
上传日期:2018-12-14 16:42:49
上 传 者吉祥水
说明:  python编写的二维物质点方法, 可以用于学习。
(Two-dimensional material point method written by Python)

BMPM2D_Python\examples\ (8672, 2018-09-23)
BMPM2D_Python\examples\ (9549, 2018-09-23)
BMPM2D_Python\examples\ (8019, 2018-09-23)
BMPM2D_Python\examples\ (5753, 2018-09-23)
BMPM2D_Python\examples\ (6924, 2018-09-23)
BMPM2D_Python\examples\ (1820, 2018-09-23)
BMPM2D_Python\examples\ (2504, 2018-09-23)
BMPM2D_Python\examples\ (8611, 2018-09-23)
BMPM2D_Python\examples\ (1687, 2018-09-23)
BMPM2D_Python\examples\ (1142, 2018-09-23)
BMPM2D_Python\Manuals\00EndMatter.tex (386, 2018-09-23)
BMPM2D_Python\Manuals\00FrontMatter.tex (1933, 2018-09-23)
BMPM2D_Python\Manuals\00LatexMacros.tex (26496, 2018-09-23)
BMPM2D_Python\Manuals\00LayoutStructure.tex (12541, 2018-09-23)
BMPM2D_Python\Manuals\00Preamble.tex (8694, 2018-09-23)
BMPM2D_Python\Manuals\BMPM2DManual.pdf (1204951, 2018-09-23)
BMPM2D_Python\Manuals\BMPM2DManual.tex (62273, 2018-09-23)
BMPM2D_Python\Manuals\ConvertLaTeX2Wiki\ (49635, 2018-09-23)
BMPM2D_Python\Manuals\ConvertLaTeX2Wiki\ (11559, 2018-09-23)
BMPM2D_Python\Manuals\ConvertLaTeX2Wiki\ (6670, 2018-09-23)
BMPM2D_Python\Manuals\ConvertLaTeX2Wiki\temp.tex (60082, 2018-09-23)
BMPM2D_Python\Manuals\ConvertLaTeX2Wiki\ (58160, 2018-09-23)
BMPM2D_Python\Manuals\Figures\ball_goblet_damage.png (553490, 2018-09-23)
BMPM2D_Python\Manuals\Figures\fourballs_vel.png (160771, 2018-09-23)
BMPM2D_Python\PyEvtk\.hgtags (96, 2018-09-23)
BMPM2D_Python\PyEvtk\.hg_archival.txt (149, 2018-09-23)
BMPM2D_Python\PyEvtk\MANIFEST (252, 2018-09-23)
BMPM2D_Python\PyEvtk\ (2798, 2018-09-23)
BMPM2D_Python\PyEvtk\src\cevtk.pyx (7815, 2018-09-23)
BMPM2D_Python\PyEvtk\src\examples\ (2623, 2018-09-23)
BMPM2D_Python\PyEvtk\src\examples\ (2673, 2018-09-23)
BMPM2D_Python\PyEvtk\src\examples\ (3615, 2018-09-23)
BMPM2D_Python\PyEvtk\src\examples\ (2755, 2018-09-23)
BMPM2D_Python\PyEvtk\src\examples\ (2965, 2018-09-23)
BMPM2D_Python\PyEvtk\src\examples\ (3444, 2018-09-23)
BMPM2D_Python\PyEvtk\src\examples\ (1, 2018-09-23)
BMPM2D_Python\PyEvtk\src\ (12960, 2018-09-23)
BMPM2D_Python\PyEvtk\src\LICENSE (2017, 2018-09-23)
BMPM2D_Python\PyEvtk\src\ (19063, 2018-09-23)
... ...

INTRODUCTION: ============= EVTK (Export VTK) package allows exporting data to binary VTK files for visualization and data analysis with any of the visualization packages that support VTK files, e.g. Paraview, VisIt and Mayavi. EVTK does not depend on any external library (e.g. VTK), so it is easy to install in different systems. The package is composed of a set of Python files and a small C/Cython library that provides performance critical routines. EVTK provides low and high level interfaces. While the low level interface can be used to export data that is stored in any type of container, the high level functions make easy to export data stored in Numpy arrays. INSTALLATION: ============= Go to the source directory and type: python install DOCUMENTATION: ============== This file together with the included examples in the examples directory in the source tree provide enough information to start using the package. DESIGN GUIDELINES: ================== The design of the package considered the following objectives: 1. Self-contained. The package does not require any external library with the exception of Numpy, which is becoming a standard package in many Python installations. 2. Flexibility. It is possible to use EVTK to export data stored in any container and in any of the grid formats supported by VTK by using the low level interface. 3. Easy of use. The high level interface makes very easy to export data stored in Numpy arrays. The high level interface provides functions to export most of the grids supported by VTK: image data, rectilinear and structured grids. It also includes a function to export point sets and associated data that can be used to export results from particle and meshless numerical simulations. 4. Performance. The aim of the package is to be used as a part of post-processing tools. Thus, good performance is important to handle the results of large simulations. To achieve this goal, performance critical routines are implemented as part of a small C extension. REQUIREMENTS: ============= - Numpy. Tested with Numpy 1.5.0. - Cython 0.12. Cython is only required to update the included C file but not to compile the package. The package has been tested on: - MacOSX 10.6 x86-***. - Ubuntu 10.04 x86-*** guest running on VMWare Fusion. DEVELOPER NOTES: ================ It is useful to build and install the package to a temporary location without touching the global python site-packages directory while developing. To do this, while in the root directory, one can type: 1. python build --debug install --prefix=./tmp 2. export PYTHONPATH=./tmp/lib/python2.6/site-packages/:$PYTHONPATH NOTE: you may have to change the Python version depending of the installed version on your system. To test the package one can run some of the examples, e.g.: ./tmp/lib/python2.6/site-packages/examples/ That should create a points.vtu file in the current directory.


