开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2018-11-26 18:55:41
上 传 者coestznx
说明:  SPLASH is a c++ class library that implements many of the Pe
(SPLASH is a c class library that implements many of the Pe)

REGEXP.DOC (3772, 1993-01-15)
SPLASH.DOC (18047, 1995-01-29)
CHANGE.LOG (4061, 1995-02-04)
DASSOC.H (2976, 1995-01-30)
REGEX.H (762, 1995-01-30)
REGEXP.H (4358, 1995-01-30)
REGMAGIC.H (158, 1995-01-30)
SPLASH.H (24338, 1995-01-30)
SPLISTIT.H (657, 1995-01-30)
SAMPLE\TRACER.H (4932, 1993-01-15)
REGEX.C (28922, 1993-01-15)
SAMPLE\ASSOC.CPP (1366, 1995-02-04)
SAMPLE\CHGFNT.CPP (3675, 1993-01-15)
SAMPLE\CISLOG.CPP (2329, 1993-01-15)
SAMPLE\JUSTIFY.CPP (4176, 1993-01-15)
SAMPLE\SETINI.CPP (6056, 1995-02-05)
SLICETST.CPP (2535, 1995-02-03)
SPLASH.CPP (16998, 1995-01-30)
SPLTEST.CPP (15439, 1995-02-03)
SAMPLE\TRACER.CPP (4685, 1993-01-15)
SAMPLE\TSTIO.CPP (1459, 1995-02-04)
SAMPLE\TSTITER.CPP (1367, 1995-02-04)
SAMPLE\XCL.CPP (4110, 1993-01-15)
PATCHLEV (6, 1995-01-30)
TODO (265, 1994-12-26)
MAKEFILE.BCC (801, 1995-02-04)
SAMPLE\MAKEFILE.BCC (1635, 1995-02-04)
MAKEFILE.GCC (739, 1995-02-04)
SAMPLE\MAKEFILE.GCC (1583, 1995-02-04)
SLICETST.V (1037, 1994-12-26)
SPLASH.V (7672, 1994-12-26)
SAMPLE (0, 2018-11-08)

The SPLASH c++ class library ============================ (Small Perl-like List And String Handling class library) SPLASH is a c++ class library that implements my favourite Perl constructs. For those not familiar with Perl, it is an excellent scripting language by Larry Wall and is available for most platforms. This Class library provides List and String handling capabilities based on those provided in Perl, because the Perl constructs are so useful. Overview -------- In a nut-shell SPLASH provides a Dynamic List template class (SPList) that allows you to add and extract data from the top of the list (push & pop), and from the bottom of the list (unshift & shift). ie a FIFO could be implemented by push'ing data onto the list and shift'ing data off the list. The list can be sorted (uses operator< on the elements) and reversed. (mylist.sort().reverse() will produce a list sorted in reverse order). Another list can be inserted anywhere in a list, or elements deleted from within the list (splice). And any individual element can be accessed using the '[]' operator. The String class (SPString) implements a Dynamic string which provides an index() and rindex() function that finds the offset within the string of a sub-string. A substring may be extracted from the string, or assigned to within a string (expanding or shrinking the string as required). The string may be used anywhere a const char * can be used. The standard comparison functions (< > == etc) are available. It allows string concatenation using the '+' and '+=' operator. It provides regular expressions (with sub-expression extraction) that can be easily applied to the strings. A powerful substitute function and translation function (s() and tr()) are available. The String List class (SPStringList) is basically a List class with some added functionality specific to lists of strings. It lets you grep for a regular expression within the list, returning a list of strings that match. It lets you generate a list of strings from a single string by splitting the string at a given regular expression (token parsing). It lets you generate a single string by concatenating a list of strings separated by a given string. The Associative array class (Assoc) lets you keep a list which is indexed by a string. All the Classes have fully implemented streams operators for input and output, to allow convenient file or stream processing. The Regexp class fully encapsulates the regular expression library, so you can easily use your own favourite one. Usage Restrictions ------------------ There are none. This Code is not Copyright, use as you will. The regexp code is Copyright by Henry Spencer, see the comments in regex.c for Copyright info. The only changes I have made are to the header file, by adding a c++ prototype field. Class description ----------------- The Class Hierarchy and member functions are:- class SPList T& operator[] // index into list void reset() // clear out list int scalar() // returns number of elements in list int count() // ditto T pop() // returns and removes top of list void push(T) // enters element onto top of list void push(SPList) // enters a list of elements onto top of list T shift() // returns & removes element at bottom of list int unshift(T) // enters element into bottom of list int unshift(SPList) // enters lists into bottom of list SPList reverse() // returns reverse order of list SPList splice(offset) // removes elements in list from 'offset' SPList splice(offset, len) // removes 'len' elements in list SPList splice(offset, len, SPList)// replaces elements in list SPList sort() // sorts list according to result of '<' operator ostream& operator>>() // input stream istream& operator<<() // output stream class SPStringList // everything SPList does and ... int split(str [,pat] [,limit]) // splits string on pattern SPString join([pat]) // concatenates list with 'pat' int m(exp, targ) // makes list of sub exp matches SPStringList grep(exp) // returns matches in list ostream& operator>>() istream& operator<<() class SPString int length() // length of string char chop() // remove last character in string int index(SPString [, offset]) // find string from start int rindex(SPString [, offset]) // find string from end SPString substr(offset [, len]) // substring works as lvalue as well operator[] // index character operator< // less than operator> operator<= operator>= operator== operator!= operator+ // concatenate 2 strings operator+= // as per c int m(exp) // return true if regexp matches string int m(exp, SPStringList&) // ditto & generates a list of subexpressions int tr(exp, rep [,opts]) // translate 'ex'p into 'rep' int s(exp, rep [,opts]) // substitute 'exp' with 'rep' ostream& operator>>() istream& operator<<() Associative array and helpers ----------------------------- class Binar // a key, value pair T& value() SPString& key() class Assoc // an associateive array, loosely based on the perl one T& operator(SPString) // equivalent to perl $assoc{"one"} = value Binar& operator[n] // returns n'th entry in associative array SPStringList keys() // returns a list of keys SPList values() // returns a list of values int isin(SPString) // tests if key is in assoc array T adelete(SPString) // deletes given key/value Other Classes ------------- VarString - A variable length string class, used in SPString. SPListBase - is the base class for SPList and handles the auto expanding dynamic array, optimized for prepending and appending data. TempString - makes a copy of a string, and can return a char * and will free the storage when done. Something like a cross between strsave() and alloca(). Regexp - Handles the interface to the regular expression library being used. Range - Simple class to maintain a range, just makes things easier. For More Info ============= See readme.2nd for how to build and test, and various caveats. See splash.doc for documentation on each function. See sample/*.c++ for examples of how to use splash See regexp.doc for an explanation of the regexp library used Distribution ------------ This is available as a compressed tar file for unix or .zip format for MSDOS compatible names. Email: morris@netcom.com get the latest version of SPLASH, which is always available via anonymous FTP. site:- ftp.netcom.com Path:- ~ftp/pub/mo/morris/splash.tar.Z ~ftp/pub/mo/morris/splash.zip 


