 1.5 : The last time quite a lot of people have asked me why they get duplicated messages from a mailslot. The reason is that a mailslot message is send via all availible transport layers on the network (meaning that if you have more than one protocol installed on the sending computer, which also is installed on the receiving computer, you will get duplicates of the message). This is the reason that I have created my new secure mailslot component. The component add a preample (4 chars), which is used to make the message as close to unique as possible, and a CRC16 (4 chars) for preventing messages with errors in sending out a OnMessage event. You should notice that the TmdWinPopup component is unchanged, since it has to be compatible with WinPopup ! ----------------------------------------------------------------- Mini FAQ: Q: Why do I not receive a message via the network, when I do on the Local machine. A: If you a using Windows 95 machines in your network (and I guess *** as well), you must notice that you will have to conform to the old 8.3 filename format. Mailslots can normally be longer that 8.3, but because of a bug in the Win32 which Windows 95 is based on, the filenames will be truncated into 8.3 conform names. See Article ID: Q139716 in MSDN. Q: Why do I receive several dublicated messages via a mailslot. A: Because MailSlots is a unreliable broardcast service, which do not know about how to reach a receiver, it send all over. See Article ID: Q127905 in MSDN. Q: Can I also use TmdWinPopup on a Windows NT machine. A: Yes you can, but you must stop the Messenger service, since is using some of the resources which TmdWinPopup need. Q: Why can I not send a message to a user when WinPoup can. A: The reason for this is that WinPopup do actually not use mailslots for sending message, but direct NetBIOS calls. The mailslot interface to send messages, is a "easy interface" from Microsoft. The only small problem with using TmdMailSlot on NT, is that messages send via "NET SEND" or WinPopup do not end at the messngr mailslot (which is the case for Windows 95) because of NT removing the NetBIOS names used for the messenger communication, when stopping the messenger service. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Components : TmdCustomMailSlot TmdMailSlot TmdAutoMailSlot - Not relevant any longer (see source) TmdCustomWinPopup TmdWinPopup TmdCustomSecureMail TmdSecureMail TmdCustomMailSlot : This is the base class containing all the mailslot functionallity given. TmdMailSlot : This is the basic mailslot component, with the properties published. TmdAutoMailSlot : This class in only included for compatibility with verions 1.0 of the package. TmdCustomWinPopup : A class derived from TCustomMailSlot, build around the mailslot "messngr". The calss have the ability to recieve and send messages like WinPopup messages. TmdWinPopup : This is the WinPopup cmpatible component with events from TmdCustomWinPopup published. TmdCustomSecureMail : This class is based on the TmdCustomMailSlot, and do self remove duplicated messages which may come because of availability of more than one transport layer in the network (more than one protocol). The component have also got a CRC16 added to the message, so now it is also trying to prevent that a "broken" message is arriving. This component also offer to new events, one inform about a wrong message (hole message including preample and CRC16 is passed as parameter) and a notification about a duplicate is detected. TmdSecureMail : This component is the "public" version of TmdCustomSecureMail, and make all avalible properties published. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Functions : SendToMailSlot SendBufToMailSlot SendToMailSlot : This is a function which can send a message to a mailslot anywhere in the network. SendBufToMailSlot : This is a function which send a buffer's contents to a mailslot anywhere in the network. SendToWinPopup : Sends a message to the "messngr" mailslot - WinPopup receives messages from this mailslot. SendSecureMail : This function send a message (string) to a secure mailslot. SendBufSecure : This function send a buffer to a secure mailslot. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Note : There is different ways of specifying different servers, or groups of servers. The notation "." is the current server = the machine where the program runs. The notation "*" is the current domain = the domain on the network which the server (the machine where the program runs on) is pressent. The notation "XXX" is the machine with the name XXX. * The next one I am not sure about, but try it and tell me if it were working. The notation "XXX*" is the domain with the name XXX. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks : Thanks to Don Hass for giving me information about WinPopup's mailslot. Thanks to Matt Behrens for suggesting how to reduce the need of process time. Thanks to Channing Corn & Gary Winslow for reminding of my own mistakes ;-) Thanks to Alexander Orlov for his comments / information in general, and for finding one sure error and preventing another. Thanks to David Novak for correction of the code. Thanks to Marian Maier for pointing out the missing free of the wait thread. Thanks to Alek Shamrai for pointing out my idiotic ignorance (to weak testing before release) and a speciallity of Win95 ;-( Thanks to Sascha Buchner for pointing out my missing correction Thanks to the people who have being asking and commenting on the "lack" of D4 compatibility. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Legal issues : Copyright 1997-*** by Martin Djerns This software is provided as it is, without any kind of warranty given. The auther can not be held responsible for any kind of damage, problems etc. arised from using this product. You may use this software in any kind of development, including comercial, and redistribute it freely, under the following restrictions : 1. The origin of this software may not be mispresented, you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in any kind of product, it would be appreciated that there in a information box, or in the documentation would be an acknowledgmnent like this Parts Copyright 1997-*** by Martin Djerns 2. You may not have any income from distributing this source to other developers. When you use this product in a comercial package, the source may not be charged seperatly. 3. This notice may not be removed from the source, when distributing such. When distributing a comercial package, where the source also is avalible, this notice should also follow the package, even you choose not to make my source avalible. - MD***


