上传日期:2018-11-12 11:52:46
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IOXhop_FirebaseESP32.cpp (6569, 2017-12-19)
IOXhop_FirebaseESP32.h (2468, 2017-12-19)
IOXhop_FirebaseStream.h (1398, 2017-12-19)
examples (0, 2017-12-19)
examples\FirebaseDemo_ESP32 (0, 2017-12-19)
examples\FirebaseDemo_ESP32\FirebaseDemo_ESP32.ino (2687, 2017-12-19)
examples\FirebaseNeoPixel_ESP32 (0, 2017-12-19)
examples\FirebaseNeoPixel_ESP32\FirebaseNeoPixel_ESP32.ino (1937, 2017-12-19)
examples\FirebaseNeoPixel_ESP32\public (0, 2017-12-19)
examples\FirebaseNeoPixel_ESP32\public\bower.json (416, 2017-12-19)
examples\FirebaseNeoPixel_ESP32\public\index.html (9080, 2017-12-19)
examples\FirebaseRoom_ESP32 (0, 2017-12-19)
examples\FirebaseRoom_ESP32\FirebaseRoom_ESP32.ino (2350, 2017-12-19)
examples\FirebaseStream_ESP32 (0, 2017-12-19)
examples\FirebaseStream_ESP32\FirebaseStream_ESP32.ino (2121, 2017-12-19)

# IOXhop_FirebaseESP32 Get Set Push Stream value on Firebase via ESP32. the function compatible with [firebase-arduino](https://github.com/firebase/firebase-arduino) except stream feature and now Cloud Messaging not support. ## Device Support This list device support and tested then worked. * NodeMCU-32S ## Features ### Get Read value from object in firebase. And support data type `int` `float` `String` `bool` and `JsonObject` via function `type get[type](String path)` or `void get(String path, [type] &value)` ```c++ int getInt(String path) ; float getFloat(String path) ; String getString(String path) ; bool getBool(String path) ; void get(String path, int &value) ; void get(String path, float &value) ; void get(String path, String &value) ; void get(String path, bool &value) ; JsonVariant get(String path) ; ``` **Example** ```c++ digitalWrite(LED_PIN, Firebase.getInt("/led")); ``` ### Set Set value in object. Support data type `int` `float` `String` `bool` and `JsonObject` via function `void set[type](String path, [type] value)` or `void set(String path, [type] value)` ```c++ void setInt(String path, int value) ; void setFloat(String path, float value, int point = 2) ; void setString(String path, String value) ; void setBool(String path, bool value) ; void set(String path, int value) ; void set(String path, float value, int point = 2) ; void set(String path, String value) ; void set(String path, bool value) ; void set(String path, JsonVariant value) ; ``` **Example** ```c++ Firebase.set("/led", digitalRead(BTN1)); ``` ### Push If you use push. The value add to child node in object. Support data type `int` `float` `String` `bool` and `JsonObject` via function `void push[type](String path, [type] value)` or `void push(String path, [type] value)` ```c++ String pushInt(String path, int value) ; String pushFloat(String path, float value, int point = 2) ; String pushBool(String path, bool value) ; String pushString(String path, String value) ; String push(String path, int value) ; String push(String path, float value, int point = 2) ; String push(String path, String value) ; String push(String path, bool value) ; String push(String path, JsonVariant value) ; ``` **Example** ```c++ Firebase.push("/log/temp", dht11.read()); ``` ### Stream Real time get event and data update in some object. In esp32 support multitasking via FreeRTOS so in `void loop()` not have `Firebase.available()`. If new event or data update the **callback function** auto cell and you can get detail via FirebaseStream class ```c++ void stream(String path, StreamHandlerCallback callback) ; void stopStream() ; ``` **FirebaseStream class** ```c++ String getEvent() ; String getPath() ; int getDataInt() ; float getDataFloat() ; String getDataString() ; float getDataBool() ; void getData(int &value) ; void getData(float &value) ; void getData(String &value) ; void getData(bool &value) ; JsonVariant getData() ; ``` **Example** ```c++ Firebase.stream("", [](FirebaseStream stream) { if (stream.getEvent() == "put" && stream.getPath() == "/led") { digitalWrite(LED_PIN, stream.getDataInt()); } }); ``` ## Full Example * [FirebaseDemo_ESP32](https://github.com/ioxhop/IOXhop_FirebaseESP32/blob/master/examples/FirebaseDemo_ESP32/FirebaseDemo_ESP32.ino) * [FirebaseNeoPixel_ESP32](https://github.com/ioxhop/IOXhop_FirebaseESP32/blob/master/examples/FirebaseNeoPixel_ESP32/FirebaseNeoPixel_ESP32.ino) * [FirebaseRoom_ESP32](https://github.com/ioxhop/IOXhop_FirebaseESP32/blob/master/examples/FirebaseRoom_ESP32/FirebaseRoom_ESP32.ino) * [FirebaseStream_ESP32](https://github.com/ioxhop/IOXhop_FirebaseESP32/blob/master/examples/FirebaseStream_ESP32/FirebaseStream_ESP32.ino) ## License This library open source. Copied, distributed for free * [IOXhop.com](http://www.ioxhop.com/)


