
上传日期:2018-12-27 17:14:14
上 传 者radhii
说明:  yuv player - to play a yuv file

SettingDlg.cpp (15492, 2018-08-07)
SettingDlg.h (1942, 2018-08-07)
YUVPlayer.aps (402564, 2018-08-07)
YUVPlayer.cpp (2371, 2018-08-07)
YUVPlayer.h (559, 2018-08-07)
YUVPlayer.rc (28630, 2018-08-07)
YUVPlayerDlg.cpp (28581, 2018-08-07)
YUVPlayerDlg.h (3495, 2018-08-07)
YuvTransform.cpp (14996, 2018-08-07)
YuvTransform.h (1486, 2018-08-07)
bin (0, 2018-08-07)
bin\YUVPlayer.exe (2332672, 2018-08-07)
debug_note.txt (1209, 2018-08-07)
doc (0, 2018-08-07)
doc\web.txt (46, 2018-08-07)
res (0, 2018-08-07)
res\YUVPlayer.ico (356750, 2018-08-07)
res\YUVPlayer.rc2 (674, 2018-08-07)
res\first.bmp (1482, 2018-08-07)
res\last.bmp (1482, 2018-08-07)
res\next.bmp (1482, 2018-08-07)
res\open.bmp (1482, 2018-08-07)
res\pause.bmp (1482, 2018-08-07)
res\play.bmp (1482, 2018-08-07)
res\prev.bmp (1482, 2018-08-07)
res\save.bmp (1482, 2018-08-07)
res\setting.bmp (1482, 2018-08-07)
res\stop.bmp (1398, 2018-08-07)
resource.h (7164, 2018-08-07)
screenshots (0, 2018-08-07)
screenshots\latelee_pay_small.png (34888, 2018-08-07)
screenshots\yuvplayer_about.png (228283, 2018-08-07)
screenshots\yuvplayer_setting.png (136417, 2018-08-07)
stdafx.cpp (142, 2018-08-07)
stdafx.h (1739, 2018-08-07)
targetver.h (234, 2018-08-07)
vs2010 (0, 2018-08-07)
... ...

# YUV Player -- A YUV player based on MFC [![GitHub stars](https://img.shields.io/github/stars/latelee/YUVPlayer.svg)](https://github.com/latelee/YUVPlayer)[![GitHub forks](https://img.shields.io/github/forks/latelee/YUVPlayer.svg)](https://github.com/latelee/YUVPlayer) Stargazers over time [![Stargazers over time](https://starcharts.herokuapp.com/latelee/YUVPlayer.svg)](https://starcharts.herokuapp.com/latelee/YUVPlayer) ## Project VS2010 MFC project, ref YUV Player Deluxe. ## Project Feature * support different YUV format. * support common resolution, support custom width&height, and can add to the system. * support different rate, loop play. * support play frame by frame, jump to first frame and last frame. * window scale. * support save to yuv file and bmp file. * support yuv format: * y, ie: YUV400. * YUV420 planar, ie: YUV420(I420), YV12. * YUV422 planar, ie: YUV422(I422), YV16. * YUV444 planar, ie: YUV444. * YUV422 interleaved, ie: YUY2(YUYV), YVYU, UYVY, VYUY. * YUV420 semi-planar, ie: NV12(YUV420SP), NV21. * YUV420 semi-planar, ie: NV16(YUV422SP), NV61. * RGB24, BGR24. ## Usage Click menu File->Open option, or drag file to the main window,
## Window view Setting window:
![Setting](https://github.com/latelee/YUVPlayer/blob/master/screenshots/yuvplayer_setting.png) About windows:
![About](https://github.com/latelee/YUVPlayer/blob/master/screenshots/yuvplayer_about.png) ## Changelog The binary file will locate in release directory.
* v1.0 first version, can play different yuv format.
* v2.0 impletement basic function for a player.
* v4.0 save parameter(Setting->Apply or OK). * v4.1 fix some bug. * v4.2 add play and save for rgb(24 bit) file ## Testing Only test under Windows 7 ***bit OS, and may run on other Windows OS.
## Some bug Not found yet. ## Protocol * Copyright [CST studio Late Lee](http://www.latelee.org) * Total code is BSP. * You can use the code for study, and commercial purposes, but give no guarantee. ## TODOs * split yuv file for Y, U, V. * support different yuv format transformation. ## Author CST studio Late Lee
[CST studio](http://www.latelee.org)
Donate the author
![Donate](https://github.com/latelee/YUVPlayer/blob/master/screenshots/latelee_pay_small.png) # YUV Player -- 基于MFC界面的YUV播放器 ## 工程说明 VS2010 MFC工程,界面参考YUV Player Deluxe风格。 ## 功能 * 可播放各种格式的YUV文件。 * 默认预留常见分辨率,同时支持自定义高宽,可添加至系统。 * 支持不同帧率播放,支持循环播放。 * 支持前后逐帧跳转;支持跳转首帧、尾帧。 * 支持窗口缩放。 * 支持保存YUV文件或BMP图片文件。 * 自动解析文件名,得到分辨率、YUV格式。 * 目前支持格式有: * Y亮度分量:即YUV400; * YUV420平面格式:YUV420(I420);YV12; * YYUV422平面格式:YUV422(I422);YV16; * YUV444格式:YUV444; * YUV422交织格式:YUY2(YUYV);YVYU;UYVY;VYUY; * YUV420半平面格式:NV12(YUV420SP);NV21; * YUV422半平面格式:NV16(YUV422SP);NV61; * RGB24、BGR24格式 ## 用法 右键Open选项;菜单File->Open选项;直接拖曳文件播放器界面。 ## 界面 参数设置界面:
![Setting](https://github.com/latelee/YUVPlayer/blob/master/screenshots/yuvplayer_setting.png) 关于界面:
![About](https://github.com/latelee/YUVPlayer/blob/master/screenshots/yuvplayer_about.png) ## 版本变更 编译好的工具位于release目录中。
* v1.0 临时版本,支持各类格式的播放,可用版本,初具雏形。 * v2.0 具备播放器基本功能。未添加参数保存功能。 * v4.0 具备播放器基本功能。具备参数保存功能(在Setting界面点击Apply或OK才可生效),支持添加自定义分辨率。 * v4.1 bug fix。 * v4.2 添加rgb(24位)文件播放、保存功能。 ## 测试 本工具仅在Windows 7 ***bit操作系统中运行测试通过。但理论上应该可以在其它Windows系列系统上运行。
## 可能潜在问题 暂无发现。 ## 协议 * 版权所有 [迟思堂工作室 李迟](http://www.latelee.org) * 本工程源码使用协议:BSP。 * 本软件可用于包括但不限于学习、研究、商业,但随之而来的成果/后果与软件作者无关。 ## 待完善功能 * 添加YUV分量分离功能。 * 多种YUV格式相互转换功能。 ## 作者 思堂工作室 李迟


