
开发工具:Visual Basic.NET
上传日期:2018-12-04 07:00:18
上 传 者mfo%255F498
说明:  一款Grid表格控件源代码,非常棒 不下你一定会后悔
(A Grid form control source code, very good, you will regret it)

Harness\mData.bas (6926, 2007-02-18)
Control\mFontEnum.bas (18167, 2007-02-04)
Harness\mMain.bas (2410, 2007-02-18)
Control\mSupport.bas (5157, 2007-02-04)
mSupport.bas (18133, 2007-02-15)
Harness\mUtility.bas (9602, 2007-02-18)
tool.bmp (822, 2006-10-28)
Control\clsAdvancedEdit.cls (35720, 2007-02-21)
clsFilterMenu.cls (38045, 2007-02-21)
clsGridItem.cls (9322, 2007-02-21)
clsImageDrag.cls (4312, 2007-02-21)
clsODControl.cls (117668, 2007-02-21)
Control\clsODControl.cls (117674, 2007-02-21)
clsRender.cls (26897, 2007-02-21)
Control\clsRender.cls (29404, 2006-12-19)
clsSkinHeader.cls (80794, 2007-02-21)
clsSkinScrollbars.cls (53123, 2007-02-21)
Control\clsStoreDc.cls (24392, 2006-12-19)
clsStoreDc.cls (24423, 2007-02-12)
clsSubCellFrame.cls (3570, 2007-02-15)
Harness\clsTiming.cls (1217, 2006-06-21)
clsToolTip.cls (45684, 2007-02-21)
fclsCellHeader.cls (2249, 2007-02-15)
GXISubclass.cls (6338, 2006-12-22)
Control\GXISubclass.cls (6339, 2006-12-24)
Control\GXMSubclass.cls (19712, 2006-11-12)
GXMSubclass.cls (19752, 2007-02-21)
IOwnerDrawn.cls (842, 2007-02-21)
rclsAdvancedEdit.cls (35716, 2007-02-21)
ucvhGrid.ctl (388658, 2007-02-21)
ucvhGrid.ctx (786, 2007-02-21)
Control\frmCombo.frm (8097, 2007-02-21)
Harness\frmFind.frm (5619, 2007-02-15)
Harness\frmGridTest.frm (94877, 2007-02-21)
Harness\frmOwnerDrawn.frm (14217, 2007-02-21)
Harness\frmSubcell.frm (21837, 2007-02-21)
Harness\frmUnicode.frm (12427, 2007-02-21)
Harness\frmVirtual.frm (17711, 2007-02-21)
Control\frmCombo.frx (1896, 2007-02-21)
... ...

Title: vhGrid! - 1.1 Description: The uber-grid! Row spanning, cell spanning, virtual mode, user-sizable header height, column filters, custom cursors, ownerdrawn cells, 15 integrated api edit controls.. Hundreds of functions and properties, 21 thousand lines of code.. Dig in, have fun.. This file came from Planet-Source-Code.com...the home millions of lines of source code You can view comments on this code/and or vote on it at: http://www.Planet-Source-Code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=67906&lngWId=1 The author may have retained certain copyrights to this code...please observe their request and the law by reviewing all copyright conditions at the above URL.


