
上传日期:2018-12-04 19:29:48
上 传 者xxdfffs
说明:  Matrix Vector Multiplications Problem

matrixvector (0, 2018-11-02)
matrixvector\Makefile (3566, 2018-11-02)
matrixvector\bin (0, 2018-11-02)
matrixvector\obj (0, 2018-11-02)
matrixvector\src (0, 2018-11-02)
matrixvector\src\matrix_vector.h (1575, 2018-11-02)
matrixvector\src\matrix_vector_driver.c (2147, 2018-11-02)
matrixvector\src\matrix_vector_openmp.c (2925, 2018-11-02)
matrixvector\src\matrix_vector_serial.c (2641, 2018-11-02)
matrixvector\src\matrix_vector_pthread.c (3476, 2018-11-02)
matrixvector\src\matrix_vector_tests.cpp (4088, 2018-11-02)
matrixvector\testdata (0, 2018-11-02)
matrixvector\testdata\vector1 (5, 2018-11-02)
matrixvector\testdata\vector3 (11, 2018-11-02)
matrixvector\testdata\matrix1x1 (6, 2018-11-02)
matrixvector\testdata\matrix2x3 (16, 2018-11-02)

# PA1 - Matrix-vector multiply (Serial,Pthreads,OpenMP) * **Author**: *Matt Masarik* * **Class**: *CS430 [Parallel Computing] Section 001* ## Overview The matrix-vector product `Ax = y` is calculated where `A` is a 2D matrix with dimensions `MxN`, `x` is a `Nx1` column vector, and the output vector `y` has dimensions `Mx1`. ## Manifest ``` pa1/matrix_vec/ ├── bin ├── Makefile ├── obj ├── ├── src │ ├── matrix_vector.h │ ├── matrix_vector_driver.c │ ├── matrix_vector_openmp.c │ ├── matrix_vector_pthread.c │ ├── matrix_vector_serial.c │ └── matrix_vector_tests.cpp └── testdata ├── matrix1x1 ├── matrix2x3 ├── vector1 └── vector3 ``` ## Build Clone, init, and compile googletest and serial main and test drivers ```bash git clone cd CS430-FA18-05 git submodule init git submodule update cd pa1/matrixvector make # builds googletest ``` ## Run Tests ```bash make pthread # compiles drivers for pthreads: main and unittests make openmp # compiles drivers for openmp: main and unittests make test # run unit tests for: serial, pthread, openmp ``` ### Run Main Executables To run the main drivers vs. unit tests, the prototypes for each version: matrix_vec-(serial, pthread, openmp) have the same form ```bash ./bin/matrix_vector_ "" "" ``` For example, pthread version, 2 threads, and two text files in the testdata/ directory ```bash ./bin/matrix_vector_pthread "testdata/matrix2x3" "testdata/vector3" 2 ``` ## Auxilary Make Targets ```bash # Serial serial # serial: build executable main driver serial_test # build exe unittests driver srund # run main driver srunt # run tests (unittests) driver sclean # clean .o and exe's # Pthreads pthread # pthread: build executable main driver pthread_test # build exe unittests driver prund # run main driver prunt # run tests (unittests) driver pclean # clean .o and exe's # OpenMP openmp # openmp: build executable main driver openmp_test # build exe unittests driver orund # run main driver orunt # run tests (unittests) driver oclean # clean .o and exe's cleaner # Clean all .o .a and exe's, including googletest ``` ## Closing Comments All tests passed for each implementation: serial, pthread, openmp. I followed the text's implementation of the pthread version using global variables for A, x, M, N. I'm doing the Jacobi 2D OpenMP implementation too, if I have time after that, I will return to pass a struct into the pthread callback function.


